- Dozens of youths clashed with police and set fire to buildings in a Paris suburb on Sunday after two teenagers were killed in a crash with a police car.
The pair were riding on a stolen motorcycle when the accident happened on Sunday in the town of Villiers-le-Bel, north of Paris, a police union source said.
France?s worst urban unrest in 40 years broke out in the northeastern Paris suburb of Clichy-Sous-Bois in November 2005, after two teenagers died electrocuted in an electricity sub-station after apparently fleeing police.
The circumstances in this case, however, were different.
?It was not a chase but apparently a traffic accident,? a police source said.
The town?s police station caught fire and that of the neighbouring town, Arnouville-les-Gonesse, was ransacked, the local authority said. A Villiers garage was set ablaze and fires were put out before they could spread in a neighbouring garage and a petrol station in the same town.
This was the 25th. Note the bold part which highlights ignorance/stupid statements.
26th now -, France (Reuters) - At least 40 French police were hurt late on Monday in running battles with scores of rioters in a suburb north of Paris where two youths died after a crash involving a police car.
During a second night of disturbances in Villiers-le-Bel and nearby areas, a local government official said one policeman was shot in the shoulder by some kind of firearm but was only slightly wounded.
A garbage truck and a police vehicle were among at least 36 vehicles torched late at night in the Val d?Oise area that includes Villiers and nearby districts also hit by the unrest, police and local officials said.
A Reuters witness said police were pelted with stones, petrol bombs and large firecrackers that exploded over their heads during hours of cat-and-mouse skirmishes with rioters. Police replied with tear gas, rubber bullets and paint guns designed to identify troublemakers. Spent cartridges and rocks thrown by rioters littered the streets.
Injured officers were given treatment in a local fire station used by police as a base. One, his face bloodied, had his arm in a sling. Officials said 40 officers were slightly hurt, though three officers needed hospital treatment.
Local mayor Didier Vaillant, who had earlier called for calm, said airguns had been fired at police. ?It looks like it?s going to be a long night,? he said.
Yeah, they call them "youths", but we know what they are: Muslim immigrants. Last time this happened, Al Waleed Bin Talal payed to have news outlets not use the M word and not properly cover the events. Now, apparently, he won't even have to.