New EP1 Article - SPOILERS

Nice find. It was posted yesterday on gameinformer, and I didn't see it here yesterday.
if you dont want to be super spoiled(actually it just proovs some things), then dont look.
Check part 3 of the interview, how the zombine "kamikazes" is shown.
Holyshit omfg awesome!!!

EDIT: also somewhere it said there is some motion blur ;)
The Stalker's laser thingy looks real nice. Hell, so does the Gravity Gun. Mmmmmmm.

Very good.
What? I see nothing about the stalker :(

Oh.. now I do ^^ Its in the rollerball picture no?
Darksabre: Where? I don't see anything about them on Page 3. :({F7B446FE-1FBF-4177-BA0A-2932588AA76D}&mediaId=33

This... 'suit', looks sorta like the Assasin's suit from the old pictures. But the next picture in the gallery looks like the Adviser, but in this white suit kinda thing. Whatever they are, it looks fuppin' cool.{F7B446FE-1FBF-4177-BA0A-2932588AA76D}

Should be right near the end of Part 3.
Darksabre: Ahhh, the interviews. I thought you meant the pictures. Downloading now!
Darksabre said:{F7B446FE-1FBF-4177-BA0A-2932588AA76D}

Should be right near the end of Part 3.
Oh, you mean the VIDEO, yeah, im just started downloading part one

BTW, I double post too much
wildchild730 said:
No, I think you mean what the hell at this{F7B446FE-1FBF-4177-BA0A-2932588AA76D}&mediaId=33

Interesting... just look at that.
TheBleeding said:
Darksabre: Ahhh, the interviews. I thought you meant the pictures. Downloading now!

Hehe, yeah sorry. I didn't check out the other parts...'fraid it would spoil it too much.
Darksabre said:
Hehe, yeah sorry. I didn't check out the other parts...'fraid it would spoil it too much.
the pics didnt spoil much at all, neither did the writing, just pretty much saying what valve has done to the engine and.. whatnot
I know that, I was talking about the gameplay footage in the aforementioned video clips -_-
Is it me but does the Zombine run like a monkey still looks cool. Now i definaltly can't wait
The videos seemed to spoil a few things, so i just minimized my video player and listened to the interview. Game is looking great though, better than i expected after some less than steller previews.
I liked the ash falling in the city though.
****ing awesome. People - Breen.

Breen. Wallace Breen is alive, screw ye all - I was right.

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I seriously was about to have a stroke reading this...

TFC2 WOO!>!!!
PimpinPenguin said:
Is it me but does the Zombine run like a monkey still looks cool. Now i definaltly can't wait

Hah, yeah. I thought that. It looked goddamn cool. I can't wait to empty an SMG clip into one of those things.

I loved the way it yanked the grenade from its belt and held it above its head like it was a prized possesion.

EDIT: Its a shame I won't actually get to play this game for quite awhile. My Steam is buggered.{F7B446FE-1FBF-4177-BA0A-2932588AA76D}&mediaId=7

How'd Eli get out to Kleiner?

From what I made out from those pictures, I reckon that part - you, Alyx and Dog in the ruins at the monitor - was after you escaped from the Citadel. Theres a picture in that area of the gallery of you and Alyx sitting in that car thing and you see Dog out of one of the windows. My theory is you meet Dog after you crash* this vehical.

I say you crash the car thing because I think of the scene of Dog pulling the rubble away and Alyx saying ''we've found him!'' The rubble and background from that scene looks like the kind of area seen in the pictures of Alyx talking to ELi through the monitor thing.

Meh, who knows. That ruins area doesn't look much like the inside of a part of the Citadel, and theres building ruins on the horizion. Just thinkin' aloud.

EDIT: I've sort've gone of track there. I guess what I was trying to make out was that you may of escaped the Citadel at that point, and thats not going to take a whole 5 minutes, so there will of been a time space that Eli and Kliener could of met up. But how is beyond me.


EDIT2: Good point, Rossell.
I think its best we put spoiler tags on this thread don't you think people?
Bleeding, that scene is the beginning of the game. Dog and Alyx find you in the rubble (after the Vorts rescue you) and Dog sets up the monitor. You see Eli and Kleiner - who actually have an argument. Alyx decides they need to re-infiltrate the Citadel and try and stop the meltdown. Within the crumbling halls you meet Breen, again, and the Advisor - which has gotten to Earth. Something happens.

You get out and aid in the evacuation.
Samon said:
Bleeding, that scene is the beginning of the game. Dog and Alyx find you in the rubble (after the Vorts rescue you) and Dog sets up the monitor. You see Eli and Kleiner - who actually have an argument. Alyx decides they need to re-infiltrate the Citadel and try and stop the meltdown. Within the crumbling halls you meet Breen, again, and the Advisor - which has gotten to Earth. Something happens.

You get out and aid in the evacuation.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh. See, I thought you started at the top or towards the top of the Citadel, and the fact that there are the ruins of buildings in the background to that scene made me think you have succesfully reached ground level. I had no idea on the whole re-infiltrating it part.

Cool! :D
Yeah, Kleiner poses the idea of going back inside to stabilize the core. Obviously, given the Citadels ultimate fate, they don't succeed. :p

But who cares? Breen is alive.
What did he say about if we are going to see TF2 someday? I didn't get it , though I think he said "absolutely".
He didn't say anything besides that we'll definitely see it. Question is when?
TheBleeding said:
Darksabre: Where? I don't see anything about them on Page 3. :({F7B446FE-1FBF-4177-BA0A-2932588AA76D}&mediaId=33

This... 'suit', looks sorta like the Assasin's suit from the old pictures. But the next picture in the gallery looks like the Adviser, but in this white suit kinda thing. Whatever they are, it looks fuppin' cool.

I'm guessing they have to wear those white suits to survive in our atmosphere? but maybe I'mw rong.