New GDC in game prototype footage.

Looks pretty good so far, but I am not sold yet. Looking forward to the demo which they have announced.
Those trucks look absolutely ridiculous when they swerve.

The world also seems blissfully unaware of all the crazy shit he's doing. :(

I want to be hyped for this game, but I'm not liking what I'm seeing just yet.

Am I the only one rolling my eyes at how much ****ing maneuverability and speed this guy has?
He does seem extremely overpowered, and honestly it looks kinda repetitive. But from what everything else these guys have done it may be worthwhile.
Wow. Looks like Assassin's Creed on powerthirst. Just hope it has a greater sense of purpose than that, otherwise it'll get repetitive.

I can really see this getting some bad press though. Bloody carnage + total freedom + real world city = soccermums up in arms. To be honest, I foresee this getting censored atleast a bit before it's released.

Can't wait for the demo, anyway.
I can really see this getting some bad press though. Bloody carnage + total freedom + real world city = soccermums up in arms. To be honest, I foresee this getting censored atleast a bit before it's released.

Something like that.
It also could be one of those Manhunt 2 situations where the media's all pissy about it and gamers really don't give a shit in the first place.
It looks a bit too awesome for gamers not to care, though. :sniper:
Looks a bit retarded tbh. The pedestrians seem totally oblivious to a guy running around jumping on cars and running up walls.

Edit: Why don't it just link instead of showing the video?

Remove the space.

Edit2: I give up lol. Just quote him.
It supposedly has a storyline, that you interact with by devouring their bodies with the arm thingies he has.
Am I the only one rolling my eyes at how much ****ing maneuverability and speed this guy has?

I'd like some more unrealistic games, where you have a lot of speed & agility, but in return you have to actually use it! Not just in short spurts (Crysis like) but like you have all these semi-super powers (but not entire invincible) and you have to use speed, strategy, and skill to overcome f***ing insane odds!
looks like fun for the first 10 minutes then booring as hell
it'd be so much better if you were a t-rex instead of that mutant guy
Looks like it has a lot of potential. But they sure as hell have a lot of work to do.
Well, from the video... if this is tech that's going to be in a game I say it deserves the hype and some more that AC received because this game would murder the shit out of AC.
Looks like fun. They really need more diversity as far as moves go, I got sick of that double jump animation REALLY fast.

Also, WTF was up with that part where the guy danced? right before killing the 2 dudes and stealing the tank? I assume it had something to do with him trying to blend in, but obviously the AI failed miserably because they kept shooting him, or maybe the dude's jumping around like a retarded rabbit gave him away.

I'd like to see a little bit clearer video with more combat, less jumping like an ADD freak, and more descriptive gameplay. That video seemed to show how the game plays if you're a freak and start jumping all over the place, I'm assuming all the missions don't have you pretending you're sonic the hedgehog, right?

Big plus: It's coming to PC! Good news for me since I have no next gen consoles!