New enemy ideas

Unless the vort zombie could fire electro-bolts, then you could have a zombie with a long-range attack; we haven't really seen that since Opposing Force.
A great opponent would be a sandwork thing, but in snow. You could see it move under the snow, because the snow would fly up, but it would be fast so once you see it its too late....
Unless the vort zombie could fire electro-bolts, then you could have a zombie with a long-range attack; we haven't really seen that since Opposing Force.
****ing hated Gonomes. Throwing their toxic rotted gobs of gore at me.
I had this idea for a synth a long time ago.

Imagine a planet that was near-barren. The ground is dry and cracked, no flora grows there, so the bottom feeders on the planet siphon nutrients out of minerals. The two main predators on this world have adapted to spot and quickly grab these lower lifeforms.

The first is an aerial beast. Large, leathery wings, keen eyesight, able to swoop down and snatch up any prey with its single, claw-limbed leg. It dives, grabs its meal, then takes off and devours it in the sky where other predators can't try to nab a piece of the kill.

The second dominant predator is a land animal--a 4ft. tall, two-legged beast with a stocky body; a wide, flat tail for balance; and a head which is little more than jaws and a thick forehead. Its eyes are located on the side of its head, and though it's got a real hard time seeing in front of it, it's vision is super sharp. It can turn a circle and scan wide around it, and once it spots even a hint of prey it can charge faster than you'd think a beast that size could move, and trap it in its jaws. The thick forehead is used for smashing other predators or even as a sort of spade for getting into crevices in the dry land to root around for food.

So, the Combine get to this world and there's nothing there but these lower lifeforms. They capture a couple of the predators, eradicate whatever else is on the planet and mine it for resources.

The entire back section of the flier becomes a booster. Its eyes are replaced by a single optic band that can see forward and at its flanks. The beak is converted into a rapidfire machinegun that's smaller and less powerful than the gunship's, and cannot turn. The clawed foot on its single leg is turned upward and modified into something more like a giant hook.

Little change is made to the ground creature. The forehead plate is widened and more heavily armored, impervious to fire. The eyes are on rotating stalks. The most notable mod is that a loop has been grown out of its back.


The fliers grip the loop of the runners with their leg and fly them into battle. They drop the creature, which then lands and charges down its enemies trying to either smash them to death with its forehead or rip them apart with its massive jaws.

Meanwhile, the flying creature overhead dives and shoots.

Because of the way they're designed they both attack straight on, but have to turn in wide, arcing movements to attack again. The charging beast can't be hit in the head from the front (although the limbs are still unprotected), and although the flier can be shot you don't really want to be in front of its machinegun. But neither of them can attack when they aren't facing directly at you, so you can play bullfighter with the charger and sidestep it, then while it's turning attack its exposed flanks and back; the same goes with the flier. And though it sounds like a simple strategy you have to remember that both of these things are coming at you at the same time, and not always in sync (the time it takes for each one to turn and attack will be different).

We've never had an enemy or group of enemies attack us simultaneously from the ground and the sky before.

Although if you're really lucky you can put a crossbow bolt in the flier's head while it's still carrying the runner, and they'll both plummet and die. Or a rocket might do the trick.

I thought these guys up around Episode One's release though so I don't know how well they might be used in the snow. Depending on how fast you can move with all that thick snow encumbering might be screwed against something like this.
MUTATED ELI.... yes....yes, that sounds good. It fits in with storyline. The combine steal his body use him to lure Alyx and then Eli attacks Alyx! Z0mg its the perfect idea!
Episode 3 will have a snowy setting, correct. And where there is snow, there is also...
I'd like to see a new scanner-type enemy. They have some potential. Maybe they could be spotters for a more powerful enemy or have some stronger offensive abilities of their own.
For me any scanner with a weapon would just be too incredibly annoying. Much like the Alien Controllers in HL1. Too damn hard to hit, and more irritating than fun. I can pick them off no problem, if I could just get a damn shot on them. They're just annoying because if you're trying to do something else that's when their bolts actually hit you. I think scanners are used best like they are, a minor annoyance to distract the player momentarily. There's no need to let them do damage and cause raging amongst gamers.
Yeah, scanners with guns would be very annoying.

I personally want the houndeyes and tentacles back. Bullsquids can go cry in a corner.
They'll eat scientist testicles in a corner.

If you've played hl1 enough you'll get it.
I'd like to see some more of the Half-Life 1 enemies re designed.

They'll eat scientist testicles in a corner.

If you've played hl1 enough you'll get it.

Yeah I get it, in Blast Pit right?

I'd like to see a new scanner-type enemy. They have some potential. Maybe they could be spotters for a more powerful enemy or have some stronger offensive abilities of their own.

Manhacks anybody?
Cremators and gargs should warm things up a bit in the cold climate
Yeah, scanners with guns would be very annoying.

I personally want the houndeyes and tentacles back. Bullsquids can go cry in a corner.



There should be a seperate thread for enemies from old games that should return. There are not as many NEW enemy ideas as there should be.
Combine Shield Soldier

A shield-wielding combine soldier, looks like a normal soldier but with green eyes and a reinforced shield in one hand and a pistol/smg in the other. They would be introduced around halfway into the game.

Combine Flamethrower Soldier

A large flamethrower-wielding soldier, looks like a normal soldier but with heavy shoulder plates and green eyes, he wields a massive scary flamethrower, originally used for melting the ice around new combine outposts/bases but now adapted for combat use. He walks around very slowly toasting anyting that moves and is usually accompanied by standard combine soldiers. They would also be introduced halfway in.
something like a fallout-3 (but uniquely HL2-ish) radscorpion -- akin to a normal scorpion but with a headcrab on it. and about four times the size. maybe?
Zombie Polar Bear...

Hmm... better still, Zombie Polar Bear Combine Cavalry with Strider Legs :D

Perhaps I am getting a little carried away...
Will the rebels and combine soldiers be able to scale fences like the zombies in L4D2, I would like to see this.

Perhaps I am getting a little carried away...

Dr Strangelove Avatar = Perfectly Acceptable :)
maybe hmm spy combine hehehe
this enemy can disguise as a rebel/ally/alien
and they come in 2 types:Normal Type
and Assasin type
the assasin type can slash u for 30dmg(without energy)
and also has quite high hp XD
I had just been reading up on the Combine OverWiki and spotted this article about the Particle Storm

If the Tentacle or the Hydra is not included in Ep3, then I would really love this included as, besides the Advisor (Which we have yet to see die by our hands) we haven't had an enemy that we haven't been able to kill yet. Perhaps running is the only option.

In the speech mentioned above, Eli also talks about how he has seen a Particle Storm tear gunboats, filled with soldiers, to bits, and believes that, contrary to some stating it is a mere "electrical disturbance", Particle Storms are somehow intelligent. He wishes the Resistance could communicate with it so that it could join their side as a "powerful ally". This indicates that it is not a Combine creation, but rather a wild "creature", sentient and powerful enough to destroy gunboats, kill living beings and simply cut off a leg, as mentioned above, possibly acting like a black hole.
Adult MALE headcrab that should be huge but not that huge and should spit weird toxic waste.
Actually, why don't they add some of the beta monsters into EP3? Snow Panther eye, icy Skutabat and snow Chum toad would be awesome!

I can also see a snow Garg with icy flame appearing in this....
Actually, why don't they add some of the beta monsters into EP3? Snow Panther eye, icy Skutabat and snow Chum toad would be awesome!

I can also see a snow Garg with icy flame appearing in this....

A lickable Chum Toad with hallucinogenic properties that would send Gordon on a trip and do mind-blowing shit
A new vehicle... Snow Mobiles anyone?

Like Modern Warfare 2, but better.
I think they should make the environment an enemy. What I basically mean is that I would like to have more interaction between Gordon & friends and the hostile environment. I don't want the game to just have a sort of a scenery.
I think they should make the environment an enemy. What I basically mean is that I would like to have more interaction between Gordon & friends and the hostile environment. I don't want the game to just have a sort of a scenery.

Trees attack you, plants try to eat you and water tries to strangle you. Is that what you mean?
Perhaps you mean such things as rockslides and things like that?