New Laptop: .13 gHz faster processor, or 1 more GB or RAM?


Sep 13, 2003
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I'd like your opinion on a dillema I'm facing right now:

I'm configuring a new Dell XPS Gen 2 Gaming Laptop, and I have enough money to upgrade one of two options: I can either upgrade from a 2 gHz Pentium M Processor to a 2.13 gHz one (both have identical fsb and cache sizes), or I can go from 1 GB to 2 GB of RAM. The RAM is $100 more expensive than the processor, but would it really be worth it? Considering that the GeForce 6800 Ultra will be outdated in a year or two anyway, will the extra RAM ever be used before the entire system is out of date? And furthermore, would the extra .13 gHz really give me that much of a speed improvement?

Thanks for your input. :)

EDIT: Wow, this advertisement software is having a field day with my thread title! :E
well, i guess id go for the processor upgrade. But maybe you can just save that $100, i mean its not going to give you any tremendous improvments. Can you upgrade the hd?
Don't get a Dell, they have awful tech support... took me 6 attempts to make it clear to their non-English-speaking tech people that I had a bad video card, and when it finally worked, it was only after I spent - I shit you not - 35 minutes on hold and over an hour and a half doing things like restarting the computer. Then they sent me a "refurbished" card that obviously hadn't been refurbished enough, cos it still didn't work, and tried to charge me for it when their own technician came to my house and fixed it, and took the old one with him (this being on the seventh or eighth phone call, and against my better judgment).

Honestly, at least consider buying from another company.
wow, i didn't realize Dell's gaming laptops get that expensive. Personally i'm getting a thinkpad t43. it will suit me well enough.

narcolepsy: i'd go with the 2gb of ram. my desktop with 1gb for bf2 just isn't enough.
The added ram would be the better investment but you are already at 1GB so why go higher?
Dell's technical support is indeed awful - I had one rep ask me how I "configurated" my system. But I've done a lot of research, and when it comes to gaming laptops, Dell is hands down the winner. I know it sounds odd, but they really handed it to Alienware and the other gaming companies in this round.

The added ram would be the better investment but you are already at 1GB so why go higher?
narcolepsy: i'd go with the 2gb of ram. my desktop with 1gb for bf2 just isn't enough.
Meh. Save your money. You're not going to see much of a difference between 2 GHz and 2.13, and all going for 2 GB would really do, besides eat your money, is substantially shorten your battery time.
lol dont buy dell laptops go with a laptop with amd or something from ibuypower or cyberpoweric they have much more custom things u can pick and are better
I'd save yourself some money and configure the laptop with 512mb of ram, then goto crucial memory and get your 1gb there. Apparently its alot cheaper than using the ram upgrade that dell offers. Then you can get your cpu upgrade.