new hl2 site


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
i'm currently working on a fan site for half life 2 don't worry about the domain name I will be getting a domain to suit the purpose.
Well basicly i'm looking for help and comments on what the site would need, if you are interested in joining the team or just have some comments on the site or domain name please contact me via the site or pm me here thx any comments, input and help are greatly appreciated.
what is cheecky asking for help or posting it here and btw the site is under construction and isn't even rdy yet so I guess I should just ignore comments like that from noobs.

oops guess I should have added this is my first ever and the site is going to be based on content rather than appearance
BoNfiRe - We allow people to post about their own websites here so no worries. For your very first website it's very very good, you're quite the budding graphics artist. You should of seen my first website.. black backgrounds, different coloured text on each page, background music files and giant moving gifs done in Microsoft paint. :)

I hope the website goes well for you, although for your first website you've picked a rather high goal ( news and content website for a popular game ) but again I hope you do well - it'll certainly be a valuable experience to you no matter what the outcome.

Just gonna move this to Half-Life Discussion as the board you've posted in is really just meant for issues.

Good luck m8 :)

50% of sites *cough* *cough* recycle that php template. i forget who coded it, but its years old.
For some reason the site is very slow, it took an age to load and even the scroll stutters.

Are you running some kind of stupid script in the background? or it is just because you server has limited bandwidth?

Your site seems to have lot of features if not a lot of content, out of curiosity why are there two login dialogues one on each side, or do they do different things?
not a bad start, might want to spice up the colors a bit, as the "read more" and your name are fairly faint. and probably should link directly to the pages, instead of read more

also, what happened to gordons head?
Make the news block graphics link together like puzzels. Get rid of all traces of glaring white back ground. As soon as more content is available I would change that banner if I were you. Why is the banner on the bottom aswell? Put a back to top link down there and a copy right notice, maybe a counter. The text in the drop down menus is fuxored up real bad like double vision blurring...
bonfire, the characters and enemies are copied directly from planethalflife... come on now, we know you can do better.
ahh yes sry about the glare and text as all is being worked on as we speak and sry about the centent being from here but well it's a new project and am working on the main site just thought I would just throw a little content in there just so it looks like something is there :) as for the 2 login blocks thats just my bad, again as i'm working on a picture gallery and which will allow ppl to ul screenshots and other graphic images for halflife 2
Looks gr8t man. I know some puter majors who cant pull that off, or if they can not as well.
hmm. a bit bright for my personal likings. But for your first website, well done!
The text with shadows... I'm supposed to be able to read that? (the stuff at the top)

Also, Gordon is missing the top half of his head... that looks kind of weird...

I like it its not bad for a first site, I mean my frist site was well lets not mention it, lol

The top banner uses flash :O!, wish I knew flash *jelous*

I'm working on a site at the moment :)
What you think, hehe :), there's still a bit of code left to do tho but what with collage just don't have the time, lol

Bonfire, great job. its a big game so youll have quite a big responsibility to keep up with it and whatnot, but youre off to a great start. just keep up the good work, it looks great so far. good luck:)
dont think you did the php en mysql coding yourself, i do like the gfx allot
well I will be toning it down a bit but as it's only me working on it these things are gunna take a lil bit of time :)
well I have toned it down a lil and gunna sort the text out I hope this is easier on the eye.
looks great to me :D
my site, which i havent even advanced on, its just a replacement for a subprofile on aim ^.^
my site was, two colors/frames w00t
go only basic html knowledge!
oooh affilate that would be nice however until the site is @ 100% and i have sorted out a domain name (of which if anyone has any ideas plz leave it here)
and thanx washuu nice comments like that help ;)
sometimes its just so great to see the people here being nice, which is kind of discouraging cause people should always be this nice!

but anyway, my advice would be to try to think of something that hasnt been done on an hl2 site yet, that way it would attact more people who have already seen weapon and enemy lists. try to do some original content and get involved with the community like a mailbag or write articles.

that, or make the adress something very similar to this one so people go there trying to get here :naughty:
lol well I think that won't be needed Cheetarah654 I think that might rock a few boats having a domain name too close to this site :s and well the community is here so what do you want for the site ?
What would help to get this site part of the community I would like to get in touch with any modders/mappers who are interested in releasing any mods/maps for half life2 and deal more with the development of the game after release so if any of you have any projects plz contact me ;)
This being your first website, good luck.

If your open to suggestions, I suggest you make the menu less thick (wide). Also, make the colors more visual acceptable. As it is now, its an eye sore.

Originally posted by Anubis
This being your first website, good luck.

If your open to suggestions, I suggest you make the menu less thick (wide). Also, make the colors more visual acceptable. As it is now, its an eye sore.


Well Anubis no problem changing the block width but as for the colours I have been going through allsortd of colours and this was more agreable to most if you have any colours in mind please let me know.

And well the comment about it being nuke yes sry I know php but wasn't quite prepared to script it all from scratch however i'm working on redoing the nuke script to suit my needs more and will be constantly improving the present script.
site is php-nuke with a halflife-2 skin on but if u made the skin, nice job
php nuke is evil!!! and its also has some of the messiest code i've seen. (well apart from mine :))
no no no mine is wose you should see it when I attempt to call a db function lol :) and well the basic skin was a theme I downloaded however it has gone through a major overhaul and my personal opinon is it's getting better I hope.

Yer it is, did you know php pervious then?, as I though this was your first site..
Was working on it for a bit but mainly doing things like anti-leech scripts and popup vote sections for other ppls sites this is my first website but have worked with other people on theirs.

I'm currently rescripting nuke or attempting too but man it's complicated and weirdly organised.
well content is getting better I hope all enjoy my efforts and I will maintain thats it's up to date @ all times.
I know what you mean I tryed re-coding nuke for a mate, and well I gave up :), and thats why my site is using my code :) ;)