new line of vid cards


Sep 19, 2004
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iight, i was planning to upgrade my graphics card in december but i was reading a thread about there might be new video cards coming out, can you pplz gimme some if you know it? i'd appreciate it if it was good quality and affordable like the radeon 9800 pro
What the heck do you mean?? There are ALWAYS new video cards coming out. Either way, I don't really understand the question. Are you looking for the 9800pro or something else? If you are thinking of waiting, just save your money and buy an x800 when they drop in price.
The bad thing about computers in general is that there's always something new just around the corner. If you wait for the prices to drop, you'll probably wait for ever. Buy today, regret next week. We all do that :)
what i mean is if there's gonna be any new vid cards yall know that'll be coming out in dec, easier to understand?
ecthelion i agree, my brother keeps telling me to not buy a new vid card because he's gonna say my geforce 2 mx 400 is GREAT with his amd athlon 1800+.......... :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
sometimes i just think he don't want me to have a better system than him....oh...him and his evil THINK PAD!!!!!!!!!!!!(laptop)
it's just that i was planning b4 to buy 9800 pro in christmas sale when it'll be like half off, i'll buy it in new egg and if they are not cheap enough or if they're out of stock i'll buy it in best buy
Seriously, I would not go for the 9800 if you are planning on waiting even more, but, to tell you the truth, it depends mostly on one thing...
your budget.
Next month, I mean by the end of next month new cards are coming both from ati and nvidia they are :

ATI X880XT PE AND Nvidia Nv48 ultra
what about the 6600 and the x700? those look like great budget cards. i'm certainly thinking about either one for my amd64 3000, but i'm waiting for the agp cards. which one is offered first in agp is most likely my buy. they compete with the 9800pro, but have more features.
Gorgon said:
Next month, I mean by the end of next month new cards are coming both from ati and nvidia they are :

ATI X880XT PE AND Nvidia Nv48 ultra

Really?? I haven't heard about those models. I wnder if there's a bit uprgade in speed for both cards. I'm betting ATI implement SM 3.0 in their upgraded X8800XT PE.
I know there's a lot of other cards out there, but i've always heard 9800 pro is the cheapest one bring out great quality, it's really true that it's cheap too, at newegg i found one for $177, i wish they'll get cheaper by the time it's thanks giving sale, therefore shortening my wait......
If there are new cards they are likely to be either PCI Express or Entry level cards.
1 tip for peeps
never buy a 9800xt when there is a x800pro or xt in store next week ;)
zer0kewl said:
1 tip for peeps
never buy a 9800xt when there is a x800pro or xt in store next week ;)

um... Im not going to say a 9800xt is a good buy....But those cards are not even close to being in the same price range.
Asus said:
If there are new cards they are likely to be either PCI Express or Entry level cards.

Yes they all PCI-E

x880xt and nv48 both are pci-e

visit: xbitlabs, anandtek, and tomshardware for more info.

Kazuki_Fuse said:
Really?? I haven't heard about those models. I wnder if there's a bit uprgade in speed for both cards. I'm betting ATI implement SM 3.0 in their upgraded X8800XT PE.

No, ATI not going for SM3.0 this year. ATI stated by summer next year they going for SM3.0 path :hmph:

damn...all pci-e? crap gotta get new comp in around 1-2 years you say? any recommendations of cheap and good pci-e mobos?