New free p2p firefox extension!

Wow that looks awesome. I'm DLing something atm but when it finishes I can restart FF and give it a go.
My user name on it is Solaris add meh
Does this work with Firefox 2.0? Doesn't look like it does. :/
i tried it and it seemed to slow down the startup time for FF... is that normal?
i tried it and it seemed to slow down the startup time for FF... is that normal?
the more plugins you have, the longer FF takes to load yeah.

And it kept failing when I was trying to share "legal" stuff with everyone :(.
I'ma wait 'till it becomes more stable.
Mines gonna be CyberPitz

and you should just click the "Download" button, and it should install least that's how it worked for me..


I right click on it, and the box is empty... D:
Thank Buddha for taskmanager

Yeah, I was hoping not to have to resort to that..I guess I'll uninstall the thing, since it's so..buggy

Hell how do you make a proggy and not think of that to begin with :P It may be beta, but that would be on my list of things to add when creating a proggy :P

*EDIT* while I'm here...might as well ask this question. I have 2 reads just regular Adblock...the other is adblock filterset.G updater.

Is there one I can get rid of, or are they linked? Trying to get my FF to load up a couple things out of there though.
filterset G just owns all the ads so they don't pop up on your screen, along with banners and junk. It's pretty nice, I'd keep it.