New enemy ideas

zombetis! "zombie yetis, get it? zombetis... ehh... nevermind."
I would love to see the return of Bullsquids & Houndeyes along with an Ichthyosaur we can actually battle.
I really want to see the snarks come back, but I doubt they would. Snarks were so awesome!
I think there's some Snark code in the Source SDK. One can hope.
I think there's some Snark code in the Source SDK. One can hope.

Maybe you mean the brickbat (sp?). It was sort of like the ability to pick up stuff with the "e" key in the full game except more limited , although it did have the ability to pick up Molotov cocktails and headcrabs to be used in a similar fashion to snarks.
In fact, instead of getting a bunch of new monsters and synths, what if we got updated versions of all of the ones that we already have? I personally think that there could be all sorts of improvements made... In the very least, we should get some model variations a-la the citizens for the headcrab zombies; I mean how hard can it be to at least vary the colour of their shirts?

On a related note, what about female headcrab zombies? How come we've never encountered one of them before?

Really, I think that this far into the episodes, Valve should be trying to flesh out what they already have, rather than trying to expand and end up spreading themselves thin.

This is so very true. Valve's been downright lazy with the rebels and zombies. No metrocop zombie, no elite zombie heheh, elite zombie
I think valve did an amazing job in improving the combine soldiers in ep2. They feel a lot more aggressive and mobile. (they also seem to do more damage... maybe they are just more accurate)

It would be cool if they improved them even more, maybe add a few new tricks for the hunters too. Anyway one or more new type of foe would be cool
Maybe you mean the brickbat (sp?). It was sort of like the ability to pick up stuff with the "e" key in the full game except more limited , although it did have the ability to pick up Molotov cocktails and headcrabs to be used in a similar fashion to snarks.

No, check out npc_blob.cpp
It was featured in the particle benchmark. I'm not sure exactly how snarky it is, but it can use the snark model or the headcrab model.
How about some Aperture based things? Turrets, cannons, security devices built for protecting the Borealis? I mean, from what we saw in Portal, Aperture Science was all about the mecha's and the machines. Besides Dog and the scanners etc, HL2 has been seriously deprived when it comes to awesome robotic creatures. Too many living things I say, even the dead things are alive!

Note, I was watching The Mind of Gordon Freeman, which is pretty much the only way I've seen HL1 being played, and those giant shipment moving robots at the beginning? Those could be an awesome base to build an enemy from, I'd think. Also, as someone mentioned way earlier, what about those Aperture Science androids that were mentioned in Portal?
Good point - whatever happened to those Military Androids GLaDOS talked about?
What about a zombie that looks suspiciously like what used to be the heavy from TF2? Could be a nice easter egg.

Or what about Vortugaunt zombies?
Sentry Turrets are used within Aperture Science Laboratories to test Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device-wielding test subjects and military androids.
You're reading it the wrong way.
What about a zombie that looks suspiciously like what used to be the heavy from TF2? Could be a nice easter egg.

Or what about Vortugaunt zombies?

And as a bonus, when you play its soundfile backwards it sounds like "Need a dispenser here"
Bullsquids and houndeyes, they deserve a honorable comeback. After all, they're part of Xen's wildlife which migrated to Earth during the first portal storms. And headcrabed vortigaunts, imagine how awesome that would be, that zombified vorti chasing you with his vortescence powers, trying to eletrocute you and all.....
Perhaps this is one of their new zombies? The skin is Blue indicating North/Cold environment? Is this real by the way? Found it on google...

Just concept art for the original zombies, I think.

I had a dream about Episode 3 once. The new enemy in my dream was rather like a Hunter, but more bulky, bulbous, and cream-coloured like a gunship; one of its attacks was a great barrelling leap towards you that was pretty much deadly. But if you could position yourself in front of something solid enough, tempt the beast into a leap, and then move out of the way, it would knock a lot of health off itself when it missed you.
That's a really creepy picture...

Zombified Vortigaunts would probably make me laugh
I would actually think that a Vort Zombie could potentially be a formidable enemy (depending on their AI, if they would use their electrobolt randomly like how the Zombines use grenades retardedly).
But yeah, I'd probably crack up a bit too if I saw one.
I would actually think that a Vort Zombie could potentially be a formidable enemy (depending on their AI, if they would use their electrobolt randomly like how the Zombines use grenades retardedly).
Not a bad enemy concept, could be amazing when animated. The Vortiguant, hunched forward, becomes a backward leaning shuffling zombie type, that randomly shoots (slightly less deadly) arcs of lightning around. Perhaps once weakened, they curl forward and do the Vort-Hadouken move from Episode Two and die in the process.
Just some sort of Xen fauna that only lives in the arctic... a Xeti.
Vort zombies could have electric claws instead of shooting electricity.
Interesting as an effect, but I think close-combat zombies have kind of been done...