New Host and Renders for Promised Land

Well Desert Combat is about the war in Iraq, current and past. Look how successful it is. If they come out with a quality MOD that is polished, people will play it and they will enjoy it. The conflict in Israel has never really been touched upon in the gaming community.

Even in counter-strike, to some folks, the terrorist side may resemble some real World terrorists. There are hostages in counter-strike, I don't understand how that isn't ethical, the difference between Counter-Strike and this MOD is that Promised Land dwells on something specific.

I'm sure the Promised Land team won't go so far as too mimic real terrorist events in Israel. They won't allow people to blow up buses and such, atleast I hope not. But just like in any other game, there are people who like to use it for the wrong purpose. I remember when I played BF1942 for the first few months on Coral Sea everyone seemed to want to crash their Zero's into the battle-ships, thinking that kamikazi runs might help the situation.

I'm also pretty sure that the game won't support any specific ideology.
ok ok ok, debate has raged about this, but i remeber a game when they said "Kill haitians" did people and little kiddies go out an kill haitians? No and you know what i disturbed as to how ignorant you people can be. A game influence suicide bombers, how bout we go tell those Clerics and shit to stop saying "blow your self up for alah!" thats where the true hate come in, and once again this mod isnt taking any sides, infact i hope my mod will give some clarity about the current situation.
spree said:
This game has no place in current time, It is based on a current crises. This game can only add to the tention of both sides and even encaurage more death. Think that a palestinian kid playing this game will might get aspired to go with a weapon and kill Israelies and surely get killed in the process. These kids have enough brain washing from their grown ups to do so.
This game gives support for sueside murderers there is nothing good in this. It's just like making a game NOW of AlKida terrorists trying to crash plains in the USA. Think about that, this game involves true, current ethnics. It has no place nowadays...

Nonsense, you think those palestinian kids need a video game to tell 'em "go pick up an AK and fight"? that's a load of garbage man. Those kids see posters of martyrs everywhere, tapes, and lots more... And I find it hilarious that you would think they would even hear from this mod.
Onions said:
i'm not a complete bastard so i won't bring up the uglyness of the site in question :)

new designs up by the way.
bottom line if you dont like it dont play it. were still going to make it though.
CB | Para said:
Nonsense, you think those palestinian kids need a video game to tell 'em "go pick up an AK and fight"? that's a load of garbage man. Those kids see posters of martyrs everywhere, tapes, and lots more... And I find it hilarious that you would think they would even hear from this mod.
I’m sorry I thought this was supposed to be unbiased? You clearly show a bias against the Palestinians there. Why shouldn’t they have access to computers? There is also the possibility you seem to be seem to be forgetting that Israel has a large internet and fps player community, you don’t think that this mod will cause anger and indeed aid in the perpetuation of the cycle of hate in the region.

Oh and remember people one mans terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. Israel did invade the Palestinian territories, and have occupied them ever since after all. The atrocities on both sides the use of suicide bombers and the murder of civilians on both sides makes the morals of this conflict very difficult. I can’t see it ending for a very long time, which is a tragedy for everyone.

I believe the reason this mod is creating such a stir is that both sides have cause for sympathy, not hammas or the IDF, but the Israeli people and the Palestinians people. If you can build a unbiased mod I will be surprised, as has been seen on these boards it has been seen as taken that the IDF are the goodies and that hammas is the badies i.e. terrorists. This may be the case in reality, or not depending on your politics. But to make a mod on this most morally ambiguous of conflicts is, strictly in my opinion, both reckless and an aid to the perpetuation of bigotry on both sides of the conflict, not just for the participants but for anyone who plays the mod. You said you would let the community decide well the most part so far seems to be against it.

If you change your mind on this and want to make a mod about a conflict no one has done why not the Crimean war? If you want one with controversy try the Boer war, where jolly old Blighty (Britain) gave to the world great legacy of the concentration camps and ethnic cleansing.
Excellent waedoe. I had to register on your site immediately when I heard of this mod. After reading all of these posts against the mod, I am reminded of the song Victory, which reads, "You're just mad 'cause I tell it how it is, and you tell it how it might be." Good Luck on your project.
Well, gh0st and waedoe, expect people *ahem* *demigod* *ahem* to be opposed to this mod all the way. Some people will refused to ever be convinced, but that's their problem, not yours.

And despite what you could think, demigod and others, I respect your opinions.

I, among others. believe there's nothing wrong with this mod, and those opinions should be respected as well.
Heh, I'll bet you in 50 years, when Half-Life 3 is released, this conflict will be modded like crazy. I even think it will be given a name. No one will object then. Are there any Muslims here, by the way?
thanks those who are supporting us, and to those that oppose us thanks for keep us in check. i respect everyones opinion that was logical, and just not out to flame us. to me and the rest of the mod crew, a war is a war, be it Past, Present, or Future. that is our opinion.
ROD said:
Heh, I'll bet you in 50 years, when Half-Life 3 is released, this conflict will be modded like crazy. I even think it will be given a name. No one will object then. Are there any Muslims here, by the way?
In fifty years you will probably be right, possibly sooner as the Vietnam games have shown. There will always be more conflicts to be made into mods, human history is a series of wars, we have been killing each other for a very long time, I cant see that changing.

I personally find it questionable to make a mod of a tragedy. I also find the current glut of gulf war games offensive, people are still fighting and dieing there. But then the 24hr news of the conflict was the same desensitising and sensationalist, next they will be selling seats for invasions, and people think the coliseum was barbaric.
You guys know about Kuma/War or whatever it's called, right?

They made a missionpack where you launched a TOW at U and Q (Saddam's sons, I have no clue how to spell their names) only weeks after the actual incident.

Now THAT's pretty quick real life >>> game.
Demigod said:
In fifty years you will probably be right, possibly sooner as the Vietnam games have shown. There will always be more conflicts to be made into mods, human history is a series of wars, we have been killing each other for a very long time, I cant see that changing.

I personally find it questionable to make a mod of a tragedy. I also find the current glut of gulf war games offensive, people are still fighting and dieing there. But then the 24hr news of the conflict was the same desensitising and sensationalist, next they will be selling seats for invasions, and people think the coliseum was barbaric.

theres a difference between ending somethings coded life and ending a real life. aka a computer game is different from real life.
I feel the need to say that while I respect your right to make whatever you want to make, it's in quite bad taste and IMO isn't quite that original. With that said, good luck reaching your goal.
I think the site needs to go on a weight-gain program. :p
(I think it should be wider... it's really weird-looking with it being that thin...)
Letters said:
(I think it should be wider... it's really weird-looking with it being that thin...)

how come britney gets to be thin, but a website cant. time to call the naacp, :p
wishfull thinking:

Maybe you could turn the story of your mod in such a way that it truely reflects what the hell is going on there. Maybe you could even make the stupidity of the conflict obvious.

I don't know where I read it or who I'm quoting, but it went like this:

"to find the problems within a society, you have to find out what is taboo, find what the things are that cannot be said or cannot be shown, regardless of reason"

Also, I just visited your new site, looks good.

I found this over there:

Promised Land is a total conversion powered by the highly anticipated Half Life 2 Source engine. Our objective is to accurately depict combat, as it occurs all over Israel between 'terrorist' groups, and Israel's Defence Forces. We believe it is a untouched topic in the mod world, and the game industry. We intend to go about this mod with care, and to present it tastefully. There will be no team biases, everything will be presented 'as is'.

What makes Promised Land unique? Several things.

1) Conflict. This is a conflict many know nothing about, You see it every day, yet few grasp how, why, and where the real fighting takes place in Israel. Try and picture in your mind how the fighting occurs there - I bet you cant.

2) Game types. We believe that all too overused are the classic Counter-Strike gametypes. We also want something different from territory capture maps, a la Day of Defeat, or Battlefield 1942. By adding innovative game types, such as "Drive in", we think it will truly set our mod apart from the rest.

3) Realism: to a point. Often toted today is having realism in your games. Realism is great: to a point. By balancing realism with fun, we hope to pull off a mod that is both tactically exciting, yet intense enough to make you wonder "what if this happened in my city".

Fair enough, I take back what I said before. You have my benefit of a doubt.
I encourage you guys not to be shallow, do make a lot of research, or it'll blow up in your face. I just hope you're not trying to exploit the conflict to gain attention.

aaarg. realism. purleaaase. realism nowadays is everywhere. i don't like it anymore. too much games with realism

i want my halflife 2 already!
I don't deserve to post in this thread because I'm destructive and insulting.
name a few games with true realism!

hmm americas army, and?
[RDH]MastahFrag said:
yeah, i got that feeling alotta times nowadays...

Last edited by Chris_D : Today at 05:41 PM.

wow! he must've been really destructive then! lol, no offense poofy, but Chris made the right choice. i dunno what it said, but it must've been really :thumbs:

errr....AA, and...AA,and....AA?

no, what i think when looking at realism, is everything made like in real life. thats what drives me nuts lately. maybe the right word, wrong situation used it in.
It wasn't too bad tbh, but it annoyed me. This whole thread is tbh.
you find that odd? i shall say nothing, cuz the answer on that question is not far away (hint: does releasedate say anything?)

ah well, ill stop, i am just annoying people. get this game out already valve, i can't hold, it feels like i need to shit really bad, thats how it feels!
That is pretty good idea,wow HL2 is really something I heard they are using HL2 engine for US military training.
Great work... i think realism is good on games.. people just love it.
no one ever made or make game about wars in israel, and there are too many of them. I think it is great Idea to make this game !

And i really want to help you guys about everything that i know ( i am israeli ), i can help about the story, about kinds of weapons, ideas ,battle areas, and the places you dont need to touch.

Contect me at my Email! [email protected] matan.
Dready said:
Great work... i think realism is good on games.. people just love it.
no one ever made or make game about wars in israel, and there are too many of them. I think it is great Idea to make this game !

And i really want to help you guys about everything that i know ( i am israeli ), i can help about the story, about kinds of weapons, ideas ,battle areas, and the places you dont need to touch.

Contect me at my Email! [email protected] matan.

thanks for your support dready. interestingly enough, we've gotten a huge amount of support from Israeli's, and ill be sure to contact you if we need you.