New Map: dm_skywars1



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This map was basically made to be alot of fun in half-life 2 deathmatch. It isn't high on the realism/design factor, but it should be great for team deathmatch. Basically, three large islands are floating in midair, and players try to kill and knock eachother off the edge. After falling off, a player is killed after landing in the shallow murky/rocky water that surronds the level. The isnlands also feature: a combine room, a graveyard, a sewer and other designs. Some screenshots are included in the .zip and below.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to contact me.
Think I'll take a pass on this one.
It looks like somebodies video card overheated while they were playing through ravenholm.

There needs to be more definition to the buildings. It looks like you made a map, and they cut out the ground. Maybe make the bottoms iceberg shaped. Like, you can see the dirt in a cone around the bottom.

Looks like it has POTENTIAL though.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Looks like you tried to make a normal level but ****ed up the terrain.
No. Nice try though buddy.
I'll take the icreberg Idea, but if thats a reason to hate a map then your screwed up.