New Half-Life 2 Screenshots

Gajdycz said:
the terrian in doom3 was great, but the textures for guns/enemies sucked, and the models were pretty bad, they all had pin heads.

in hl2, they worked more on the enemies/guns/npc models more then the terrian. so ur wrong, hl2 looks better

Thats all a matter of opinion. I think Doom 3 looks a lot better than HL2 looks from these screens. The idea of these games ( imo ) is to get you so immersed in the environments that you actually feel like you are there. From the looks of it, HL2 definetly wont have the effect Doom 3 has. Atleast for me.
I don't get why comparing D3 with HL2 is so interesting, 6 months from now, you'll barely be able to tell the difference (given the art being rendered is identical).

I too was thinking the person in the 2nd shot, the ally, was alyx...but when you turn up the brightness...not so sure...
Didn't they say there will NOT be anymore new screenshots till the release of Half-Life 2? Releasing a couple of crappy screenshots is suppose to supress our rage over the delayed release of CS:Source?!?!? :borg: Resistance is futile. :borg: Lastly.. :cheers: to ID and Doom 3!
I believe both d3 and hl2 have incredibly advanced graphics, and talented people behind the games. Like someone said, the whole point is to be an immersive fantasy, where you just get sucked into the game. Remember how we used to play hl1, and even though the graphics were decent for their time, but obviously lacking, we still got totally sucked in for hours on end? Just imagine how hl2 will be, regardless of little things that are missing.

Once you're playing the game, I really doubt anyone will be nitpicking, and finding all of those little missing features.

Those screenshots look good, although they are "low" quality like someone else in this thread said, they are still incredible. I just really hope CS:S gets finished so we can all start playing our beloved HL2.
Naaaah. It's one big 3D rendered animation, I tell you! Nobody takes me serious...
Dood, after watching the HL2 videos religiously, I can tell you that you're not gonna care about little details left out of Half-Life 2.. yeah it would be nice for the game to be perfect.. but nothing will ever be like that... don't-not play the game because of some screenshots you think that do not look all that great.
Annnyways, getting back to the topic ;)

I took the third shot (1091691339_HL2-strider2.jpg), and adjusted the image levels in Photoshop to make it easer to see the foreground stuff. The adjusted image is at:

Most of the jpeg artifacting is in the original shot, not a lot I can do about that. It's still kind of hard to see who the lady is, because she's facing away, but I don't think it's Alyx.

As for the missing sun reflection, yep, you should be able to see it; there are other things in the shot that aren't reflecting either. The brown building in the left-middle of the shot (with the white writing on the side) has two fuel-tank things in front of it, but they clearly aren't reflecting, nor is the water tower in the background. Also, the chain link fence on the right hand side of the shot isn't reflecting either.

Not that I'm complaining, the water in HL2 is yummy enough as it is :D

I don't know if Doom3 supports it, but it makes me happy to see the shots of HL2 are in widescreen! Now I'm a little more serious about getting an Apple 23" Cinema Display...
nothing new, Im sorry but Im getting sick of these lame screenshots, give us the game!
The shots look great...but I agree with C-O-N-Spiracy that the game probably won't be perfect when it hits...However no game is! I bet there is tons of flaws in DOOM III that have yet to be addressed. One thing though is through steam VALVe will be able to address these issues faster than other you know that eventually Half-Life 2 will be pretty darn near if not entirely perfect.
they looked a damn site more impressive months ago. Next to farcry and Doom they just look no more impressive (but not less impressive either).

also, while im posting - whats with all this attitude of "Im not playing Doom3 cos Im a true HL fan" - who cares? its mental not to play 1 good game (doom3) just because you feel some kind of insane attachment to HL2.

If you continue building yourselves up like this boys, it doesnt matter if they produce a game of 5 years in the futures standard - you still won't be satisfied :)
I would buy DOom3 right now.. but I'm poor and im saving up money for some RAM and HL2. so T.T
When I saw these picks I was a little bummed out. "That's it?", I thought. I honestly can't say that ANYTHING in these pics looks impressive. I know games are not about graphics, but geez, this truly looks like a game from a year or two ago. When I look back at my E3 bink vids, I think to myself, "meh I've seen that shader effect in Far Cry" or "bah I drove vehicles in BF1942, Halo and UT2004. I will also say that everything looks mighty boxy...

BUT, with that said, I'm sure the gameplay will be insane, and that's why I care more for CS:Source now than HL2. Killing aliens/mutants/demons in an infested world... been there done that...
Gary_Jones said:
[...] whats with all this attitude of "Im not playing Doom3 cos Im a true HL fan" - who cares? its mental not to play 1 good game (doom3) just because you feel some kind of insane attachment to HL2.

For myself, it's purley an economic problem, I assure you. :rolling:
Doom 3 ain't got nothing on HL2, except the fact that it's out already ;)
Did'nt somebody say that "No more pictures from HL2" before release.

ANyway wow these looks great.
Its funny how people either love the look of those pics or are disapointed by them. IMO they show amazing graphics, people have either let their expectations go way too far or they don't really like HL2 and are just trying (sometimes subconsiously) to make the game look bad by saying and thinking that the screens aren't all that good looking.

Because I am not sure how someone can say those don't look amazing. They may not be Doom III quality and they may not show all the reflectivity (OH NO :upstare: ) and the specialized lighting and such but don't they still look amazing anyway?
Ya know... what I'm thinking is that those photos are somewhat older pics.. hey i may be wrong but thats just my guess. And I also believe they said they weren't gonna give anymore details out about the game and this probably includes screenshots so I dunno. If you look at all the other screenshots from the game and then these, you can kinda tell how these recent photos lack a bit of content but, you gotta admit they are rather impressive. Even if the game doesn't have the best looks, Its got alot of heart and I'm betting it will be an all time fave.. just like hl1
These are new, check the skins on the antlion's (the same one as in the screenshot with the flashlight released by gabe a month ago), they contain bump/normal mapping, the screenshots before this didn't showed that off. However they still don't give the specifications from the pc who this is taken on so we could all compare.
I'm still hopeing that we will be overwhelmed by how much better the games looks while you are playing opposed to screens...thats how HL1 was
agreed. we cant say how cool the game is via screens and videos...each player is going to have a different playing experience due to who they are, and the physics system of course. i love the fact that you can pretty much play the whole game without firing a sing round...unless firing barrels and heaters around count as ammo lol.
The Mullinator said:
Its funny how people either love the look of those pics or are disapointed by them. IMO they show amazing graphics, people have either let their expectations go way too far or they don't really like HL2 and are just trying (sometimes subconsiously) to make the game look bad by saying and thinking that the screens aren't all that good looking.

Because I am not sure how someone can say those don't look amazing. They may not be Doom III quality and they may not show all the reflectivity (OH NO :upstare: ) and the specialized lighting and such but don't they still look amazing anyway?

I for one is very happy half life 2 is not doom3!!!!, hl2 has some vision some new elements that will bring games forward. Belive me Doom3 DONT!!!
If you look through those shots... None of them have any bump mapping, just pixel/vertex shaders. The textures look like they are around 256x256 as well...

I'd say that's what HL2 will look like on a GF3, or a GF2 (excluding the pixel shaded water) for that matter.

Step it up to high quality textures (2048x2048... That was the max... right?), bump mapping, and specular highlights. And you have something that looks as good as doom 3... only without 90% of the lights shot out and everything wrapped in plastic wrap... So in that case, better than doom 3.
alphadec said:
I for one is very happy half life 2 is not doom3!!!!, hl2 has some vision some new elements that will bring games forward. Belive me Doom3 DONT!!!

agree with that as well. hl2 is going to be the benchmark that future games will attempt to beat...but ask yourselves one question:

'can games get better that hl2?'

think about it. what else can be added? graphics cant get much better (unless they get a breakthrough to play a game with real life graphics), or maybe they can, but tbh i think only slightly if they are able to. physics are already there. non-scripted ai is there. large maps etc etc etc and etc. all i can see being better is the story...but thats just me :E

welcome to the forums xailia btw

man i cant wait for HL2 the screen shots make me hot in the pants! :thumbs:
those pics arent looking as good as some of the earlier ones i will admit.

i dont believe the computer that took those screenshots had the settings on full quality either. as someone said further up, i see no bump maps or anything like that. i reckon this is what all you poor guys with direct.x 7 (possibly 8) can expect :)
Ban my arse if u want but for ****s sake even the moderators are flaming here. Your website has gone down the shitter , with or without me sort it out , you are now 23 users down.

Welcome to the forums, but here, let me take this opportunity to belittle you and make you look stupid in front of the community. because Im a moderator I see many posts and this topic has been covered - so here, take some flame. FFS sort it out - the guys new and may not have realised that to avoid your scathing wrath he had to search every forum for his keywords.

I tell you what, why dont u quit moderating and become a totalitarian regime leader, theres a position vacant in Iraq.
Gary_Jones said:
Ban my arse if u want but for ****s sake even the moderators are flaming here. Your website has gone down the shitter , with or without me sort it out , you are now 23 users down.

Welcome to the forums, but here, let me take this opportunity to belittle you and make you look stupid in front of the community. because Im a moderator I see many posts and this topic has been covered - so here, take some flame. FFS sort it out - the guys new and may not have realised that to avoid your scathing wrath he had to search every forum for his keywords.

I tell you what, why dont u quit moderating and become a totalitarian regime leader, theres a position vacant in Iraq.

No offence, but WTF are you on about?

Fenric aka dark elf just said "the search button is your friend" and even welcomed him - where is the flaming?

It's amazing that trolls are desperately looking for reasons to troll. :O
lans said:
No offence, but WTF are you on about?

Fenric aka dark elf just said "the search button is your friend" and even welcomed him - where is the flaming?

It's amazing that trolls are desperately looking for reasons to troll. :O
Hes probably from another website and he hates us. Meh, every HL2 website is going down the crapper right now so his argument is really pretty stupid.

Hopefully I won't meet him in any multiplayer games once HL2 is released though, he is far to easy to anger IMO.

Im not angry and you cannot judge me by a single post on an internet forum anyway :)

And you are right, every single one is going down the pan. But HalfLife2 was the one I showed all my CS clan, Workmates and other members of my various communities. I would not allow this kind of moderation (take a look at the bigger issue , to see why I snapped) on my clan website!

Seriously, this site was the bomb for HL2 information - its gone kind of pearshaped after everyone got their egos battered about "being right about the release date" back last september.

If I didnt care about the site or wished it any damage I wouldnt raise this view, id just remove it from my bookmarks and forget it.
Gary_Jones said:

Im not angry and you cannot judge me by a single post on an internet forum anyway :)

And you are right, every single one is going down the pan. But HalfLife2 was the one I showed all my CS clan, Workmates and other members of my various communities. I would not allow this kind of moderation (take a look at the bigger issue , to see why I snapped) on my clan website!

Seriously, this site was the bomb for HL2 information - its gone kind of pearshaped after everyone got their egos battered about "being right about the release date" back last september.

If I didnt care about the site or wished it any damage I wouldnt raise this view, id just remove it from my bookmarks and forget it.
Well its good to see you aren't as bad as that one post. Don't get too mad at the moderators though, the number of times each day they have to deal with people posting old news (not that there is anything wrong with that but it certainly gets annoying) is amazing.

Ya this site has gone down but I suspect and hope that it is only temporary. The reason it got so bad was because of the delay and once HL2 is released alot of people will probably forget and not care about it anymore.

Sorry about judging you, but we have certainly gotten alot of people from other websites comming here and trying to make everyone upset so you have forgive me for making an assumption.