New important Steam Update

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Half-Life 2 Portuguese text closed captioning system and Game UI and Steam in Portuguese are now available through the Steam Options dialog. CounterStrike: Source and Half-Life: Source will be made available in Portuguese soon.

Werent we all waiting for this update ROFL
You're right. They don't even have electricity in South America, what were they thinking?
Man, this and DoD:s are all i've been waitin for
Portuguese is the language from Portugal, which is an european country.

Here in Brazil (I can't talk about the whole south america), we do have eletricity and some of us go as far as having our own copies of HL2, I shit you negative.

But the translation sucks for us brazillians, our portuguese is more different from Portugal's than american english is from the original.
Yes, I know, I was I being a bit sarcastic.

I never considered the differences between Portugal's Portuguese and South America's. That makes sense though, considering the distances and the amount of time of being separated from one another. How bad is it? With English English vs. American English it's mostly different vocabularly (and accents, but even the US has its own distinct regional accents).

I would imagine it's better than nothing.
Lukes Wall said:
Portuguese is the language from Portugal, which is an european country.

Here in Brazil (I can't talk about the whole south america), we do have eletricity and some of us go as far as having our own copies of HL2, I shit you negative.

But the translation sucks for us brazillians, our portuguese is more different from Portugal's than american english is from the original.

WTF, is Portuguese the language of Portugal??
*goes to search the answer on the net*
OMFG it is

(sarcasme all around)
Raawr said:
WTF, is Portuguese the language of Portugal??
*goes to search the answer on the net*
OMFG it is

(sarcasme all around)

Thanks I didn't know, who would of though that two similar words like Portuguese and Portugal are related to eachother.
Raawr said:
WTF, is Portuguese the language of Portugal??
*goes to search the answer on the net*
OMFG it is

(sarcasme all around)

I wasn't really talking to you. kthxbye

marshmallow said:
Yes, I know, I was I being a bit sarcastic.

Ok, then. Sarcasm suffers through written language, no? :)

I never considered the differences between Portugal's Portuguese and South America's. That makes sense though, considering the distances and the amount of time of being separated from one another. How bad is it? With English English vs. American English it's mostly different vocabularly (and accents, but even the US has its own distinct regional accents).

I would imagine it's better than nothing.

I prefer the english version, myself. The differences are: vocabulary; accent (it's almost impossible for a brazillian to fully understand a portuguese, they talk REALLY fast); structure and verbal use (in Brazil, we use a lot all the three kinds of past that our language has. In Portugal, they use mostly the main two).

For example, when you shout "go, go, go" in cs:s, it shows "avança, avança". That's typical Portugal's portuguese, whereas brazillian portuguese would be "vai, vai, vai". We are less formal and stuff.
So many racist comments. I'm portuguese and I feel insulted. Thanks, I hope you get some information about Portugal and the Portugueses and then talk about it.
And then, please, can you give me a meal? Cause here we eat only what we find in the ground.

Lukes Wall said:
Portuguese is the language from Portugal, which is an european country.

Here in Brazil (I can't talk about the whole south america), we do have eletricity and some of us go as far as having our own copies of HL2, I shit you negative.

But the translation sucks for us brazillians, our portuguese is more different from Portugal's than american english is from the original.
Tell me about it. I fire up the Spanish version and I hear them speak with an accent from Spain. It'd be as if they had an English version from England and have Barney have a Cockney accent.

Racism is gladly not something we often have to deal with here, however there has been times where people have registered with racist names, or resorted to racial slurs on the forum. No matter what the context of the post is, racism is not something that will be tolerated and will acquire you an instant ban, without warning and with no exceptions to this rule. Your post will also be deleted.

Where are the mods?
MigaS_tX said:
So many racist comments. I'm portuguese and I feel insulted. Thanks, I hope you get some information about Portugal and the Portugueses and then talk about it.
And then, please, can you give me a meal? Cause here we eat only what we find in the ground.


ROFL where did you find racism man, with your stupid racism shit.
go nag somewhere else
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