New Episode One Teaser!

Yep, it was pretty good. Bearing in mind people it's only a teaser and is therefore not intended to give you a great deal of insight.
The teaser was cool, wonder how other teasers will be like :)

One thing that troubles me - my mind refuses to accept the Alyx gun. Where does she keep all the ammo? This gun has to be extremely inaccurate, too... Why can't Alyx pick up a MP7? ;)
Przemek said:
The teaser was cool, wonder how other teasers will be like :)

One thing that troubles me - my mind refuses to accept the Alyx gun. Where does she keep all the ammo? This gun has to be extremely inaccurate, too... Why can't Alyx pick up a MP7? ;)

She picks up a shotgun later on instead ;)

She picks up a shotgun later on instead


Also, good trailer although a bit short-however it is only teaser.
Am I the only one thinking this trailer was a bit redundant? The "Alyx, cool under pressure" seemed very corny to me. I'm really hoping there's alot more new stuff to episode one than that.

I hope there's a really cool feature that Valve hasn't told us about. That'd be great. :)

I now I feel theis post is redundant. :(
bigburpco said:
Damn. That sucks. I like the Alyx Gun for an unexplained reason.

Look at the new released teaser 2 to see her with the shotgun. Dont look in the newly added gcf map folder, the last map is disappointing. Most ppl thought the ending would have a train, thats not true.