New maps? Likey or no-likey??

I haven't played DM for a while now, yesterday I got my pc back and jumped into DM and played dm_resistance.... well its loads and loads of fun I love this map! its my seconds favorite after dm_lockdown!
dm_underpass is quiet cool but once someone camps up near the rocket launcher its hard to bring him down (if that someone uses slams too...)
I think power house is pretty boring style wise
Its my less favorite
im looking forward next monday! valve new map!
Powerhouse is probably the best of the three, although I'm partial to underpass.

One thing that bugs me with powerhouse is that the crossbow was placed directly in the line of sight of the rocket-camping area, making it hyper-difficult to de-camp the place in TDM. Without the crossbow, you can only really hope you get a lucky grenade hit in.

As for resistance, I don't think I'm the only one who looked off over the fence into the detailed skybox-type area and wished I were fighting over there instead.
Resistance looks nice, but all the details serve no purpose. There's even a player clip blocking you from using the pipe structure as an excellent sniping spot.