New gabe interview!!

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Yes, 2 people from hlsource are going to Valve and are going to interview Gabe face to face on Monday. They are going to try to get Gabe on the radio, but if he cant (because of security at Valve), then they are just going to have the normal show and tell us how the interview went and give us all the info from the interview.

Now, they do the show on Ventrilo, so you cant always expect everyone to have a perfect connection. They do have something that auto compensates different microphone volumes so they all sound the same (volume wise). I THINK.

And please dont bash the station, they are doing their best... and its a radio for fans made by fans.. so they try to have fun.
About the microphone thing, I think you're right, because they were saying that someone sounded really loud, but to me he sounded completely normal. So it's probably something to do with the shoutcast server or something.

ps: ventrilo is great
aslong as i get the interview written i'll be happy cuz i'm in aus, and **** should i know when the 8pm in us is :P eheh
This has to be the funniest thing i've ever seen you act like Germany just invaded Poland.eheheheheI just have to giggle a lil bit baaaaaaaahahhahahahahaahh
hopefully they ask questions that matter. really the only relevant question is:

is hl2 still on track for a holiday release?

still think they should try and release the SP version by holidays at least
they are asking their questions and they are also taking questions from people to ask Gabe. check out the forums at i think u can post them there
wonder why didnt get an interview.they seem a little bitter over it.

the hl radio is a great idea,(the host is a little weak but at least hes a real gamer)itll only get better.
We're not bitter about their interview (which they haven't got yet), I'm simply taking the piss after they questioned the authenticity of Gabe Newell's post on this forum, and took numerous stabs at our website.
First punch thrown by a site that said all other sites were wrong about the source code being leaked, and the confirmation by Gabe.

Supposedly the same site had super secret confidential information that proved everyone else wrong, but it has yet to be revealed (the information or the source).

SOME site did that stuff, and another one is a little irked at that and has good reason to be annoyed.

[My rant starts about here]

Oh, and the site that disbelieved everyone else is backing up their "Source not stolen claim" with a rather odd definition from (no offense meant) that only some of the Source code has leaked, and there is therefore little that can be done with it.

Fact of the matter is, with ALL the source code, there is little that can be done. Are they including models, sounds, etc., etc. in their definition?
it was merely speculation, they basically believe that nothing is a proven fact (based on the whole hl2 community's response to everything that has happened) unless Valve puts out a press release or (which is happening on monday) you get the information in person, face to face, with Valve.

That is not making a stab.. that is just saying that everything is up to speculation.
god forbid they update their own website to remove all doubt.
What you mean is, they basically believe that nothing is proven fact unless Gabe Newell knocks on their front door, and personally gives them the low-down. Even then, they'd ask for ID.
an update on THEIR SITE or a press release would be helpfull.

previous forged emails DONT HELP. Do you beleive everything you see on the internet ?
The phone interview from Shack wasn't forged. Gabe's post on this forum wasn't forged. Necro's reply from Doug wasn't forged. The IP trace route to Valve offices, wasn't forged.

Get, a, grip.
I freaking love those radio shows. so damn easy to make fun of.
How do you know they arn;t lying then?

Jeez, there are fakes around, but they have been found.

Its not we are in the matrix. You can generally trust political news from NBC or CNN. Similarly you can trust Shacknews.

Remember when they broke the story on Eric J.'s new born and a good deal of people thought Shack, and the E-mail were fake?

They were right in such a strange sounding case, that I;m inclined to believe them, in addition to their integrity
What I'm going to love ( as are many many others listening in #halflife2 on Quakenet ) is when they say "Well, we can now confirm that the post on's forums is real" and 600 people are all going to go "Well we ****ing knew that last week, keep up."

Should prove to be some amusement.
I'm looking forward to photoshoping up a new "help wanted at hl radio" sign.
[sarcasm] You telling me that really sets my mind at ease. [/sarcasm]

I'm sure some of them of them were true, i'm just saying that its still up to speculation based on the different opinions of the hl2 community.

And why should we have 100% faith in Staff anyways? i mean.. you guys DID email valve telling them not to have the interview with hlradio.. they are pretty disgusted by your conduct, So like, arr, Gabe, was that really you who made the post on the forums we won't name because we don't want to give them any publicity? You know, the site, the blue one. With the, stuff.

Gabe: Yes. ... Oh.
And why should we have 100% faith in Staff anyways? i mean.. you guys DID email valve telling them not to have the interview with hlradio.. they are pretty disgusted by your conduct,

Um, no, we didn't. More blind speculation from the HalfLifeSource community, yay!
and once again, they are NOT saying its false.

How many times do i have to make that point?
is it just going in and back out again?

that a' boy rec!! try and save your reputation while you still can!!


"um, no we didnt"
Originally posted by Wasabi
And why should we have 100% faith in Staff anyways? i mean.. you guys DID email valve telling them not to have the interview with hlradio.. they are pretty disgusted by your conduct,

We did? Do you have proof or is this once again another rumor made up by the pathetic jealous community of

Give us 100% accurate proof.

Bet you can't.
The only reputation on the line is yours buddy, stop spouting absolute nonsense and perhaps you won't go down as the boy who cried wolf.

We sent no such e-mail.
I hope that some time in the future, both sites will have a good relationship.. we're all half life fans.

Well we would have a good relationship with them if

a) their forums community and two staff members stopped spouting lies

b) they didn't ip ban us from their site out of spite for Bad Karma and G-Line us from their IRC server.
Wow, HLRadio are idiots. They still think only "30%" of the code has been released.
No they dont.

It is people like you who start rumors.

It is people like you that force Andy to repeat himself OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Andy (or whoever on the radio) just said maybe only "30%" of the code is leaked. which is BS. What is he skeptical about anyway? People can compile and run the code.
may·be ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mb)
Perhaps; possibly.

and on top of that, i think they were talking about the news post on fragland.
Andy doesn't know jack about the code. He still thinks 150mb of code is small. Every time he says that, coders slap their head in dispair.
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