New enemy ideas

i want a synth that can bring hunters back to life... and is also really badass, like the archvile from doom2
Hooray I made this thread when the Ep3 section appeared and it's still going...

Anywho, I am willing to bet any amount of money we will see Aperture turrets in Ep3.
I remember a while ago I seen in some topic about Synths there were "Zombie Striders" mentioned somewhere.

That would be badass.
it makes sense that there would be a lot of new combine in ep 3 cuz the combine are starting to lose their grip on earth so they would try to secure it. i'd like to see the crab synth and the mortar synth in action as well as a lot of other new synths since this could be the last of the combine in a half-life game that we see. it'd be cool if the combine finally made the human synth from the concept art(or another design of it) and we got to fight it. i'd also like to see the combine assassins and the crematers come to kick Gordon's patutty and then we get to kick their patutties in stead. the AI of the combine overwatch should also be increased to improve their teamwork and allow them to take cover behind objects. i would definitely love to fight some combine advisors. though i think it'd be cool if the advisors we've seen are only the larva stage-which is why they look like grubs-and thats why they were staying in their combat pods while they went through their metamorphis (until gordon came along and "told" them otherwise). if so, we could get to see what they look like after and fight it (we could get to fight pre-metamorphises and post-metamorphisis advisors)
on the other hand, i would also like to see some new xen creatures as well. the old ones were cool but theyr starting to get old, boring, and grody. and despite what a lot of people have said on this forum, i like fighting antlions--its ok, u can all hate me now, i dont care-- and i would love to see that they can survive in the cold or have adapted to the cold. i'd like to get into more antlion holes and finally get to fight the giant ant king Valve was originally going to make. but there shouldnt be a ton of areas like before where if u touch the ground antlions comes out (maybe just a few areas).
again, u might hate me for this, but i liked the we dont go to ravenholm chapter and i thought the headcrab missiles were a good idea and made sense. but i didnt like how the zombies only had one, homer simpson like, outfit. there should be multiple outfits like they did in l4d. and i also think the game could do without so many random places with the zombies. maybe just some in the borealis (though the boat shouldnt be completely overun by them) or in some sewers (even though there probably arent sewers in the arctic). we should also get to see the missile launchers the combine use.
i would definately like to see the return of the gargs, alien grunts, and maybe even the alien controllers. i always kinda thought of the vortigaunts, alien grunts, alien controllers, gargs, and the Nihilanth to be the same species (and just so no one questions me about how they're different its like the different kinds of antlions). although if this is the case i think it would be much more fun to fight a garg than to team up with it, despite how fun the latter sounds.
[QUi always kinda thought of the vortigaunts, alien grunts, alien controllers, gargs, and the Nihilanth to be the same species (and just so no one questions me about how they're different its like the different kinds of antlions).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they all have the arm on their belly and look similar. like social insects with worker, fighter, etc castes in the same species.
it could have an attack where it gets low to the ground and tries to claw you with its headcrab legs
we should get something with either a flame thrower or some sort of sonic weapon to take advantage of the arctic terrain.
I know of enemies. The Mortar Synth, Crab Synth, Robot Spider with a Soldier inside called the Webly, Zombine Torso, Wasteland Scanner, Defender Scanner (a regular city scanner that shoots laser like a strider), Combine Super Soldier (a synth soldier seen in beta), Combine Assassin, and Combine Guard, Combine Commander (combine prison guards with either ar2 with energy balls, or SMGs with launcher), Combine Ranger (combine soldier with a metrocop color suit with an RPG for a weapon), Rebel-modled zombie (and torso), Combine Citizen (seen in the Combine Homeworld, if it's going to be in there).

Old Enemies seen in here:

Combine Soldier, Combine Elite, Hunter, Combine Advisor, Headcrab, Fast Headcrab, Poison Headcrab, Zombie, Zombie Torso, Fast Zombie, Fast Zombie Torso, Zombine, Barnacle, Antlion, Antlion Guard, Combine APC, Strider, Dropship, Gunship, Hopper Mine, Rollermine, Antlion Worker, City Scanner, Manhack, Shield Scanner, Turret, Ceiling Turret, Combine Camera, Helicopter, Metrocop (the ones that escaped from City 17), Stalker (in combat), Combine Sniper, Combine Shotgunner, Ground Turret.

Main Locations:

White Forest, Artic Woods, The Borealis, Combine Homeword.

Old Charaters:

Gordon Freeman, Alyx, Eli (dead), Dog, Dr. Kleiner, Dr. Magnusson (and his vortigaunt), Vortigaunt, Citizen (refugee), Citizen (rebel), Citizen (medic), Barney, Dr. Mossman, Odessa Cubbage (N.L.O. got destroyed and he was a surviver so he went to the Borealis two days after Nova Prospekt blew up).

New Charaters:

Emily Vance (alyx's couson who is a ninja), Captain Vance (emily's dad/alyx's uncle), Michelle (the rebel model, the girl with the fat cheeks and squinty eyes, you know what i'm saying?).

New Vehicals:

Speedboat, Combine APC.

Old Weapons:

Gravity Gun, Crowbar, Pistol, SMG, Shotgun, .357 Magnum, Combine Assault Rifle, Crossbow, Grenade, RPG.

New Weapons:

Super Bugbait (controls Antlions, Workers, and Guards), Tau Cannon.
I forgot a old charater: GLaDOS, which is the Combine Dispatcher (the voice you've been hearing during your half-life 2 journey), she is your final boss.
I would love new and creative enemies both combine, synths, and xen. But what I really want is to see MAJOR improvements in current Enemy A.I, Tactics, behavior, and animations. and maybe some new abilities. I will post new enemy ideas as then come to me.
Yeah, otherwise 3 rockets will kill her. I don't think GLaDOS will come back, though. It wouldn't make much sense. Maybe as AI/disk operating system, but not as a Genetic Life Form.
There were two seperate concepts originally for HL2; The Alien Assassin, which was ultimately replaced by the fast zombie, and the active-camoflauged combine human.

I reckon those two should be merged so that you have a formidable assassin that is near enough invisible
There were two seperate concepts originally for HL2; The Alien Assassin, which was ultimately replaced by the fast zombie, and the active-camoflauged combine human.

I reckon those two should be merged so that you have a formidable assassin that is near enough invisible

Only if you get paint cans to throw at them.
A combine sniper. Yes, now you're saying that there's already a sniper but you're wrong.
The "sniper" in HL2 doesn't use a rifle. O no, he's content with firing a laser out of his crotch that'll kill you but no sign of any rifle.

This doesn't qualify as a "new" enemy per se, nor it will affect the story mode of the game all that much but dammit, it's really depressing to use snipers in source sdk knowing that you can't set up a scene(in custom maps) where you cross a plaza evading sniper fire, infiltrate the building he's in and battle with him man to man inside his hidey hole, because it'd look really stupid what with Doofus McCrotchlaser standing there like a jackass unloading his laser-guided oneshot peniscannon to you while you're failing to decide whether to laugh your ass off or cry at the staggering stupidity of the scene.

So the sniper should get a rifle and be made to function like other combine, if need be.
You know what'll be cool? Deployable combine machine guns and sniper depots.
Better AI and squad tactics for the Combine soldiers. Pack mentality with the Hunters. and something that likes to live in cold places. :)
Better AI and squad tactics for the Combine soldiers. Pack mentality with the Hunters.
In fact, instead of getting a bunch of new monsters and synths, what if we got updated versions of all of the ones that we already have? I personally think that there could be all sorts of improvements made... In the very least, we should get some model variations a-la the citizens for the headcrab zombies; I mean how hard can it be to at least vary the colour of their shirts?

On a related note, what about female headcrab zombies? How come we've never encountered one of them before?

Really, I think that this far into the episodes, Valve should be trying to flesh out what they already have, rather than trying to expand and end up spreading themselves thin.
Gmans twin brother Hman. No one knows Hmans real Identity but I'll let you all in on it... (HE MAN)... shhh. In the game we will try to talk to Hman and persuad him to interogate Gman for all the information that hes hiding from us... Ingenious plan Ehh?
Better AI and squad tactics for the Combine soldiers. Pack mentality with the Hunters. and something that likes to live in cold places. :)

Considering the bullsquid is an amphibian, I think he may be well suited
Stalker zombie. ;o

You were talking about Zombines with ranged weapons. It would be a good idea in one way.
When the zombine spots you, it starts shooting to all directions like mad, but still trying to hit you.
That could be easy to kill, but if it hits you, it really hurts. If it runs out of ammo, it tries the suicide grenade tactic. :3
Stalker zombie. ;o

You were talking about Zombines with ranged weapons. It would be a good idea in one way.
When the zombine spots you, it starts shooting to all directions like mad, but still trying to hit you.
That could be easy to kill, but if it hits you, it really hurts. If it runs out of ammo, it tries the suicide grenade tactic. :3

That's a terrible , terrible idea. Logically I doubt stalkers can even be turned into zombies due to all the lobotomy they receive and on top of that stalkers don't even carry nades.
Since their gonna be in some snow place, like Valve said, probably some ice bear. Or some big ice giant or something. I'm sure there's gonna be a snow boss, tho. :)
3 Combine riding on a Tyrannosaurus Rex while drunk on Moonshine and wielding Model 29s. It could happen, dammit. Or an Abominable snowman, maybe some kind of freezy headcrab thingie (a headcrab with a paralysis toxin, like the black headcrabs?) to fit with the snow theme.