New Headcrab For Ep.3?


Jul 24, 2009
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We have had a Variety of headcrabs in Half Life.
Like:The Normal Headcrab.

The Fast Headcrab

The Poison Headcrab

But,Do you think we should have more headcrabs in Ep.3?
Underwater headcrab! Snow headcrab! Yay, my brain hurts a lot.
I think if there was a type of zombie in which all types of headcrabs had infested the poor bastard, that would be pretty epic. A fast poisonously strong zombie.
rapistcrab - hold your butt!

Yes please.

Offcourse, it would be HL without the Gonarch

I reckon there should be another crab, but one that doesn't latch onto your head, but to your spine, making NPCs have the ability to use weapons. We will still be able to see the face decompose like the rest of the body.
Coconut headcrab!

Shock headcrab!

Goast headcrab!
How about a headcrab that jumps on your back and takes control of your body, leading you into dangers like zombie hordes and acid puddles unless your friends kill it.
Well,sounds like that headcrab is like the Jockey in Left 4 dead 2!!
The O'Donnel Crab


Big, strong and can take tons of damage. When you see one of these, your best bet is a Donald Trump.
How about a gun that shoots headcrabs and zombifies people! :D

Oh god... what have I just done...
The Gonarch from hl1 would be pretty epic.
They said that they will add another headcrab and zombie variant

Maybe, ICE HEADCRAB! :monkee:
A headcrab that is actually a crab with a human head.

Pure win.
Gah the cold would make gonarch's testicle shrink.

Now that really is a Headcrab!!

That is one ugly gonarch testicle it has though

Oh and how about a headcrab cloud that floats raining headcrabs

or fire/ice headcrabs that you must use the corresponding element to defeat

This is so fresh and unique
Borealis infestation? There's a lot of radiation in this game, can't say I wouldn't expect some mutants.
That closeup of the poison headcrab gives me the willies...

Ewww...little hairs all over it. Blech.
Really? I never would've guessed. It seemed like such a clever idea.

I realized you were kidding, you simpleton. I was playing off your joke with another. I don't know why you thought you had to inform me that you were joking and didn't see my post for what it was, but going by your avatar and your know what they say about hyenas: "The lights are not all on upstairs."