New Doom3 preview. HL2 superior?

wow, looks like they are tyring to play it smart.. and implement physics as well
i saw the e3 movie for DOOM3, and i must say i was pretty amased!!! those character animations in doom3 look a lot better to me than half-life's.. but i think the gameplay will be much better in HL2, because its not just run and shoot like doom3 seems to be..
I wonder who they got that idea from? *sigh*

Edit: that article is bullshit. Physics were always part of the plan for D3. Just look at the ragdolling and other stuff in the E3 2002 demo.
In the E3 demo of Doom 3 you could play around with objects... with "real" physics.
Yea, really. They had ragdoll and box physics WAY before HL-2 was announced.
i think we all have a good reason to be HL2 fanboys...the reason is HL2 :p

for the rest i think D3 wont be as good as HL2...quie sure, and i dont see any reason to get all hyped over D3...i mean what have they showed us? Piled up bodys...unbelievable gfx...well ye that should do it..heard Fifa 2004 is gonna be great to :'(
Originally posted by Grimsrud
In the E3 demo of Doom 3 you could play around with objects... with "real" physics.

The E3 demo of doom has particularly horrible physics in this regard. If you shoot a box it seems to 'store' all of the energy and shoot around the room at 600mph bouncing off of 5 different walls , thats not realy phsyics. If they do implement a full physics system I think I know why they were ,convinced, to do such a thing. Even if they do it wont be half as fun as HL2
Doom3 has similar solid-model physics and rag-doll effects that HL2 has. It had them long before HL2 was announced. I don't see where the author gets this idea of playing "catch-up"

Originally posted by DimitriPopov
The E3 demo of doom has particularly horrible physics in this regard. If you shoot a box it seems to 'store' all of the energy and shoot around the room at 600mph bouncing off of 5 different walls , thats not realy phsyics. If they do implement a full physics system I think I know why they were ,convinced, to do such a thing. Even if they do it wont be half as fun as HL2

*Fanboy alert, Fanboy alert*
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Even if they do it wont be half as fun as HL2

Wow! Are you from the future?!? :bounce:

You've played both and HL2 is more fun?
Originally posted by Majestic XII
*Fanboy alert, Fanboy alert*

well atleast its a post post that tells the truth...and a diverted one made by someone who wants do be interesting by saying D3 is gonna pwn....on a HL2 forum :(
Originally posted by Dsty2001
I wonder who they got that idea from? *sigh*

Like Half life 2 was the first game with physics ... :dork:
Originally posted by Majestic XII
*Fanboy alert, Fanboy alert*

Hey I never said I wouldnt buy Doom3 , It just doesnt excite me and certainly doesnt look like the better game. Each is a different atmosphere so comparing graphics toe to toe doesnt exactally work.

But youre right I visit because I tend to like Doom3 , got me there friend! (no animosity here btw , I just tend to overuse sarcasm lol)
Originally posted by Diablo2k
Like Half life 2 was the first game with physics ... :dork:

Of course not but its the only REAL competition to Doom3 , therefore the inspiration for ID to play catchup a bit.

It was just that your post and sign match so good kinda overloaded my fanboy alerter..
lol np , That quote is from an old thread , seemed remarkably insightful to mel ol. Its from back when the D3vsHL2 was at its height.

One thing Im happy D3 lost out on: Release date.

Personally I think release date may well be the deciding factor here. HL2 will be out and patching up by the time D3 releases. D3 will be compared to HL2 not vice versa , a defenite advantage for HL2
if ID doesent pull stop shaking in their boots over their competition theyre going to get blown away.
I think its kinda lame to put 2 games agenst each other if the games not even out yet.

Just wait and see...
The E3 demo of doom has particularly horrible physics in this regard. If you shoot a box it seems to 'store' all of the energy and shoot around the room at 600mph bouncing off of 5 different walls , thats not realy phsyics.
Hey! Maybe that's a bug!! It's an alpha E3 only demo!
they both look awesome but i'm only going to buy 1 of them. half-life2 cause of it's story, not cause it's meant to fvck u up for the rest of ur life so u must sit in a croner, in a feedle position and moan, "they don't exist, they don't exist, they don't exist" really fast and the rest of ur life, ie: Doom3. NOTE:^^^^^^ not gonna happen but u get the point of my post. plus, like said b4, hl2 will be out first
regardless of whether you think the article is accurate about Id playing physics catchup, I think the gist of the article was right on:

When we all saw D3 a year ago we were floored. Nothing was close to the graphics, and that was the first ragdoll death that I personally ever saw. If D3 had come out last year or earlier this year, it would have been alone in the field. But the truth is that Id continues to dance around a release date (they don't sound done in the article).
But now HL2 is on the scene, showing graphics almost equal to D3 and physics and AI that are superior. (please don't argue with me on that...carmack even said at one point that he doesn't care about AI, he just wants to scare the shit out of you). Now, suddenly faced with competition, Id may be losing confidance in D3's ability to outshine the rest of the field.
What? Doom III requires a super computer to play, and they didnt even have full physics yet?? OMG HL2 LOD technology all the way!!!
Originally posted by Adam
What? Doom III requires a super computer to play, and they didnt even have full physics yet?? OMG HL2 LOD technology all the way!!!

LOD is old...
If in doom III, a monster throws something at you , its a scripted sequence. In halflife2, it's not, it's part of the AI. That's the big difference between HL2 and Doom 3. And when you add the tremendmous physics of halflife2 to it, you have an game wich you cannot compare to doom 3, because halflife2 is of an higher level.

And i bet that ID software has delayed their game to 2004 because of halflife, they knew they couldn't match it , so now they are trying to get some lousy ass physics into it as well lol.
At least something in that area :)

(however, doom III is gonna be a good game :p)
Originally posted by Arby
Doom3 has similar solid-model physics and rag-doll effects that HL2 has. It had them long before HL2 was announced. I don't see where the author gets this idea of playing "catch-up"


Long before HL2 was announced? What, you think that because Half-Life 2 wasn't announced, they weren't working on it? Right...
HITMAN had physics!!! now that was a sweet game
Originally posted by Dagobert

Edit: that article is bullshit. Physics were always part of the plan for D3. Just look at the ragdolling and other stuff in the E3 2002 demo.

Err no. Actually John Carmack(Either updated his .plan, or it was a community message). Stating that Doom 3 _NEVER_ had intended to simulate psychical enviroments.
Originally posted by Dagobert

Edit: that article is bullshit. Physics were always part of the plan for D3. Just look at the ragdolling and other stuff in the E3 2002 demo.

Just to put something in in perspective: (and to expand on ^^) Carmack initially nixed the ragdoll physics and shootable environment because he thought it was just a gimmick no one cared about. When it turned out people did, he was surprised.

Carmack may be the best graphics engine writer ever, but he's a little short in the gameplay imagination department.
Doom3 has similar solid-model physics and rag-doll effects that HL2 has. It had them long before HL2 was announced.

According to Carmack, however, it was fairly simplistic: for limited graphical wow only, and even then it was a grudging addition. It now seems like they are trying to integrate physics into the gameplay, which HL2 has a big lead on (they've been experimenting with this for years, finding out what works, what's fun, etc. and working it into their game concept from the start). Worse, Doom3's unified lighting system means that any physics interactions come with considerably more overhead, meaning that they'll have to be used much more sparingly.
You know i don't think i will ever understand te logic behind making threads like this.

I have a few things to say though.

Who cares if someone is a fanboy? Thats their choice and it really wont affect you in anyway. You cant really complain about it either, since this is a Hl2 website.

Doom III looks very nice, i really want to get it after looking at some of the movies and screenshots. However, Hl2 is at the top of my list still. Doom III wasn't really made to be as much of a re-playable game as Hl2, they are just showing off the engine so they can license it out. That doesn't make it a worse game, it just means its likely that Hl2 will have a deeper story and more re-playability. I also think that the game engine of halflife will have the same feel that the first one did. There was something about it that was so right. When i got Quake 3, it was fun but it didn't feel as good, even mods and stuff just weren't the same as Halflife. Of course i don't know all of this as i don't have either game, its just what it think.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Long before HL2 was announced? What, you think that because Half-Life 2 wasn't announced, they weren't working on it? Right...

They can't copy something they haven't seen or heard about....
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Long before HL2 was announced? What, you think that because Half-Life 2 wasn't announced, they weren't working on it? Right...

I think he's just saying that it's not in response to Valve having this cool stuff.

Believe it or not, but two different game studios could develop these technologies simultaneously and not have it be in response to the other.

This thread is getting ridiculous!
You know, Doom III does not look scary to me at all. When I look at it, all I see is a bunch of plastic action figures with a very very shiny paint on them. The textures on the models and walls have no fine level of detail. Its all... well plastic. Also, the scene where the monsters break the door, that has to be the most unrealistic looking bending of metal doors. First, look at the thickness of those doors, and the muscle mass of the monster. Does that really look at all possible? Second, look at how the door bends, since when does metal bend uniformly like that? Only thin metal bends in straight lines. Oh well, Doom III looks pretty to me, but I don't like scary games to be pretty, I like them to be scary.
Doom3 had physics etc.... Yes . But because certain things like physics etc... appear to be superior in Half-life2, Id software got scared and have decided to go back and redo Doom3 so that it can top Half-Life2.

See what the competition does well and try and copy it and make it better than the competition. That is what is happening here :cheese:
What games besides HL2 (and STALKER?) have actual physics systems. HL2 is the only place I've seen actual rotational momentum. Limited physics (No rotation for example) are present in many games. However, the HAVOK sub-engine takes things to a whole new level.

EDIT: The preview from first post isn't working for me. Anyway have the content.