New games ship today


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
GUN, The Matrix, and the Movies

any of you getting these games? I'll wait for reviews of each one, but GUN interests me the most ...although Matrix could be good, not holding my breath

not sure about the Movies as I havent been following it
Nope. Not interested in any of them. GUN looked interesting until I saw the trailer and it looked really weak. The Movies might be fun, but I don't have enough time to play the games I have already, let alone get more too quickly. Oblivion would have been the exception here, of course. :E
VictimOfScience said:
Nope. Not interested in any of them. GUN looked interesting until I saw the trailer and it looked really weak. The Movies might be fun, but I don't have enough time to play the games I have already, let alone get more too quickly. Oblivion would have been the exception here, of course. :E

ya I dont have the time either ..currently I'm playing 3-4 games a bit at a time and may get x3: reunion this week, plus all the other games slated for release soon ..I'd gladly drop all o them for Oblivion
I might read some GUN reviews and then decide. Same with The Matrix. And I am not interested in The Movies at all.

I'd wish they'd ship X3 Reunion in the Netherlands. Gimme that game damnit!
I'll give The Matrix: Path of Neo a chance and be the cautious buyer this time around and rent it.
GUN sounds interesting. I'm a sucker for the shift to a more open ended game. I'm not at all interested in the Movies. I haven't been interested in the Matrix since I saw trailers for part 2 of the movie. Unfortunately, I bought Civ 4 and now I have time for nothing else including food sometimes. I'm hoping the addiction starts to wane sometime in the relatively near future.

What are some of the negative things people have been saying about GUN? If it's graphical stuff I couldn't care less. If the game ends up playing less open ended than it initially sounded, then that would be a show stopper for me.
Not interested in any. Earth 2060 is coming out in a few days. I am looking into that game.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Not interested in any. Earth 2060 is coming out in a few days. I am looking into that game.
Oooh, link please? Loved the 2150 one.
Gunz the duel?

Is that what we are talking about?
I'm definitely picking up the Movies ASAP. It looks like a really good game.
Gun looks fairly fun...
I'm not really looking forward to any games right now...
CptStern said:
GUN, The Matrix, and the Movies

any of you getting these games? I'll wait for reviews of each one, but GUN interests me the most ...although Matrix could be good, not holding my breath

not sure about the Movies as I havent been following it
I am getting GUN for sure.
Going to read a few reviews and then consider getting The movies. However that won't be for a little while since im just too busy right now to get anything new on top of my current World of Warcraft addiction.
I didnt know Gun came out today, thanks! Ill definately rent that one. I dont buy any non-pc games lol.
Ohhh my god. GUN. I remember now. That game looks f*cking incredible to me (awesome action + customizable + western + free roaming = YES).
I watched Gayspot's review of GUN but I don't trust them anyway. They give shitty scores to everybody and they review so many games that they don't have time to enjoy a game, they just blow through it and then criticize it. I think they only rate a game above 8.9 if they get a payoff honestly.
Gun doesn't interest me at all
Matrix games don't appeal to me that much :/
The Movies doesn't look like my kind of game although it might be fun to make movies now and then I don't see it lasting me a long time
/jaded rant
Interested in Gun and the Movies. Will pass or rent Matrix.
guys I am just wondering !!

should I get the PS2 Version of the matrix or the PC version ?
I trust Gamespot more than anyone else, they always seem to be more on the spot. IGN always over and underrates.
The only reason the game got a 7.4 was because it was too short. You can beat it in 6 hours or so. I'm still gonna rent it though.
I gave The Matrix: Path of Neo a rent today. Wish I hadn't.