New FireFox sig, need help!


Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
I'm working on a new sig for all the people who like to link to

So far I have this:

It's a variant from some FireFox book or whatever, the old image just had the IE icon there.

Thing is, I suck with adding cool text and whatnot. So you guys want to put your hand in on making this cooler?
Though I do think this kind of, well, banner works well too, with no text. It's almost subliminal. People see a big fox about to eat these browsers, and think "What?" And click the link that the image is attatched to.
WhiteZero said:
I'm working on a new sig for all the people who like to link to

So far I have this:
It's a variant from some FireFox book or whatever, the old image just had the IE icon there.

Thing is, I suck with adding cool text and whatnot. So you guys want to put your hand in on making this cooler?
Though I do think this kind of, well, banner works well too, with no text. It's almost subliminal. People see a big fox about to eat these browsers, and think "What?" And click the link that the image is attatched to.

Actually, that's kind of cool. Now it's like I fear that Firefox will leap from my computer screen and maul something defenseless.
Woo random filters ftw \0/
(Three different colours)

A simple filter effect but, meh, makes it look different without distorting it too much.

Qonfused said:
A simple filter effect but, meh, makes it look different without distorting it too much.

That's the effect I used, silly :p
Qonfused said:
You shrunk it so I couldn't tell.
They're called thumbnails. Click on them and you'll get the full image :p
make it a gif with each browser icon appearing individually and then disappearing and finish with the firefox logo rising triumphant
beerdude get to work :p
You should slow down the "overtake-ment" part. At a quick glance, you can't tell what the other icons are.
The white stuff .... uhhh..... represents society.... and...... HEY EVERYBODY! LOOK THAT WAY! BUSH SUCKS!
Beerdude26 said:
Please, do not hit me D:

Kinda cool.
But the main point of the picture is the fox about to maul the other browsers.
Guess you need the same fox with it's moth shut to do that though.
Here you go. I don't know the other two companies, so I just put IE and Netscape. Looks neato.

^ That one is sweet. You just need to add in Opera and that other one again, so that it's complete. Excellent other than that though.
Moto-x_Pat said:
Here you go. I don't know the other two companies, so I just put IE and Netscape. Looks neato.

Opera and Maxathon
Add those in and so far yours will be the best.
Okay, here it is. I forgot to save the original as a .psd, so I had to redo it. I couldn't find the Maxathon logo, so I drew it.

