New games i been playing



Need For Speed Underground:
This game is by far the best racing game on the market, better than Gran turismo and Sega GT by FAR! The online mode is awesome.

Graphically speaking, this game is awesome. The rest of the game is above average as well. High quality shit right here.

Call of Duty:
AWESOME! Simply AWESOME! I love how its almost totally squad based, and how fast and intense the fire-fights are.
9 1/2 outta 10

Worms3D :
Haven't played it much. Tutorial was kinda cool. Worms series transfers really well to 3D.

Hidden & Dangerous 2:
Average game. Very much like the first one. Dont understand why they took so long, cos the graphics are very outdated already. The control and squad commands really suck in this game.
I have been playing Baldurs Gate 2 again lately. You dont hear me brag about it! :)
Originally posted by KommandoAU
Need For Speed Underground:
This game is by far the best racing game on the market, better than Gran turismo and Sega GT by FAR! The online mode is awesome.

better then Gran Tourismo .......?

i guess im the only one who doesnt like rice mobiles.....
I just downloaded Escape Velocity: Nova, great game :)
I am playing Splinter Cell. In my eyes it is the best game ever.
EDIT: Holy **** I am a combine!:eek:
Re: Re: New games i been playing

Originally posted by crabcakes66
better then Gran Tourismo .......?

i guess im the only one who doesnt like rice mobiles.....

you're not ;) i also hate ricers, even if it's the shytline. they do look like a russian jeep compared to a ferrari, bugatti, lamborghini, saleen or porsche

- i still vote for nfs:unleashed - porsche
- CoD ..awesome. but waayy too short
- gta:vc ..and I with addons and II and III
- anno1503 the new world
- DeusEx
- BG2 ..i still haven't beaten this
- Civilization III
Re: Re: Re: New games i been playing

Originally posted by Echelon

BG2 ..i still haven't beaten this

Anyone know how long BG2 is? How good is it? Well all Ive been playin lately is FFXI and im lovin it! :cheers:
I've been playing UFO: Enemy Unknown, and loving every second of it. It's Old, and the graphics are outdated (though the intro movie and the music still rock, and the graphical style is awesome for its time), but it's got a lot more depth than a lot of more modern games...

Also playing the original BG over again, and hoping to get to the end of it, now that I have some time off.

Did anyone here ever figure out the cool thing you're supposed to do in the BG series with the Golden Pantaloons?
I ve been playing MP2, COD, NFSU, and reHalflife.:cool:
Re: Re: Re: Re: New games i been playing

Originally posted by mchammer75040
Anyone know how long BG2 is?

The end is nothing but a Myth. It has no ending.

In other words its very.......very....... long.
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
I just downloaded Escape Velocity: Nova, great game :)

Ah...I remember the old days, when I had a mac and tried Escape Velocity for the first time. I played through like half of the original, and then downloaded and registred Escape Velocity: Override and spent the entire winter playing it and downloading plug-ins...
God, I enjoyed it...I started a new pilot several times so that I could experience all three sides of the Crescent War and play as the Voinians...
It had me spellbound =)

Sadly, I got hold of Nova for a while ago, installed it, played for half an hour, and then uninstalled it...The magic had simply disapeared;( ;(
I've been playing:

* MP2 With Mods


* Lock On: Modern Air Combat

* Rainbow 6 - 3: Raven Shield
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New games i been playing

Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
The end is nothing but a Myth. It has no ending.

In other words its very.......very....... long. just gonna have to buy that :)
I havent actually finished BG2. And I've had it since it came out :)
Its the most perfect RPG ever designed... No game have beaten it yet. Well unless KOTOR does, but for some reason European retailers refuse to sell it even if they got it in stock because *someone* said later dates than Bioware and their publishers did, so I cant get it.

Anyway, back on topic:

Another game so often played by me lately is Gothic II. Still havent finished that one either. Guess I dont want the adventure to end. :)

And of course Savage. My first version of my mod for it is done now, w00t!
i just finished freedom fighters for the 2nd time... i really REALLY liked it! u should buy it... for PC it's only $20
Originally posted by thehunter1320
i just finished freedom fighters for the 2nd time... i really REALLY liked it! u should buy it... for PC it's only $20

I'll wait til its in the 5 dollar range :)
well, some of the games i enlisted there aren't new at all ;) but i dug em up and played them recently.
Prince of Persia kicks ass!!!!! i love controlling time!

and mchammer... what u got against freedom fighters?
Prince of Persia kicks some ass.
Right now I'm trying to get as much out of Ratchet and Clank 2 before I have to return it to the rental place. I'll be buying it later.
Originally posted by thehunter1320
Prince of Persia kicks ass!!!!! i love controlling time!

and mchammer... what u got against freedom fighters?

I have nothin against it! Im just tired of payin 50 bucks a game, feel me? Right now Im promising myself that Im not going to buy games intil they drop in prices :). That way I have a constant stream of great games coming to me and more money in my pocket. But ofcourse im going to make one or two HL2....
Worms 3d - I'm not good at it yet because it's a lot herder than the 2d ones.

Just finished Escape from Monkey Island - Good game.

Gothic II - Now that I've gotten better with the combat system, it's a lot more fun. Before I didn't utilize blocking... so I died in nearly every battle.

Ahem... trying to...retrieve NFSUG from....a file sharing'll be a while though.. (I'm asking for it for Xmas i think.. but I don't wanna wait).

Thinking about getting Prince of Persia for Xbox or Manhunt for Ps2 after i sell a few games to Gamestop..not sure
Right now i'm playing Viewtiful Joe, Prince of Persia and RTCW (can't stop playing it /o\)

Good time for video games at the mo :)
I've been playing Max Payne 2 and Morrowind... mainly to enjoy my new graphics card... heh...

Also, I've been playing this fun little game for the Game Boy Advance called Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. I hadn't bought a GBA game since the handheld came out, but I happaned upon this one and, with it being a sort of sequel to the old Mario RPG, I decided it'd be fun if only for nastalgia's sake. Man, am I glad I did, because this game is hillarious! There's no 'RPG downtime' in this either... it's just one thing after another... it's great!
Recent favs:

Hidden and Dangerous 2 - excellent tactical-squad 1st/3rd person shooter. Buries all the other WW2 game IMO as it's got a large number of open-ended maps and doesn't just become another on-rails linear action fest. Thought is required if you want to succeed. Best use of ragdoll too; the bodies don't bounce around or fold up in contorted poses.

UFO:Aftermath - latest UFO game is more hit than miss. Despite the environments not being interactive enough (can't enter buildings) it's still got that addictive nature that keeps you going until the sunlight reappears through the window: just one more mission... one more to get my fav soldier up a level...

Still playing:

Natural Selection
Deus Ex - had to run through it again to remind myself what the sequel is missing.

Tried and didn't like:

Chrome - got really annoyed at the way you can bork the game's script if you do things out of order. Dull storyline. Very pretty to look at though with magnificent outdoor locations.

Halo - decent enough outdoor action and vehicles (though not earth shattering as consolers would have us believe after OpFlash and BF1942) but the indoor sections suckethed to the extreme. Just why does the framelag only happen in the tiny indoor locations?

Call of Duty - the epitome of the short linear map game. Had this been H&D2 you'd be able to attack the AA emplacements in any order you wish rather than following a preset trail and actually controlling your squad as you do so.

Deus Ex 2 - has been consolised, or 'streamlined' as they put it. To list the indignities imposed on this once great title takes some time: simplified one-click flat-level hacking, no reload key, 'unified ammo', large clunky over colourful HUD, hero in the MTV-poseur style, simple 12 slot inventory, bozotic AI, no skills, stealth options now worthless, etc, etc.

PS: keep hearing Deus Ex get mispronounced a lot. It's Dey-us Ex, not D-youss Ex. Although the latter does have some fun conotations...

"Deus Ex?"
"Damn right I am, but my girlfiend is holding out on me"
When I first said "Deus Ex" to my mum, I think I made her train of thought jump the rails...
Originally posted by ray_MAN
I am playing Splinter Cell. In my eyes it is the best game ever.
EDIT: Holy **** I am a combine!:eek: