Episode One Teaser #3

Ah, it's great to have an extra 512 MB of memory for free...
-smash- said:
I've made a nice thread at the Steampowered.com forums on specific time releases. Check it out here.

Yeah I had to remind you to sticky it, then a few hours later some idiot comes asking "WHENS IT GOING TO BE RELEASED!!!111" I then wanted to kill the person. :E
Personally I think it's almost stealing: 4 hours of gameplay for that price ......
So I won't get it, just to not encourage this kind of robbery in the future.

For the die-hard fans: I hope you guyz enjoy it :)
Oh don't be silly. Most people are clocking in at 5 hours and I mean...what's £12 for a polished game? Nothing.
Monkwarrior said:
Personally I think it's almost stealing: 4 hours of gameplay for that price ......
So I won't get it, just to not encourage this kind of robbery in the future.
Well you do get the games sooner, every 6 months vs 2 years. And you get longer game time. I figure 4 episodes would be 20-24 hours total vs ~16 hours full game.

We will have to see if they are able to give more content and a better story with episodes vs one full game.

I'm looking forward to it.
Puhlease £11 I earn that in 2 hours, and it's not like every month - it's going to be every 6 months.

I spend more than that down the pub, call that robbery.
Without sounding like a cornball...

"Ben, your every post is a sheer delight!"
In terms of gameplay "dollars-per-hour", it costs the same as HL2 did upon its release day.

So no, it's not more expensive then buying the full game (or story) all at once. Sure you could wait a couple months for it to go down in price, but you can do that with anything.
Have valve impoved the textures ?

Looks like it to me, or maybe they just are using a breathtaking pc.. ?
Dear god, I think its been released... the steam servers are so busy I cant log in with any of my accounts.
I just logged into Steam and it wanted to update my files and stuff.
Sorry man. No release yet. ;)
Noooo... My banner is gone... Damnit, Munro!
Raziel-Jcd said:
Your forum name fits you btw.

I care and A LOT more people care. People like myself want to play the second it comes out. So plz Stafoo.

people round here really care about valve games. but when someone kills themselves, everyone turned into heartless assholes, then, when valve game news comes out, people care again.

oh how i long for the day when video games were meaningless fun but human life was something to be cherished and how you treat other human beings was actually important.