New map: NP Refinery (formerly Steelworks)



Hi guys

Here is the first playable beta of my map NP Refinery.

(Zip filesize is around 2.8mb)

And here is a bunch of pics for those that haven't seen them previously. Note that they're the same as previously posted (apart from the updated banners) so the problems I have since fixed are still in these pics. Once the final version is ready I'll recap the screenshots.

Any comments and suggestions are very appreciated.

Cool map good job...2 questions

How did you get different sounds to play inside and outside? My sounds affect all areas...did you just fiddle with the range of the sounds and put multiple sound entites everywhere?

And also, its quite a big map, how long did it take to compile?
Oh god.. map is so nice =) I love it. Color scheme, or how i could say it.. anyways its cool.. dark and maybe a little orange (??)

Anyways, i know its in beta stage.. But if ya wanna know i noticed that ladders felt like little bit buggy.. They do work but it was kinda.. hmmh.. jaggy (damn these words :D sry im bad explaining..)
Also i noticed this lag, or its just my comp :D I think its my comp but anyways if somebody else notices this then its the map :)

Good luck with this pal.
It's very pretty, looks like the awesome work of a veteran mapper.
It looks absolutely stunning. It's right up there with the quality of Valve's own maps.

I see you do in fact work in the games industry so it's no wonder the map is of such high quality. Very good work and keep it up.
The only sounds in the map are from env_soundscapes. There aren't any ambient_generics in there. At every doorway between indoors/outdoors are 2 soundscapes, one suitable for outdoors and another suitable for indoors. The outdoors one is positioned where the doorway meets the exterior area with the indoors soundscape positioned where the doorway meets the interior. Basically I used 3 types of soundscape in this manner - outdoors, corridors, and large indoor areas.
Regarding compile time, it took around 15mins in total for the entire compile. A *lot* of the brush geometry I changed into func_details so there is very little face splitting going on.

Yeah, I noticed the ladder thing myself. Maybe you're colliding with the ladder prop geometry. I'll see what I can do to fix it.

Audiophile & Sicton:
Thanks guys. :)
Did you port it from HL or had you already done all of the planning beforehand?

It just seems like you churned it out pretty quickly.
bakufu said:
Anyways, i know its in beta stage.. But if ya wanna know i noticed that ladders felt like little bit buggy.. They do work but it was kinda.. hmmh.. jaggy (damn these words :D sry im bad explaining..)
Also i noticed this lag, or its just my comp :D I think its my comp but anyways if somebody else notices this then its the map :)

I see what you mean about the ladders - they feel as if they are 'bumpy' and as you move upwards the screen shudders as if the ladder bars are obstacles in the way.

With regards to the graphical slowdown, I didn't notice any, or no more, at least, than any other map.
I originally intended just to do a quick reskin job on one of my HL1 levels, Leadworks. But within an hour I had decided to redesign it and build the geometry (almost) from scratch. The only geometry I kept was for the shape of the more than 2 dozen brushes at most, the rest is totally new. Here are some pics of the HL1 level...
keved said:
I originally intended just to do a quick reskin job on one of my HL1 levels, Leadworks. But within an hour I had decided to redesign it and build the geometry (almost) from scratch. The only geometry I kept was for the shape of the more than 2 dozen brushes at most, the rest is totally new. Here are some pics of the HL1 level...

Map looks very nice, but i found some bugs.

-You can climb on the cliff and "jump" off the map.
Dont think you're supposed to be on the roof, i take it you used noclip to get there? Thats why there are those nodraw textures
MrMan said:
Dont think you're supposed to be on the roof, i take it you used noclip to get there? Thats why there are those nodraw textures

Yes, i know that he used nodraw textures on the roof and that you're not supposed to be there.. It's very easy to get on the roof without using noclip.
Well spotted. At first I also thought you must have used noclip as I had definately put clip brushes (and func_clip_vphysics too, to stop people throwing stuff over the walls). But yeah, after checking it again myself the clip brushes aren't in the compiled bsp. Turns out they where in a vis group that was deactivated in hammer, so weren't being included when compiling. At least all it took to fix it was putting a tick in the visgroup box. :) Thanks - that was a mapbreaker you found there - earned yourself a spot in the readme for that, Mister! Is that your present to me for Xmas, sAnt@? :)
keved said:
Well spotted. At first I also thought you must have used noclip as I had definately put clip brushes (and func_clip_vphysics too, to stop people throwing stuff over the walls). But yeah, after checking it again myself the clip brushes aren't in the compiled bsp. Turns out they where in a vis group that was deactivated in hammer, so weren't being included when compiling. At least all it took to fix it was putting a tick in the visgroup box. :) Thanks - that was a mapbreaker you found there - earned yourself a spot in the readme for that, Mister! Is that your present to me for Xmas, sAnt@? :)


keved said:
Is that your present to me for Xmas, sAnt@? :)

Either you've come on a lot in mapping or the Source engine lends itself to making sexy maps (but I'm guessing it's both!).