New Idea For Mod (DONT FLAME ME)!!!


Mar 7, 2005
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I thought of a half life2 mod called Citizen Life...
You play a citizen having a normal life. Basicly like the sims. It has,

  • Has health,food HUD
  • Mele Weapons (bottles,watermelons,etc.
  • Different types of citizens-
  • ---Hacker, hacks...
  • --attacker, has weapons such as a pistol
  • --spy, can put on the combine uniform
  • cook, a volgi can do this (you can be a volgi yayy!)
  • Scientest, Can make anything...
what do you think? :bounce:
Well like I was thinking it wouldnt be like the sims more like you need to eat or your energy (sprint energy) decreases

First off, the world isn't persistant. So you'd be starting new each time you join a server. Not very sim-like. Second, the amount of effort you'd need to put in to each and every little detail of life (eating, pooping, sleeping, joggnig) can get arduous. Bad idea. Choose a different engine.

Edit - Not to mention, there's no real goal in your mod. Oh boy, be a spy. And spy what? Hack what? Attack what?
NO!!! DUDE!!! GARR!!! It's not going to be like the sims!
Its going to have a food meter to make it a little rpgish!
AAAAHHHH, screams. Sims....NOOOO. Damn you made me think of the Sims. Bad memories. I find the sims pretty boring. Just make it so you play as a citizen and go thorough levels or something...
i suppose it might be a good idea, as long as it is progressive, ie you can pick up new weapons, gain experience, etc, like KotOR.

3rd person perhaps?
either the sims or a Massive online pointed out, the world would restart every time so there isnt exactly a goal or aim to reach...
hehe :)
its an idea, could be fun if it was developed more and unique
Well, my second project after doing an RTS is to make a Sim-City-esque game using the Source engine, just because I can.

-Angry Lawyer
Might sound like a good mod if it could be made into something very detailed and engaging.

I think just "doing stuff" in the life of a citizen won't keep people interested for very long before they just say, "forget it", grab a gun, and start shooting everything. :dozey:

Needs "depth" and a sense of direction :)
MarcoPollo said:
ahhh sounda fun. could i beta test possibly?
Possibly. The one weakness of doing a one-man mod is that I don't have other team members to test with. So when I have something playable/enjoyable, I'll think about letting you know.

-Angry Lawyer