New HL2DM Map: District 33

looks cool... i like the idea of the 3 levels (as such) the underground/level/and upper sections of the map... GJ

Wow...this is a really good looking and well designed map.
Downloading now...
FPS is not as good as I would like it to be unfortunatly. I did utilize occluders, hint brushes,model fade and detail brushes (where possible). This is my first map with hammer, so it was a learning experience. So if anyone has some suggestions to boost performance, I'm all ears.
Looks amazing! :O I've been waiting for a really nice urban map :)

Great job by the looks of things! :D :thumbs:
Just ran through it, it's bloody amazing - a great map :D

It would make a very good single player urban setting as well...:)
First off, this is a greatly designed map. Very impressive. However there are two flaws: It's very easy to get to an area where you shouldnt go and eventually fall off the map (see screenshots at end of post). Secondly, where are all the weapons? For its size the weapons and ammo are WAY too sparse. There should be a lot more stuff shattered out. And even the weapons that are there, I think I found the shotgun three times? Needs more variation :) All just IMHO of course.




i really like it! but i have to agree^ needs lots more weapons/stuff
i love the layout, you put alot of detail in it as well.. very nice.. i wouldnt say load it with weapons, but a couple more in high fighting areas would be cool.

nice work!
Just one thing.. I have it in the rotation on my server. You can pull up the street sign poles with the gravity gun, and the sign remains hanging in the air.

Not sure what to do... maybe make it so you cant pull the pole out of concrete... Or make it one entity.. No idea really. Just something I noticed.

Otherwise it looks great.
UltraNew_B said:
FPS is not as good as I would like it to be unfortunatly. I did utilize occluders, hint brushes,model fade and detail brushes (where possible). This is my first map with hammer, so it was a learning experience. So if anyone has some suggestions to boost performance, I'm all ears.

you could area portal this map all over, and see some nice fps gains. im talking area portal tunnels though, where one side is on the buildings in the middle, and you have area portals over your head too. hard to explain in words. but you gotta chop it up into chunks. hints wont do a lot here. also there are few places i saw where more occluders could help.
First off, allow me to say: nice map. You did a really good job of creating a convincing and complex enviroment. Unfortunately, as is the case with most maps approaching greatness, there is a little bit of a shopping list of improvements that I think it could benefit from (unlike most maps, where there are too many issues to even bother going into).

1) Connectivity. There are lots of great areas, with little or no incentive to get to them. The rooftop areas are fun areas, but there seems to only be one ladder to or from any given roof top. You can jump from a rooftop into a building at one point, but once you're there, you're kind of stuck. I would suggest connecting the higher levels together with makeshift wooden bridges. A golden rule of deathmatch design is "never leave only on path", and there are lots of "only one path" situations here.

2) This brings me to the sewers. First, I know they're sewers, but they're too dark. You can't see anything, and you end up getting caught on edges and corners that you can't see. It's kind of frustrating, and I don't see the sewers being a very active point in online play. I think you need to open them up a bit, lighten them up a bit, and give people incentive to go down there, otherwise I don't think they'll be used, so they'll just end up as wasted geometry. You could even open them up using a hole to the street, like you seemed to have started around the portion where the street is being dug up.

3) As was stated above: optimize! When you're in the sewers, run mat_wireframe 1 and you'll see that most everything is rendering.

4) There are some weird "sticky" points on the rooftop, around the building with the domes. Invisible crap that stops movement. Make sure all those antennas are set to not collide.

I'd currently give this map a 7/10. Optimize it, and it's an 8. Fix up the flow (this isn't a big job: just add bridges and such) and you've got a 9.
poseyjmac said:
you could area portal this map all over, and see some nice fps gains. im talking area portal tunnels though, where one side is on the buildings in the middle, and you have area portals over your head too. hard to explain in words. but you gotta chop it up into chunks.

Can you elaborate on this method more, maybe point me to a tut on creating this, i would be willing to give this a go.

pur3r4ge, i agree with your points. :) I tried optimizing, my area portals would not seal, for the sewers. :( there are numerous func_occluders which do work effectively at reducing model polies. But the main problem is the world rendering (bsp) which is not being hidden anywhere. There are a couple of hint brushes, but they seem to do nothing, as you can see into the area its, supposedly occluding, which defeats the purpose really.Which leads me to poseyjmacs suggestion, which i will try if he can elaborate more :)
Your map crashes Linux servers. I posted about it in my forums.

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