New Dragon Age article/screens

surprised i havent heard of this before, seeing as how its a Bioware title
looks really cool though
I've heard about this about 2 years ago..first time I've seen a actual screen shot.
This is my most wanted game at the moment - looks superb.
It's kinda sad there's only two origin stories per species. I mean, they've been done before in regular RPGs and with far more. Still, it's better than Evercrap or wow (in lowercase on purpose).
Ah, this is Bioware's original title. I'm looking forward to what they can do with their own universe after the awesome they pulled off in D&D, SW, etc.
Looks pretty good, sadly, never heard of it. First thing I thought was "Dragon Quest" though.
Nice. I'd heard of this but never read anything about it.

But damn, this and Mass Effect. <3 Bioware =^^=
This will be amazing. PC-only being the main thing about it. It won't be messed up like some Xbox ports.
This will be amazing. PC-only being the main thing about it. It won't be messed up like some Xbox ports.
Bioware ports are generally pretty quality though. You know that since they always take 3 years to make after being released on the original platform ^_^

Still, nice to see they're still giving their PC followers some good RPG lovin.
I can't believe you guys have never heard of this one!! It was on the cover of the first Games for Windows mag and everything too! It looks tremendously awesome and I really hope they can achieve their lofty vision for this title. Easily one of my most-wanted titles....
Bioware is making a MMO ..I'm slightly more excited about that than dragon age just seems a little like NWN2 ..but I'm on a rpg kick so I'll probably get it
Bioware is making a MMO ..I'm slightly more excited about that than dragon age just seems a little like NWN2 ..but I'm on a rpg kick so I'll probably get it

I'm not exactly sure that's a valid comparison, given that we don't know much about the game's story (aside that it is inspired by George RR Martin) nor the combat system, nor the art direction. But...maybe I'm missing something, or fail to remember key elements atm.

Anyhoo, I'll reserve preliminary judgement until I read several "hands-on" previews. There seems to be a strong emphasis on story and characters, that makes it hard for me to resist.

As far as the NWN/DA comparison goes, I'll bet my life savings that DA will be far more technically stable the NWN 2 was. Of course, Bioware would have to try pretty hard to fall into that pit given their penchant for high quality work.