New GFX added to DOD:SOURCE!!!!!!


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
My bad thought the news was just released. I also completely forgot about the DOD S forum.

ohhh god, this is good news indeed! Now they just need to add this to HL2 and CSS...
But man! It looks so much better!
Heh. I guess not many people go to the DOD:S forums lol.
Yay! About freakin time I say! even if it will lag your computer to death with them all on its still nice to have the option's. We have seen it all in HDR demo's, now atlast they can effectively apply it to the good looking game engines we love,

lets hear a hoorah,

effects that give extra depth and funky realisim ftw.
holy shit, HOLY F*CKING SHIT! this is what I'm talking about! damn, finally, a game that looks like a movie - that motion blurring and depth of field are absolutely fantastic - and all the effects work together for such amazing visuals - who needs UE3 when this is what's coming out of Source?
looks awesome, but it's going to take forever for valve to release it.
Anyone care to post a video or screens of it? My comp would explode trying to run it...
Somefool said:
Anyone care to post a video or screens of it? My comp would explode trying to run it...

Read my post. I posted screen and videos. :angel:
If they add more gameplay features to DOD:S then I might consider picking it up because right now if I ever play's for like 5 minutes on a server until I get bored.

New graphic effects look nice but I doubt I'll play it for more than 20 min looking at the new effects when the eventually add these to the game.
wow, just watched the trailer and the screens do not do this justice in the least, the motion blur and depth of field have to be seen in motion to truly get a feel of how it all plays together - this is truly a piece of art in digital form

wow - just looked through the Bit-tech stuff again and realized the possibilities available with the color correction - they could make each map feel differently, Anzio could evoke warm colors to add to the italian atmosphere, while a Normandy map could be green or blue... Band of Brothers the PC Game here we come
I'm wondering something about the motion blur effect: if implemented properly, will this mean games will have blurring added to each frame, essentially eliminating the need for high framerates? To see PC games running smoothly at a constant 24 fps would be absolutely awesome.
I think youve hit on something potentially groundbraking there, hadnt considered it before, but now you mention it I can see it .
There's already one game I know of that has(afaik) real motion blur implemented, and that's PGR3 on the XB360, but that's the only one I know off.:)
Just watched the trailer and what can I say but, wow !
Looks amazing, I just hope it gets used in something apart from dod:s, I just cant get fired up about ww2 shooters.