New idea for hl2 engine

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Apr 23, 2005
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me and the other ppl on my mod team were talking about our mod( When one of them came up with an idea for a completley new engine based off the hl2 engine but writting in c#. C# is like a combo btw java and c++ it is a very powerful language that is a lot easier to learn than c++. Microsoft uses this lang for most of their projects including the new antispyware prog. What do u guys think, the main appeal is that u can keep the power of the hl2 engine but it would be your own engine and u could sell your games without valves permission. And to make it u would just have to spend a lot of time making the hl2 sourcecode into c#. I already have a name for it, the Half-life # engine(logo coming soon).
Just two small flaws with your plan:

1) You don't have the Source code to the engine used for HL2

2) You don't have the Source code to the engine used for HL2
Lets see...then technically arn't they giving there engine away free?
An average license for Source(The engines name) is like $1,000,000.
mikeandike22 said:
me and the other ppl on my mod team were talking about our mod( When one of them came up with an idea for a completley new engine based off the hl2 engine but writting in c#. C# is like a combo btw java and c++ it is a very powerful language that is a lot easier to learn than c++. Microsoft uses this lang for most of their projects including the new antispyware prog. What do u guys think, the main appeal is that u can keep the power of the hl2 engine but it would be your own engine and u could sell your games without valves permission. And to make it u would just have to spend a lot of time making the hl2 sourcecode into c#. I already have a name for it, the Half-life # engine(logo coming soon).

Umm you can't just convert the code, as you don't have the code to the engine itself. And you can't just steal Valves engine, recode it, and call it your own, its still Valves, you would need their permission.
well you see they sortof give you most of it with the sdk and you can get it i am sure, and if i do actually sell it i wouldnt call it half-life #, i would just call it w/e my game would be called, and because it is in a complete new lang valve couldnt claim ne part of it. And if u think it cost a million dollars your insane, cuz activision made their game Vampire: The Masquerade bloodlines and they are selling it, and def didnt pay that much, i think the second version of natural selection is gonna be sold too.
Lads leave the kid be, I bet in a day or two he'll see for himself.
Haha, woohoo. The SDK is about 1/10 of the physical code, dumbass. And even if you managed to get the entire source code, you'd be damn hard pressed to actually covert the fukkah. And even if you DO happen to do that, Valve will (if they haven't already) jump on you like CptStern on politics and rip your face off, send you to jail and have Valve's PR team come to your cell and have their way with you.

AAAANNND even if you managed to get through all three of those impossible tasks, no one would buy that shit.

So don't even try, just stop right now and tell yourself you're a failure and go do something productive like helping your mom paint the room or something.

yep, Sauce co-eds!

If you just change the SDK and convert it to C# and then claim it as your own, valve can still sue you. was sued by for being close to their name... I'm sure VALVe can do the same thing, but with code.

Why would people even bother to buy your C# conversion? If you want to take the time to convert over to C#, why keep it the same? Heck, why keep it at all? Just start your own C# engine from scratch, and don't steal or copy other people's ideas.

Also, considering the UT2k4 engine (UE2) is being sold for $750,000-ish, there is no doubt in my mind Source is at least a million bucks. ATVI (abbreviation for Activision) is selling the game for 50 bucks, is that what you are talking about? See, when you sell millions of copies of games, at that price, you get all the money you spent plus some profit... Troika Studios _did_ buy the engine. They spent that much money so they could have a AAA engine. It's not some small engine, it's top-of-the-line stuff.

You seem to also be confused with the difference of selling source code and selling IP... IP = Intellectual Property... It's what someone thinks up. Like the Doom franchise is id Software's IP, they thought of it.

NS2 is going to be a retail game.

Logo is so original btw, never would have thought you would have done that :D [/sarcasm]
Here's a little lesson in engine technology.

The code in the SDK is known as the Game Logic. It's all the bits of code required to make the actual Half-Life 2 game work. For example - weapons, vehicles etc.

Then we have the engine. This is where the renderer, netcode etc all reside. Valve don't give the source to this part out unless you have a license. Licenses aren't cheap (although considerably less than the $1,000,000 figure stated earlier) and you can't afford one.

To correct another of your silly assumptions - even if you magically did get hold of the engine source, and you had the actual ability to convert it to C#, then the code would still belong to Valve. In no way would you have any rights to it at all.

Lastly, I seriously doubt your ability to even code "Hello World", let alone the porting of an entire engine.
I'm still waiting for the obligatory "If any coderz wanna do this for me, I'll menti0n them in my readme file!!111!" post.

-Angry Lawyer
Iced_Eagle said:

If you just change the SDK and convert it to C# and then claim it as your own, valve can still sue you. was sued by for being close to their name... I'm sure VALVe can do the same thing, but with code.
First off u ppl think i am a dumbass, Froogle is ****ing owned by google.
And second jesus christ you ppl just wont let it go, it was just an idea, but u guys have to go be jackasses about it. I didnt come on here and spam everyones gay mods so stfu.
It's theifs like you that make the world so ugly. Don't call these guys jackasses. They were merely responding to a stupid idea about stealing someone elses work suggested by someone who couldn't even do it if he tried. Do everyone a favor and shoot yourself.
Yea but since Valve designed about 90% of that means they didn't do that much. I think it's a great idea, like he said, C# is a very powerful language, I don't know why Valve didn't think about coding HL2 in C#!! Valve knows nothing about coding, C# RockZorz the big one11!!!!1
thank you, and childeRoland, STFU, Wat makes you think i give a damn about your opinion, and it wasnt stealing I suggested, did i ever say that i was gonna steal the source code, no. And if i take a code that i got fairly and rewrite it in another more powerful lang like c# i dont think the originating code could be called the same as the new one. And if i could get my hands on valve's(which i now know i cant) source code then i would do it, and once you see how powerful it is you guys would buy ne game on it in a sec. All u had to say was u cant get valve's source code, u didnt have to b rude, now let it die.
mikeandike22 said:
thank you, and childeRoland, STFU, Wat makes you think i give a damn about your opinion, and it wasnt stealing I suggested, did i ever say that i was gonna steal the source code, no. And if i take a code that i got fairly and rewrite it in another more powerful lang like c# i dont think the originating code could be called the same as the new one. And if i could get my hands on valve's(which i now know i cant) source code then i would do it, and once you see how powerful it is you guys would buy ne game on it in a sec. All u had to say was u cant get valve's source code, u didnt have to b rude, now let it die.

1. Yes, what you suggested was stealing. You were talking about just transferring their work to another medium. That's like ripping a CD to MP3, then charging people for the MP3 and keeping all the profit yourself. You are changing the format, but you are not going out and finding a band and recording your own song.
You did not write that engine, you were talking about merely changing it a little bit and pretending like it was new.
Valve licensed the Quake engine from iD for HL1. They changed a lot more than you are talking about, but they still had to pay to use it.

2. What makes you think that C# is so much more powerfull than C/C++? I'd like to see some actual evidence that it would do better in a game engine than what Valve has used.

3. I don't buy any game based on it's engine. I buy it based on gameplay, replay factor, and several other factors. There are many good games that do not come from powerful engines, and there are many crap games that come from extremely capable engines that were just not implemented well.
i dont think what valve did to the quake engine is nething compared to wat i said, and i didnt know that you had to pay so much for the full engine, so you see i never said i was gonna steal so again just let it die.
You didnt say "u could sell your games without valves permission." ?? Valve spent time and money to develop the Source engine. If you use it without their permission, that is theft. You went even further with your proposal, you said that you should take this stolen engine and sell it to others for a profit.
I have decided:
Mike, you are a fool. Only assholes write 3D engines in goddamn C#. You might as well say "OMG IM GONNA MAKEZ TEH SORUCE ENGUN IN QBASIC"
Now go away.
Who gave the 8 year old the password to get on the computer in the first place? And isn't Netnanny supposed to block forums?
coding forum proving it's worth i see :)
c# has it's place, big game projects are not it, yet.
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm still waiting for the obligatory "If any coderz wanna do this for me, I'll menti0n them in my readme file!!111!" post.

-Angry Lawyer
Well if you wanna code for me you ain't getting any better than the bloody readme, You hear!?!? :p
just let it die, stop talking about it, i realized it was a dumb idea by like the 4th post so just leave the post alone, or some admin just delete it.
mikeandike22 said:
just let it die, stop talking about it, i realized it was a dumb idea by like the 4th post so just leave the post alone, or some admin just delete it.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?
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