New game Kreed uses stolen Quake 3 art


May 5, 2004
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Kreed a new fps shooter from a russian developer has been accused of using artwork without permission from Quake 3. They have also been accused of using code from the leaked Doom3 alpha. A couple of members of the doom community spotted some of the stolen items in the demo to Kreed. Gamespy quickly pulled the demo off their site soon after members of the community sent ID software emails asking them to look into this. The developers of Kreed are in a lot of hot water.

an interesting read
The game is so bad anyway no one will buy it lol.
Yeah, its all sort of moot considering nobody is going to be playing their shitty game.
I never heard of the game till I read the article

wait are you guys thinking Breed or Kreed? 2 different games
nah, after playing Breed and Alpha Black I've sworn off shooters from eastern block countries ...they just have a terrible track record of producing crappy games. Hopefully Stalker will change all this
I played the Demo of Kreed crap voice acting, 30ish year old Russian male trying to put on an English accent when he has clearly only spoken 3 words of English in his life. Mouth monsters, i mean seriously, what the hell do they fire at you? Rabid space hamsters who say yum?

Seriously unprofessional game, heres hoping they get shutdown from stealing.
Well I thought you couldn't get any worse than Breed, but Firestarter showed me you could... and this Kreed thing doesn't sound any different.
Noooooo! I was so looking forward to Kreed!
I'm going to go kill myself now, bye!

/me disconnected.

FireStarter wasn't bad. Breed was.

;( Oh, and Breed wasn't an Eastern European game
Shuzer said:
Noooooo! I was so looking forward to Kreed!
I'm going to go kill myself now, bye!

* Shuzer disconnected.
NOOO Shuzer has gone off to kill himself over a crappy game, and will never play Half Life 2.... I CALL DIBS ON HIS COMPUTER!!!
Those idiots deserve to be punnished for making such an unbearably boring game.
Raxxman said:
Breed was made in the UK... we're not easten Europe :P

oops, heh I wouldnt admit that ...bad for the UK gaming industry to have such a shite game made in the UK (or anywhere else for that matter)
What the hell.. I hope they get shut down or something. But the game is still in development or something, I remember hearing the CS ak-47 sound from a rifle in a really old trailer for Stalker.
STALKER, at one point, used all of CS' sound effects for placeholders

The difference is they didn't release a demo, I suppose
Here is a news flash for you guys, they won't get into any trouble, because they live in Russia, where pirated games being sold in any store you walk into. Fun eh?
Russia should stick to what they're good at... erm... whatever that is, it definately isn't making games...

What a waste of bandwidth that demo was, I spent about 2 mins playing it before my PC begged me to uninstall it. I was only too happy to comply :|
Pobz said:
Russia should stick to what they're good at... erm... whatever that is, it definately isn't making games...

What a waste of bandwidth that demo was, I spent about 2 mins playing it before my PC begged me to uninstall it. I was only too happy to comply :|

Have a talk with Silent Storm and IL-2 Sturmovik fans.
You guys forgot Far cry - Crytek is a german company.

Also, "You are empty" (a promising FPS title) by russian developer Digital spray. Even the recently released Perimeter RTS is pretty damn good (have the demo).
Operation Flashpoint was made Russian devs, or somewhere near Russia anyway...

So they aint all bad! :)
lans said:
You guys forgot Far cry - Crytek is a german company.

Also, "You are empty" (a promising FPS title) by russian developer Digital spray. Even the recently released Perimeter RTS is pretty damn good (have the demo).

Germany isnt an eastern block country
You never know, it might have been made in Eastern Berlin. :p
God damn, that demo was like the electronic version of a root canal...
Varsity said:
You never know, it might have been made in Eastern Berlin. :p

heh it doesnt exist...not since the wall fell ...well technically there is an "east" berlin ;)
lans said:
You guys forgot Far cry - Crytek is a german company.

Also, "You are empty" (a promising FPS title) by russian developer Digital spray. Even the recently released Perimeter RTS is pretty damn good (have the demo).

Permiter had a virus picked up my NOD32 for me.. I got it from gamer's hell, and I cried.
Shuzer said:
Permiter had a virus picked up my NOD32 for me.. I got it from gamer's hell, and I cried.


I've heard it's buggy - but it's one of the best offerings from our friends in Russia. I got my demo in the new issue of a PC mag, fine for me.
Operation Flashpoint was made Russian devs, or somewhere near Russia anyway...

So they aint all bad!

Czech Republic. They be Easten Europe now :)
Bohemia Interactive, right? :p

Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight
Pobz said:
Russia should stick to what they're good at... erm... whatever that is, it definately isn't making games...

What a waste of bandwidth that demo was, I spent about 2 mins playing it before my PC begged me to uninstall it. I was only too happy to comply :|

You, sir, are an utter fool and idiot.
lans said:
You guys forgot Far cry - Crytek is a german company.
And you didn't know that most of Far Cry's develepment crew were israelis, who happen to be repatriants from the USSR.;)

Mr.Reak, the will get sued for that as soon as an id representative gets to russia.But that doesn't mean that id will win the case.:)
Shuzer said:
In what way is he? Kreed is crap, it's common knowledge!

Operation Flashpoint and Perimeter are both fine games - developed by Russians. Pobz statement was rather racist in the sense he doesn't believe that Russian's can't develop good games.
I actually liked the Kreed demo, because it sucked so badly I had something to rant about for a few days.
lans said:
Operation Flashpoint and Perimeter are both fine games - developed by Russians. Pobz statement was rather racist in the sense he doesn't believe that Russian's can't develop good games.

Ah. You could tell it was all in jest though..
I still play Operation Flashpoint, Russia ain't all that bad at them video games.

Perimiter is cool too, but it confused me, digital acid trip video game.
OK, replace 'Russians' with 'The Kreed Developers' in my statement... I thought the Kreed demo was one of few games I've seen from russia (most sucking), obviously there's more better russian-made games than I thought... They do use a lot of dodgy content though, since they have nobody to sue them over there.

Anyway, I found out what Russia is good at... making kalashnikov-47s in bulk. Nice to see communisim working.