New game (Project Offset) to look into!

rAdIOhEaD said:
Somebody Sponsor this guys! quick!! Microsoft! where are you??!!, althoght thats not a good idea, if Microsoft sponsor them they will make it an xbox 360 exclusive, I want this game in my pc! Maybe EA can sponsor them? I know they are an Evil corporation, but they have the money to help this guys make a hell of agame, thoughts??

maybe activision they hav a nice list of games even if I dont know how they think
looks like now if a game whit a graphic level like that appears everybody thinks is not ingame

remenber when games like HL2 or Doom3 appeared? it was too good to be true
I think we should hav the possibility that that graphic level will be possible

also as they say the gameplay bits looked like the techdemo,it even looks similiar to the killzone PS3 video
<RJMC> said:
looks like now if a game whit a graphic level like that appears everybody thinks is not ingame

remenber when games like HL2 or Doom3 appeared? it was too good to be true
I think we should hav the possibility that that graphic level will be possible

also as they say the gameplay bits looked like the techdemo,it even looks similiar to the killzone PS3 video

The effect is further enhanced with motion blur and the particle effects from the explosions, however, the level of detail is nowhere near the amount in the Killzone 2 video.

Motion blur kicks ass.
<RJMC> said:
looks like now if a game whit a graphic level like that appears everybody thinks is not ingame
We were just talking about the little 3D model of the large cat on the rock. I'm sure we all believe they could have that ingame if they wanted.
Its not INGAME but thats what it will look like when it is. Its using the engine to showcase the gfx/lighting/etc.
Just watched the sneak peek, and know rooting around their site, I'm wondering what spec the computer was that showed off that seige at the end
Right when you start the video is says "REALTIME Footage" in the top left corner... Im pretty sure thats ingame engine footage.
Yup its what the game will look like.

there is a new sneak peak with some amazing effects (blurry stuff is neat) and a little gameplay preview (im sure its not the final fighting system). I am really hoping they get picked up by a major publisher, I want this on my 360 :E ! Im posting because I think the last post on here happened before their newest sneak peek which is DEFINATLY worth a watch (some serious resolution on the vids too)
I don't see a new sneak peek... only the two that were released months ago.
JellyWorld said:
I don't see a new sneak peek... only the two that were released months ago.

Post before Kmacks was "12-06-2005, 04:09 AM" that is 2 months before they added a new video, so im just offering up an update to the post. so um, you should probably go buy a spoon, it will make eating my ass easier for you.
Kmak, thank for bringing this up again.

so when this is coming out ? (PC)
Gorgon said:
Kmak, thank for bringing this up again.

so when this is coming out ? (PC)

They haven't even given a year, but I would say around 2007.

I mean considering that they just finished up the rendering code this year, they still have a lot of game to make. In Dec of 2003 they were only 50% done with rendering code, so I'm not even sure how far they are now, but they are close to getting the core tech done.

They just need to get a publisher, funding, and lots more talent and then the actual game will get started :)
Iced_Eagle said:
They haven't even given a year, but I would say around 2007.

I mean considering that they just finished up the rendering code this year, they still have a lot of game to make. In Dec of 2003 they were only 50% done with rendering code, so I'm not even sure how far they are now, but they are close to getting the core tech done.

They just need to get a publisher, funding, and lots more talent and then the actual game will get started :)

I dont think its a sketch a project as that :D

these guys have their shit together (remember Savage? all three main offset teammembers were major players in that game) but definatly late 2006 to middle 2007 (im hoping for the former), but I think that it will definatly get off the ground, especially if it can get to Next Gen consoles.
Kmack said:
definatly late 2006 to middle 2007 (im hoping for the former), but I think that it will definatly get off the ground, especially if it can get to Next Gen consoles.

Man, I hope its the latter so I can save up a bit to upgrade for this and UE3 and CryEngine2, etc.
<RJMC> said:
that looks like the killzone ps3 trailer

It looks great, but it doesn't even begin to compare with the killzone ps3 trailer. It's a lot harder to create a 5 minute war scene with detailed city environments, dozens of characters, intense interaction, than a 3 seconds video of an archer shooting some knight on a brick floor.
TheSomeone said:
It looks great, but it doesn't even begin to compare with the killzone ps3 trailer. It's a lot harder to create a 5 minute war scene with detailed city environments, dozens of characters, intense interaction, than a 3 seconds video of an archer shooting some knight on a brick floor.

I would like to gently remind you that project offset primarily consists of THREE FREAKIN PEOPLE! I think Killzone PS3 might have just a FEW, just maybe ONE OR TWO MORE people on it....

cut them some slack... besides its a showcase more for their motion blur technology, **** killzone that shit was CG anyways :D
Wow, just watched that first teaser, looks bloody awesome! The models look REALLY damn nice, and that huge cat looks so damn real. The few seconds of gameplay footage looked awesome, the explosions!! The archer!! The dragon(ftw!!)!! :O I WANT THIS GAME. :D

Just downloading the second teaser...

That big dude in the armor was awesome! And another dragon! :D I can't wait for this.
Kmack said:
I would like to gently remind you that project offset primarily consists of THREE FREAKIN PEOPLE! I think Killzone PS3 might have just a FEW, just maybe ONE OR TWO MORE people on it....

cut them some slack... besides its a showcase more for their motion blur technology, **** killzone that shit was CG anyways :D

1. I don't see how wether the fact the team is made up or 1 or 1000 people changes the fact that the killzone 3 video was better.

2. Okay, so three guys made some awesome work, let's forget about all the others who busted their ass to produce quality stuff? No thanks, I don't buy into being heartless. They all did amazing work.
. I don't see how wether the fact the team is made up or 1 or 1000 people changes the fact that the killzone 3 video was better.
I think hes saying this:
"The people making Project Offset have alot less people; it will take longer for them to get things done, to make highly detailed world, etc..."
So yes the Killzone video was much better, but it was a very stupid comparision. You are comparing probably a 20 - 50 man team vs a 3 man team. A 3 man team that is showcasing WHAT THEY HAVE DONE WITH THERE ENGINE, vs a 20 - 50 man team showcasing A GAME.
You are comparing an Engine vs a Game. 3 people vs 20-50 people. No doubt the Killzone demo is going to be better. So yes the Killzone video was better, but you made a extremely stupid comparision.
TheSomeone said:
1. I don't see how wether the fact the team is made up or 1 or 1000 people changes the fact that the killzone 3 video was better.

since you couldn't handle the point I was making, let's see if mineral can straighten you out.

Minerel said:
I think hes saying this:
"The people making Project Offset have alot less people; it will take longer for them to get things done, to make highly detailed world, etc..."
So yes the Killzone video was much better, but it was a very stupid comparision. You are comparing probably a 20 - 50 man team vs a 3 man team. A 3 man team that is showcasing WHAT THEY HAVE DONE WITH THERE ENGINE, vs a 20 - 50 man team showcasing A GAME.
You are comparing an Engine vs a Game. 3 people vs 20-50 people. No doubt the Killzone demo is going to be better. So yes the Killzone video was better, but you made a extremely stupid comparision.

and as for this gem:

TheSomeone said:
2. Okay, so three guys made some awesome work, let's forget about all the others who busted their ass to produce quality stuff? No thanks, I don't buy into being heartless. They all did amazing work.

Um, first of all, it was YOU who trivialized their work and made (and AWFUL) deragatory comparison between a small indie team and a giant massively funded studio working on a flagship game for an enourmously anticipated system. and I honestly cannot even begin to comprehend the comment above, its ridiculous given the prior posts and frankly I dont think you read your own replies.

I'll enjoy playing it when it's released, in 2010.
mortiz said:
I'll enjoy playing it when it's released, in 2010.

And then we only have to wait 5 more years after 2010 for HL3 to be released (though valve will say "it will be released in November" starting in 2007) :D