New Half-Life 2 previews.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
New Half-Life 2 preview.

Totalvideogames have previewed Half-Life 2, while the article offers no real new information, it's still an interesting read. They rated it 10/10, with the comment:

"We want this more than anything. More than Doom 3. More than Halo 2. More than Outrun 2, Shenmue III and the next installments of Rez, Zelda and Mario, we even want this more than Pro Evo 3 - which is really saying something..."

See it here. Thanks to Jager for finding this!

Video Game City has written a short but sweet Half-Life 2 preview which covers the general features that the game has, and gives a summary of facts about HL2 at the end.

You can find the article here. Thanks to nietzsche for this find!
sounds like i will die from excitement before the cd even reaches the tray.
Put me down to receive the game in your will, then ;)
I think I will take it to my grave. They will put it in with me in my casket.
Will halflife 2 make a demo for us to play till sept 30th???
no half life 2 demo, no enter the matrix demo, no deus ex 2 demo :( its not fair and doesnt make sense either...
Half-Life 1 had some kind of demo, didn't it?
And I wish I'd played an Enter the Matrix demo before I bought it. :x
Originally posted by Snakebyte
Half-Life 1 had some kind of demo, didn't it?
And I wish I'd played an Enter the Matrix demo before I bought it. :x

The Half-Life demo was actually unofficial, plus it was released after the game was itself.
Originally posted by Snakebyte
Half-Life 1 had some kind of demo, didn't it?
And I wish I'd played an Enter the Matrix demo before I bought it. :x

It was called The Half life Uplink.

It was unnofficial, it was released about a year after the game was released and it contained a level that isnt in HL.
Valve said that thay *maybe* will release a demo after the full game.
Ha! If they had released a demo for enter the matrix nobody would have ever bought it. What a crappy game that turned out to be. Seriously, I am so happy I paid 5 bucks to rent it at blockbuster for ps2 rather than buy it :(

They have a folder for a demo on the HL2 ftp, so maybe....
""We want this more than anything. More than Doom 3. More than Halo 2. More than Outrun 2, Shenmue III and the next installments of Rez, Zelda and Mario, we even want this more than Pro Evo 3 - which is really saying something..."

That's cool. Hehe. I'd agree except for Halo 2.
Originally posted by Lifthz
""We want this more than anything. More than Doom 3. More than Halo 2. More than Outrun 2, Shenmue III and the next installments of Rez, Zelda and Mario, we even want this more than Pro Evo 3 - which is really saying something..."

That's cool. Hehe. I'd agree except for Halo 2.

LOL, you always disagree with something. :laugh:
Actually i believe there was a demo, but it was leaked before release or something.
its was called "Half-Life: Day One"
there is a gamespot story about the start of valve and the troubles to experienced to make hl1, they mention the leak in it, ill try and find link, and edit this post
wow i never knew a leak existed acutally i did know about one from a friend but i never got my hands on it
Now that I think of it, I do recal hearing about the HL demo "Half-Life: Day One" somewhere. I don't realy think they will release a demo for HL2, but I'd get it if they did. Although I'm more concerned about getting an official benchmark so I can get time to upgrade my comp. That way I can experience HL2 at it's full capacity. Nice frame rate, with all the details and stuff cranked to the max.
What will happen if I bought Half life2 and it didnt run as expected

My pc's Spec:
AMD Barton 2500+
256(333mhz) Ram(soon will be updated to 512)
Geforce4Ti 4800SE 128mb
100 GB hardisk
DSl connection
Creative Audigy
52x cdr 32xcdrw
19" Monitor
I hope they release at least non payable demo to benchmark oue pc based on Halflife2 engine
Half Life: Day One came with one of my vidcards... either my voodoo3 or GeForce2MX. I can't remember which, but it was released with one of these. It was the original game up to where Gordon makes it to the surface the first time and encounters soldiers.

Edit: I still have the CD at home.