New maps with patches?


Sep 8, 2003
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Will Valve be releasing new maps for CS:S as time goes by via Steam patches? I'd like to see prodigy/militia/siege/assault/etc. really badly.
i am VERY sure they will! but im not sure if we will see these classic maps or completly new ones...
Nope, there will only be 9 maps and that is final. intercasm. Of course, what do you think the point of steam is.
I was just spitting out examples of maps other than the ones that were listed. Not that I don't like prodigy/assault/militia. Why don't you name your favorite maps (in your opinion, of course), so I can insult you for it?

If you make fun of them, then you just insulted yourself. Anyone who know's a damn about CS knows those and dust2 are some of the best maps ever created.
Ah well.. I'll leave it be. I don't like arguing in forums with someone who thinks they know everything. I personally greatly dislike dust2, and I'm not a huge fan of inferno either. If that means I know nothing about CS, then so be it.. I only started playing back around beta 5 or something.
I hate nuke and train....inferno is cool...militia assault and siege are awesome, some of my favorites actually

How can you not find assault so unbalanced that its funny? hahaha
I'd really like to see assault rebuilt. Its so garbage that it needs to redeem itself. hehe. But im pretty sure they are going to update all the classic maps if not they suxorz!
ZEROarmy said:

If you make fun of them, then you just insulted yourself. Anyone who know's a damn about CS knows those and dust2 are some of the best maps ever created.

Now those are maps i would LOVE to see in Cs:s.
They better add some new maps because you can only play so long on dust before you go insane.
You cant be a noob for liking certain maps. It all comes down to personal preference, and your playing style. eg. awpers usually like dust 2, aztec, militia ect.

I love prodigy, good close combat map, nuke is also a favorite. Same with inferno.

Hoping they decide to add these maps in an update or something after the initial release.
ZEROarmy said:

If you make fun of them, then you just insulted yourself. Anyone who know's a damn about CS knows those and dust2 are some of the best maps ever created.

Shut up you ellitest bitch


However, train and inferno are definately a couple of maps I'd love to see Sourced. Militia as well though. And of course my personal fav Backalley.
Backalley forever!
Backalley = Cleverly designed :)

With a makeover, hopefully more people would start playing it :D

Maps i'd like to see sourced ASAP: Backalley: Because it is win, end of story.

Militia: Because it badly needs a graphical update, and with the updated (non laggy) smoke wouldn't just end up being an awp fest if you used tactics.

Inferno: One of the better playing maps imo

Nuke: Graphical update could do wonders to this map too.

Vertigo: Can you imagine the beautiful Skyboxes/Starting outside at ground level?

Oil Rig: Again...Skyboxes.... graphical overhaul.....

Estate: With moveable furniture/breakable ornaments/tv + Graphical overhaul... (just thinking of the capabilities of the engine here, again like with vertigo and oil rig but for different reasons)

Those are some maps I'D like to see sourced soon :)

Of course, eventually i'd like to see all the current maps remade, and more, and hopefully we will get that in time. Steam = great way to distribute the new maps as soon as they are ready.
ZEROarmy said:

If you make fun of them, then you just insulted yourself. Anyone who know's a damn about CS knows those and dust2 are some of the best maps ever created.
wow, would you like to back up your comment there with some facts?

...oh i'm sorry, opinions are like assholes then, aren't they?

all the official maps are some of the best maps created. that's why they're official you nerd.

gg thx :LOL:
I've already started a remake of Backalley (using the current Hammer to set up the basic geometry).

If there's no official one, at least there'll be mine :)
Pi Mu Rho said:
I've already started a remake of Backalley (using the current Hammer to set up the basic geometry).

If there's no official one, at least there'll be mine :)

AAwwww - You say the nicest things :dork:

/smsKONG pulls out the whip and screams- "Now, work you biatch"
Oil Rig would be awesome, especialy wiht the new water. with source it could actualy look like a oilrig.

And thunder, the map with the bid dam.
I personally like Assault2k as a CT becuase it's challenging. It's one of the only maps where you can be sneaky and reap rewards :). I hope there is a remake of that map.

Pi, I'm with you on Backalley. One of my fave maps.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I've already started a remake of Backalley (using the current Hammer to set up the basic geometry).

If there's no official one, at least there'll be mine :)

Wheeeeee, good luck :E

I hope they remake some really old classics. From the beta's. That would be so cool. facility, foption, desert, arabstreets :)
Arabstreets was awesome. loved that back alley fighting. Why was this taken out in the first place?
Pi Mu Rho said:
I've already started a remake of Backalley (using the current Hammer to set up the basic geometry).

If there's no official one, at least there'll be mine :)

You are a god among men. I'll definately be playing the shit out of it, even if the only other people playing it are the other Backalley lovers on this forum.
Pi kinda took my thunder, but even if valve doesn't release more maps, as soon as the official Hammer is available, maps will come by the dozens
Pi Mu Rho said:
I've already started a remake of Backalley (using the current Hammer to set up the basic geometry).

If there's no official one, at least there'll be mine :)

Please remove the ventilation shaft in the hostage room! and do not put lights above the doors either, T's just camp on them.

And good luck :thumbs:
I'm remaking it as faithful to the original as possible. The shaft can stay (use a grenade!), but I'll stop the lights from being stood on :)
Good luck with that remake. Backalley has always been one of my favorite maps. Does no one care about good old Vegas or Storm? Excellent maps, IMHO.
I want to see Siege/Assault/Nuke/Inferno/Oilrig/Tundra (<-One of my favorites :) )
Lois_Must_Die said:
Good luck with that remake. Backalley has always been one of my favorite maps. Does no one care about good old Vegas or Storm? Excellent maps, IMHO.

I'd love a remake of Vegas. I only played it probably 3-4 times but from what I remember it looked great.

I didn't care for Storm much, I kind of lump it into the Piranesi/Chateau/Havana category of maps that blend together for me.

As for another remake, well it's a custom map but gijoecars would be amazing, as would the VIP map with the boats.
Lois_Must_Die said:
Good luck with that remake. Backalley has always been one of my favorite maps. Does no one care about good old Vegas or Storm? Excellent maps, IMHO.
i would love to see remakes of storm, arab streets, RATS!!!, vertigo, torn, celtic, vegas, and hell any of the old beta maps would rule.

edit: /me signs the arab streets petition