New long (high quality) Killzone video.

Pendragon said:
That wasn't the slightest bit impressive--a good HL2 mod could do that and more.

It's impressive if you are a PS2 fan, otherwise you would just bash it.
Pendragon said:
Still, I would have thought a PS2 game could do better. Oh well, I love my PC!

Remember that PS2 is a 3-4 year old system, the PC can be upgraded all the time, and the PS2 can't. And I think that it's really impressive that PS2 can do graphics like this game today.

Some new information btw, it has been announced for the US now:

Not many details on Guerrilla's upcoming first-person shooter, Killzone, have surfaced recently, but today at a press event for some of Sony's 2004 releases, some new information surfaced, not the least of which was that the game is currently set to be released in North American in Q4 of this year.

Killzone takes place in the near-future and is set against the backdrop of a planetary war between the planet-colonizing ISA and a separatist military faction known as the Helghast. The game opens on a planetary colony known as Vecta, where you'll start by escorting a high-ranking ISA official on his way to an evacuation point.

The game's design has been inspired by many real-life war scenarios from the 20th century, from the trench warfare of WWI to WWII-style city sieges to the jungle warfare of Vietnam. In the game, you'll be able to choose from four different ISA troops, each of whom will have his own special abilities and weapons. The game will contain 25 different weapons, and these weapons are said to be influenced by modern military hardware.

In addition to the single-player campaign, Killzone will also have team-based and competitive multiplayer, as well as an online component, though there aren't any serious details about the online options yet beyond that it will support up to 12 players and will have voice support via the USB headset. Eleven different war-torn environments will be in the game. The game's AI is said to be highly advanced, allowing enemy troops to work together in squads.

Sounds promising.

Some new (?) images too.



/me is proud of the first good game we bring out as a country

[/patriot mode]


Looks pretty cool, the color and grain filters give the game a really nice stylish 'dirty' look.
Guerilla's other game Shellshock, which takes place in Vietnam looks pretty nice too.
Killzone does not impress me at all... IMO Fpss belong on the PC and not on ANY console.
Sadly, I have to agree with MaxiKana on this topic, FPSes belong on PCs with a good ol' keyboard, mouse and a 1mbit+ connection :)
I agree with Maxi. I tried playing MoH:Frontline on my friend's PS2(Piece of Shit 2), and it was unplayable. :|
I agree also. 1st person shooters just arn't as enjoyable on a console as a PC. I've had many friends who religously play FPS's on their consoles and when they played Halo or Call of Duty on my computer, they tell me that it's alot easier and more enjoyable on a PC. (not to mention graphics wise) but I can also understand completly why alot of people chose the console over the PC
1. Their very cheap compared to a PC
2. Their graphical quality may not be that great compared to the PC, but you don't have to worry about system specs and framerate. Because on the console, the games always run butter smooth.
3. It's pretty comfertable playing in your living room while sprawing out on the couch and eating cheetos while playing Halo with some of your friends

But in my mind, the PC claims the title of king
Yeah, but if there is a bug in a console game, you waste your money. THere is no such thing as a patch.
ray_MAN said:
Yeah, but if there is a bug in a console game, you waste your money. THere is no such thing as a patch.

There's a flipside to that. PC games are frequently released very buggy and for some people unplayable. It takes weeks or months to patch this out. Console games made by any decent company NEVER have any game-ruining bugs and are much more polished and bug tested than PC games. Of all my console games I can't think of one (except for GTA) that a bug fix patch would improve in any noticeable way.
ray_MAN said:
I agree with Maxi. I tried playing MoH:Frontline on my friend's PS2(Piece of Shit 2), and it was unplayable. :|

Unplayable? Really? How come it got 9/10 at Gamespot?

Yeah yeah, let's skip the fanboyism talk. This is thread is for Killzone fans, so let’s skip the “PC vs. PS2” Ok?

Gamespot and IGN have tested Killzone, and they are impressed. Read the impressions if you like.

Killzone was on hand and playable at the recent Santa Monica Studios media day. The futuristic first-person shooter is being developed by Guerrilla Games in conjunction with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and SCEA Santa Monica Studios and marks the first internally developed first-person shooter for the PlayStation 2. We had a chance to play a few levels in the game, which provided a small sampling of the ambitious title's scope, and we came away quite impressed.

And IGN's impressions.

February 19, 2004 - After getting the official press presentation on Killzone at Sony's Gamers' Day at their Santa Monica Studios, it was time to get down and dirty and play the game. Sure, the talk about the multi-layering graphics engine and the AI and the squad-based combat all sounded, and looked, good, but we just had to take it for a test spin to be sure.

They say that they going to have new screenshots and impressions later on. But nothing has been released yet though.
Loke, Perhaps they meant the graphics and AI are all good for a PS2 game?

I mean, compare the games graphics to, as example, Rainbow Six Raven Shields, not exactly better.:)
Zakat said:
Loke, Perhaps they meant the graphics and AI are all good for a PS2 game?

I mean, compare the games graphics to, as example, Rainbow Six Raven Shields, not exactly better.:)

Maybe they are, I think it sounds great though.

But please, stop comparing games. Like I said, stick to the thread. I don't want this to be locked because some fanboy talk. And then we just talk about something else and talk crap about people, and someone get banned and so on. So stick to the thread, OK?
lol sorry ^^

Well, I got a PS2 so I might get this game, it seems interesting, GameSpot wrote very good thngs about the AI too, that your teammates can handle themselfs INCREDIBLY good.:)

I wonder when it'll be released, I'll get the JP or US version, depending on which gets released first ^^
Zakat said:
lol sorry ^^

Lungt. :)

Well, I got a PS2 so I might get this game, it seems interesting, GameSpot wrote very good thngs about the AI too, that your teammates can handle themselfs INCREDIBLY good.:)

Yeah, that sounds great. Some other private people that tried the game were also impressed by the AI.
But this video I posted seems to be an old build, you can see the Artificial Intelligent seems a little weird. You see also that the Helghast Commanders (the guys with the gasmasks) don't really shoot back at you, like the last guy he shoots just looks at him and turns back.
Anyway, I can't wait for a video of the new build.

The Sniper Rifle seems very cool like Gamespot said, you have to have skill to aim and shoot because it's very sensitive when you look through the sniper scoop.
I believe the Sniper Rifle in Killzone is like the Sniper Rifle in Metal Gear Solid 2, there it is pretty sensitive too. He can't hold it exactly still if you don't play on Very Easy or take those (don't remember the name of them) pills so he holds it steady for a couple of seconds, however. :)

I wonder when it'll be released, I'll get the JP or US version, depending on which gets released first ^^

I think it's going to be released in Europe first, but I'm not sure though.
It's scheduled for a Q4 2004 release.
wow, about 1 year left, nice, much room for refining of the game :D
Good thing is that it's Netherlands that develops the game, so hopefully we will get it first.
A new video has been released at

This video is in my opinion much better than the other one I posted. Check it out! Unfortunately the player sucks pretty much and he are immortal.

Attention: "The footage which has been released here a few days ago was leaked or stolen! It is important to know that the quality doesn’t represent the final game, the footage is played in GOD mode. And that this build of killzone wasn’t made for public, but only for internal bug testing purposed. Besides, this build from killzone is about four months old. Please keep this in mind. More info will follow."
looks great, one problem

CPU: 128 Bit "Emotion Engine"
System Clock: 300 MHz
System Memory: 32 MB Direct Rambus
Memory Bus Bandwidth: 3.2 GB per second
Co-Processor: FPU (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 1, Floating Point Divider x 1)
Vector Units: VU0 and VU1 (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 9, Floating Point Divider x 1)
Floating Point Performance: 6.2 GFLOPS
Compressed Image Decoder: MPEG2
Pendragon said:
That wasn't the slightest bit impressive--a good HL2 mod could do that and more.
even tho i'm a console fanboy (PC is still better, tho :))... i have to agree... i'd love the PS2 to have sumthin on halo... but this doesn't look like it will be the thing
I just love how they labeled it as the "halo beater". That is funny.
Indeed Stitch, Halo was acctually marked by many gaming sites as one of the best FPSes ever, and for a game from SONY not yet released to be marked as a Halo beater is hilarious to the highest of degrees.
Halo is legend. Plain and simple. Killzone will be passed on as another Devastation if anything. But to try and be better than Halo, is completely idiotic and moronic. Sony is trying to hard. :) - But I will give Killzone a play. It looks nice.
This game actually reminds me of Red Faction 2. Graphically, it resembles that game. I remember reading info on Red Faction 2 and anticipating its release. Sadly it wasn't all it was made out to be.