New internet speed record

wow, you could download all the porn on the internet in about half an hour..
I hope Internet2 makes it to us soon, I would LOVE to download pr0n that quick. :D
Majestic XII said:
Good luck finding one with that much upload :D
There are places, and not just websites. ;)

Wow, that's awesome, hope that technology catches up fast enough so that it becomes a commodity rather than a rarity.
I'm still without the joys of a DSL line. Heck the best net connection I got is my schools.

10:40am Recess time yay
Do you think that there could be a big bit of pressure from certain industries not to let this technology out? I'm guessing there would be a huge increase in piracy if this was ever to reach the public......
Another note...Internet2 currently delivers speeds of up to 10Gbps. :O
Yea, let's max out and overload the Steam servers. :D
Good for them, today I just set my own personal net speed record.

I reached 7.0kbytes/s today!!! :D

