New Killzone Interview...


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks to Doom_Bringer at GamingAge for the link.

Very good interview, check it out at,4364,1427235,00.asp

"1UP: In terms of technology and art, Killzone is above a lot of the competition. When looking at other first-person-shooters on the PlayStation 2, do you think that cross-platform developers are just lazy at doing these games?

Martin: Well, lazy is very negative adjective, but it's a practical decision. If somebody would ask us tomorrow to do an conversion to another platform from the outset, we would have to think about long and hard what we could include and what not. Doing a multiplatform project means compromising. Either it's overall, like were going to do just one version for all platforms so they are all the same, or one platform is made the best and the other platforms get derivatives of that. We didn't have to compromise, where other developers might have to. I don't think it's necessarily laziness. I do get the impressions that some people think that the PlayStation 2 is not capable of doing certain things, which it is. It's a very powerful machine. You just have to live and breathe it. It's a very steep learning curve, but once you get there, you can get excellent results."

I agree what he said here. Playstation 2 is a very powerful machine, although he said that Killzone is pushing the maximum power out of Playstation 2.

Killzone is being released sometime around Q3 this year.