New interview with Lombardi at boomtown(danish)



Didn't quite know if I should start a new topic or where to put it otherwise. - Danish Version - English Version

A bit new info about halflife and CS:Counterstrike..

He confirms that the game is basicly finished they are just finished up like they've said in the other interviews put he also says that a pressrelease will be released in the next few weeks."Thats all we want to say about that"

They are counting on doing a few new maps for Counter-strike also,which sounds nice..My danish is a bit lacking though,couldnt understand some words and sentences :)
Nice work Valve and Dementor thanks for posting this info for us. :thumbs:
Registred here May 2003,haven't had a need to post until now :)

Edit: OK great!
pressrelease means they send the press a dvd w/ hl2? and they test it then?
No, the Press Release is in regard to someone being charged for the hack.
"By the way several persons have been charged in this case, and we’re hoping to make an official statement to the press within the next couple of weeks. I really have no further comments on that matter."
Good to hear that the hackers have been caught. But the rest of the article disturbs me, so Half-Life on Source wont look any better? And no mention on the fact if this is the only multiplayer the game has...
PvtRyan said:
Good to hear that the hackers have been caught. But the rest of the article disturbs me, so Half-Life on Source wont look any better? And no mention on the fact if this is the only multiplayer the game has...

The fact that Half Life on source won't look better doesn't surprise me. It would have taken a huge amount of time to adjust the content to the new engine.
But yes, it would definitely have been very cool.. Ah well, I'm sure there will be some fanatics that will upgrade HL:S afterwards, after all VALVe is cool with that
RoyaleWithCheese said:
The fact that Half Life on source won't look better doesn't surprise me. It would have taken a huge amount of time to adjust the content to the new engine.
But yes, it would definitely have been very cool.. Ah well, I'm sure there will be some fanatics that will upgrade HL:S afterwards, after all VALVe is cool with that

It take like 1-2months and there will be upgrade packs from fans for HL:S, I think it will be so. :dozey:
PvtRyan said:
Good to hear that the hackers have been caught. But the rest of the article disturbs me, so Half-Life on Source wont look any better? And no mention on the fact if this is the only multiplayer the game has...

It’ll be exciting to relive Black Mesa again, this time running on the Source engine with improved physics and graphics. Lombardi finished the interview promising more info about Team Fortress 2 as soon as Half-Life 2 hits retail this summer.

This seems to indicate otherwise. Additionally, I doubt that they'd put the game into Source but keep the low-res textures and models of the original, particularly as converting the game is so easy they only needed three weeks.
To re-texture every map, character/weapon/world model would take quite a bit of time. I don't think they'll do any work in regards to that.
so HL source uses HL1 models?

forget that. If I were to get HL Source, I would want the MODELS updated as well!
So, what are the benefits of converting the original HL to Source if they aren't going to be updating textures or models? Is it physics only?
monkeydust said:
So, what are the benefits of converting the original HL to Source if they aren't going to be updating textures or models? Is it physics only?
that's what I'd like to know too, because HL1:S will be like riding a ferrari only on the sidewalk ... :dork:
I just find it hard to believe Valve would have made the models as good as HAlf-LIfe2, re-done a whole bunch of facial animations etc to maintain the standard. It's a huge amount of work.

All you'll be getting is nice physics (i think)
I think artists will have the higher res textures of the ones they used in HL lying around somewhere (assuming they painted the textures at a res of at least 512x512 before scaling down and putting it in HL1) so those could be used. They could link some standard bump/reflection/specular maps to the textures, for all I care they're just standard procedural noise maps from XSI.

Also, a lot of the models from HL2 could be used in HL1, there was not much conversation/interaction with NPC's in the game, so making new animations for them should take no longer than a few days per character.
How many monsters were there in HL? 12? About half are said to return in HL2, so that leaves like 5-6 monsters and a few human grunt models (hell they could use the high def pack from BS and slam some new textures on them, that would suffice)

They could do the same thing they did on the City-17 civilians on Barney and the scientists, so not all Barneys would look the same, you can just use the face textures from HL2 for this.

Also there could be HUGE improvements on lighting, all they need to do is recompile the map for the new lightmaps and add some per pixel lights you saw in the Gregori video. They need to renew the lightmaps anyway if they add physics because then the shadows on previously static barrels will look stupid.

I don't expect them to do Oscar winning facial animations, but creating lip sync for the lines spoken in the game shouldn't be much of a problem. If they used the models from HL2 then the characters are already rigged and all they need to do is type in the lines in Faceposer.

The weapons arsenal is pretty much back in HL2, I would have no problem with playing with the MP7 instead of the MP5. Maybe one or two weapons that won't return in HL2 (snark and egon?) will need a new model.

Also some basic world brush refinements in rough area's isn't very time consuming.

I'm sorry, but if you expect people to pay for it, then I would think that the changes listed above are not too much to ask for.
I think re-done high-res models would look out of place in the low-poly architecture of the would just look wrong, especially in the outside areas with the rock faces. Which is why I'm wondering why they're bothering to do this in the first place if they want us to pay for it. What was the point in doing this?
Gah, everyone is STILL convinced that we'll have to pay for the Source ports. One more time:


Counter-Strike is available commerically. Doesn't mean I don't get it free with HL1.

man, i was too hyped up for hl on source. i figured that they'd be redoing everything. i mean if we pay for it (which i still believe we will), we shouldn't just get a port right to the new engine. we should get h2 models and stuff. i mean who's going to buy it when someone could easily make a mod of hl2 that is the original hl1 game? i mean, why would someone make a mod with hl2:source when they could do it with just hl2 (they aparently have to start from scratch anyways). that doesn't make sense. this blows 8 (
I'd rather pay £10 -15 for a full conversion of HL¹ than pay £5 for a mediocre effort, which is what it sounds like they are doing. :|
RoyaleWithCheese said:
The fact that Half Life on source won't look better doesn't surprise me. It would have taken a huge amount of time to adjust the content to the new engine.

Yup, absolutely correct; recreating all the models and upgrading everything to source would be way too much work for Valve, considering sounds as well, converting everything to 5.1 surround? That's practically the workload of a full game.

I don't think people are going to be playing HL1 when the game finally comes out anyway :E
nerdcorerocks said:
man, i was too hyped up for hl on source. i figured that they'd be redoing everything. i mean if we pay for it (which i still believe we will), we shouldn't just get a port right to the new engine. we should get h2 models and stuff. i mean who's going to buy it when someone could easily make a mod of hl2 that is the original hl1 game? i mean, why would someone make a mod with hl2:source when they could do it with just hl2 (they aparently have to start from scratch anyways). that doesn't make sense. this blows 8 (

What are you talking about? I don't think you have any idea how much time/money it would take to produce the art assets for a hi-fi version of HL1. Just creating higher detail worldbrush geometry with high res diffuse and specular maps would take a small art team several months.

Valve can't even produce HL2 within 9 months of their original release date, why would you want them wasting more time re-doing HL1?

And for crying out loud, stop asserting that we'll have to buy HL1-Source. If it's not included when you buy HL2, I'll be extremely surprised.
dscowboy said:
What are you talking about? I don't think you have any idea how much time/money it would take to produce the art assets for a hi-fi version of HL1. Just creating higher detail worldbrush geometry with high res diffuse and specular maps would take a small art team several months.

Valve can't even produce HL2 within 9 months of their original release date, why would you want them wasting more time re-doing HL1?

And for crying out loud, stop asserting that we'll have to buy HL1-Source. If it's not included when you buy HL2, I'll be extremely surprised.

my complain is based on the assumption that we will have to buy it. and yes, if they are making us buy it then they should put effort to redo models (most are already finished for hl2) and update maps. its not like the have to recreate the entire game, they dont' have to worry about coding or level design.. if it is not to be sold, then whateva