New Left 4 Dead DLC - 'Crash Course' Campaign

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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True to their word, Valve continue to add content for Left 4 Dead by adding a new campaign titled "Crash Course". This campaign bridges the gap between the end of the "No Mercy" campaign and the beginning of "Death Toll" in the original game, expanding the game universe with new locations, new dialogue from the original cast, and an explosive finale.[br]The new campaign will be available in September. Changes for versus mode are coming too:
While containing both Survival maps and a Co-operative Campaign, the primary goal of "Crash" is to deliver a complete Versus mode experience in just 30 minutes, resulting in a streamlined version of the game's existing Versus campaigns. A recharge timer for infected teammates has also been added, and item spawn behavior has changed for more balanced gameplay.
[br]This DLC will be available for free to PC, but will be 560 Gamer points ($7) on Xbox Live.[br]Destructoid has had the first play through, read about Crash Course here (spoilers!).
Now to wait for all the L4D2 boycotters to claim that Valve have only done this because of them etc etc.
I'm not that excited, but it's definitely welcomed. I can't remember the last time I've played L4D though.
You guys do know that Valve's only releasing this because we boycotters brought it to their attention, right?
I'm glad they're at least bridging the lack of story there was in the first L4D.

READ: Boycotters.
Is it me or does it look like a dead Strider in the background flumped over something? (Obviously it’s not but defiantly looks similar)
Looking forward to playing a new campaign that, with all due respect, isn't as p*ss poor as some of the fan made ones.
On a related note, I'm going to be reviewing some of the community-made L4D campaigns soon. Fun!
Xbox users:

Man, before I opened the image I thought in the thing in the background was Brundlefly or someother mutant demon... thing.
So if its primary goal is to deliver a complete Versus mode experience in just 30 minute that means the co-op is only 15 minutes long. So it's not really a full campaign. Anyway it's more DLC so i'm happy.
Woot more stuff for L4D. I really can't play play L4D anymore without friends. Last time I did people were voting each other off. :rolleyes: Anybody notice how ****ed up Zoeys head is? :LOL: Just hope there is more to come. *Yeah and Zoey and Francis have really elongated necks as well.
I would rather they work fully on L4D2, or L4D, not both. That's just trying to cover their bases.
Aw yeah, new L4D campaigns. Its the simple phrase that makes you stain your jeans with glee.
The new campaign will be available in September 2010.

Don't forget to factor Valve Time into the equation! :p

Joking aside, that's good to hear for the L4D fans. Shame about the Xbox Live DLC costing $7 though, MS doesn't want people to get stuff for free, eh?
This sounds great, I'm getting tired of playing the same Left 4 Dead campaigns over and over. Now we've got something new, thank you VALVe.
Wait, what; 30 minutes long? Is that one chapter or the whole campaign. PLEASE, PLEASE GOD NO DON'T TELL ME IT'S THE LATTER. :sniper::sniper::sniper:
30 minutes for Versus. Sounds as if they've got an 'accelerated' versus mode in place for this campaign.
30 minutes for Versus. Sounds as if they've got an 'accelerated' versus mode in place for this campaign.

:S Didn't see any mention of a new "accelerated versus mode."

Edit: Forget 'bout it, just read that preview. Apart from the last few paragraphs, due to a warning of spoilers. I'll reserve judgment until the 2 chapters are available.
Wow, this sounds awesome. A nice addition to the existing campaigns in my opinion. Should be nice to see the transition like it was originally intended to be.
now that's some good news...

I just never thought that was a gap between no mercy and death toll... everybody seemed to believe the helo crashed somewhere in the woods near that road :] it would be awesome if we had the crash happening in real time onscreen :]

The campaing poster that seems a bit... Cartoonish... When compared to the original 4 campaigns, the have a more realistic/serious look.
Thank god, this is like explosive-tipped ammunition against 2x4-wielding boycotters. Even better, the fact that it's being released next month means Valve's almost certainly been working on it since before the announcement of L4D2 and ensuing boycott. Suck it, bitches.
I just read the spoilers on the finale for Crash Course. I couldn't resist. Sounds wicked. I want this. I want this now.
Now to wait for all the L4D2 boycotters to claim that Valve have only done this because of them etc etc.

keep telling yourself that

Thank god, this is like explosive-tipped ammunition against 2x4-wielding boycotters. Even better, the fact that it's being released next month means Valve's almost certainly been working on it since before the announcement of L4D2 and ensuing boycott. Suck it, bitches.


Oh noes people decided not to purchase a game that isn't out yet based on a lack of content for a game that is out and now there is some. Maybe they'll change their minds. Not talking here specifically (cough Steam Users Forums) but I find the anti boycotters more annoying than the boycotters.

Wasn't one of the goals of the boycott to get new content?
Oh noes people decided not to purchase a game that isn't out yet
No, that in itself would be perfectly fine.

Making a HUGE deal out of it and whining like a bunch of self-entitled rich girls on that MTV show My Sweet Sixteen is what bugs the shit out of me.
Huge deal? It's a bunch of people whining on a forum. That's nothing. Where's the people burning L4D boxes and getting their Steam accounts banned? Now that would be making a huge deal out of it. People exaggerate the situation too much.
I would like to know how to use the sdk to make my owns campaigns :(