New Mario Galaxy footage

Unless this game has portals it is only half as "innovative"* as prey. Hell, make that one third, considering prey is original IP.


* innovative, contrary to popular beliefs, not necessarily the same as fun

He said 'platformers'. Prey isn't a platformer, it's a FPS.

Woot, I corrected the rarely seen, and *always right, 'boglito'. This is a day that will never be forgotten.

Anyway, you can say video games wouldn't be where they are today without Nintendo's Mario IP, but some people would prefer it this way.

For example, the classic 'Karate Champ' by Data East, was the arcade game that changed the direction of arcade games from space shooters and the like, to games like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and probably nearly a hundred other fighting games.

For me, this was a great thing. Perhaps video games wouldn't be where they are today without Karate Champ.

However, my brother hates fighting games; he liked the space shooters. So, for him, this was the game that ruined arcades for him.

Quite a contrast of opinions.

I think the game [Mario Galaxies] looks fun and challenging, and I like the cartoon graphics. I don't know if I'll ever buy it, but I can definitely appreciate it.
Some more impressions and a little new info.

The 'true' sequel to Mario 64, according to the Nintendo presentation anyways. We shall see - it certainly looks like it could be to me :)

Yea. In the video posted earlier, it reminded me so much of Mario64.

I know that is one of your favorite games ever Warbie, but I just didn't like it.

Initially, I was impressed by it, even when compared with the Playstation 1 games available at the time, but I just ended up not liking it.

Simplistic and eventually tiresome graphics, bad camera angles, uninteresting levels, and a free-roaming design that left me unsure of what to do next, in which I kept ending up stuck on the starting area, making it that much more repetitive and boring.

Plus by that time, I had experienced Resident Evil, and other monumental games for me, like Waverace 64, which was a brand new, and incredible IP from Nintendo, which is still one of my favorite games ever made.

However, all of my gripes look to be fixed in Mario Galaxies, and I hope they are. The boss fight at the very start of the video looks really fun. I'm really loving the full 3D aspect of it, where up is not always up. Looks like a fun ride!
I don't think it's aged badly at all. It stills plays well. For an 11 year old game it's good.
It really is sad that Mario 64 hasn't aged very well. It's still as phenomenal a game as ever before, but its technical shortcomings are more and more difficult to look past as time wears on.
Maybe playing it on the regular TV, but playing it on my DS is still awesomely entertaining. :bounce:
He said 'platformers'.
[sarcasm]Ooh, I didn't notice.[/sarcasm]
VirusType2 said:
Prey isn't a platformer, it's a FPS.
[sarcasm]Ooh, I didn't know that.[/sarcasm]

VirusType2 said:
Woot, I corrected the rarely seen, and *always right, 'boglito'. This is a day that will never be forgotten.

You didn't correct anyone. I have never claimed he did not say 'platformers' and I have never claimed prey is one. I have merely made a remark to indicate my opposition to the use of the word "innovative" for the upcoming game "Super Mario Rehash 54".

.bog. - still right
How is it a rehash? It's different from all the other Mario games. :S
my opposition to the use of the word "innovative" for the upcoming game "Super Mario Rehash 54".
Geez, did you think Super Paper Mario wasn't innovative as well?? There's just no pleasing some folks.

Hating on Mario...I think there was a law against that on the back of one of those stone books Moses snagged.:devil:
Either you don't know what an "edge" or a "polygon" is in terminology, or you think Killzone 2 etc. are made with "curves" and "awesome-gons".
In Killzone 2 you had to look hard to spot the edges. Here it's it your face, and very distracting.
But you won't be distracted when your playing the game though. :)
In Killzone 2 you had to look hard to spot the edges. Here it's it your face, and very distracting.

Well, if that's what you're looking for...ok. I prefer not to mourn my gaming experience because I can spot a bit of aliasing. The Wii just isn't for you. :|

I, for one, plan to enjoy Mario Galaxy. Jaggies or otherwise, I would not complain about this image... Sorry dude, most of these screens are gorgeous.
I have never claimed he did not say 'platformers' and I have never claimed prey is one. I have merely made a remark to indicate my opposition to the use of the word "innovative" for the upcoming game "Super Mario Rehash 54".

Rehash is a little harsh, and something most people who've played these games would strongly disagree with. Galaxies may also not be that innovative (Mario 64 certainly was - one of the most influential and innovative games I could think of), yet it is crammed full of new ideas and looks lovely. That's the thing with Mario games (not the spinoffs, the flagship Mario titles), despite being the nth in the series they still contain more laughs, originality and surprises than 90% of everything else out there.

There are many many rehashes in video gaming these days, this isn't one of them.
Rehash is a little harsh, and something most people who've played these games would strongly disagree with. Galaxies may also not be that innovative (Mario 64 certainly was - one of the most influential and innovative games I could think of), yet it is crammed full of new ideas and looks lovely. That's the thing with Mario games (not the spinoffs, the flagship Mario titles), despite being the nth in the series they still contain more laughs, originality and surprises than 90% of everything else out there.

There are many many rehashes in video gaming these days, this isn't one of them.
Agreed. Madden, Burnout, Gran Turismo, those are the kind of games I'd call rehashes. Mario is different every time.
Rehash is a little harsh, and something most people who've played these games would strongly disagree with. Galaxies may also not be that innovative (Mario 64 certainly was - one of the most influential and innovative games I could think of), yet it is crammed full of new ideas and looks lovely. That's the thing with Mario games (not the spinoffs, the flagship Mario titles), despite being the nth in the series they still contain more laughs, originality and surprises than 90% of everything else out there.

There are many many rehashes in video gaming these days, this isn't one of them.

I agree that "rehash" is too harsh, just like "innovative" is too ... unharsh?

Burnout becomes better everytime!
I have merely made a remark to indicate my opposition to the use of the word "innovative" for the upcoming game "Super Mario Rehash 54".
I loved CoD2 just as much as CoD1 - boglito speaking about the biggest rehash game series in recent history. Even FIFA does more new things than COD each year.

I loved the first 2 serious sams - boglito speaking about games that were based on classic shooters.

Unless this game has portals it is only half as "innovative"* as prey. Hell, make that one third, considering prey is original IP.
Prey is not innovative. It's another run & gun boring FPS.

StardogChampion said:
Name a platformer that has the same features as Mario Galaxy.
The silence is deafening.
I loved CoD2 just as much as CoD1 - boglito speaking about the biggest rehash game series in recent history. Even FIFA does more new things than COD each year.

I loved the first 2 serious sams - boglito speaking about games that were based on classic shooters.

Prey is not innovative. It's another run & gun boring FPS.

The silence is deafening.

"Super Mario Galaxy is not innovative. It's another jump and smash boring platformer."

Just because you happen to not like the same games I like doesn't make "my" games "rehashes" while "your" games are "innovative". My point is that if "up is down" is an innovative feature in SMG then it is also an innovative feature in prey. You can't argue with that no matter how boring you think prey was.

You are free to prefer "your" games over other games, but the elitist bullshit usage of the term "innovative" needs to be checked. I'm not the one abusing it (and as such I don't need to defend liking CoD2, which I think is great and enough different from CoD1 that it is no more a rehash than any other sequel, including those involving moustached plumbers) so all your quotes are void.

Your request for me to "name a platformer with the features in SMG" is as inane as me requesting you to "name a shooter (released prior to CoD2) with the features of CoD2". That shooter does not exist.


ps. Nowhere in this thread or post do I actually claim that SMG will be/looks boring (allthough I certainly don't think I'd like it), so don't go there.
That's true. The relative gravities and portals in Prey were pretty innovative, even though they didn't really make the game particularly good.
"name a shooter (released prior to CoD2) with the features of CoD2". That shooter does not exist.
Try Call of Duty 1.

But the point is your use of "Super Mario Rehash 54". Why don't you apply it to Call of Duty too?

And no, the portals in Prey were not innovative as they had been done before Prey's release.
Try Call of Duty 1.

But the point is your use of "Super Mario Rehash 54". Why don't you apply it to Call of Duty too?

I did exaggerate a little to provoke. My point isn't that SMG is a rehash, but that the words "innovative" and "rehash" are being used to label games as "good" and "bad" without really considering if the labels actually fit. If you choose to focus on the similarities between two games you may find them to be nearly identical (which is typical for games you don't like because you don't know them that well) but if you choose to focus on the differences it's another story entirely.

CoD1 and CoD2 may seem very similar, but I happen to think that CoD2 is quite different (and certainly has features CoD1 lacks, even nazis!), enough so that the word "rehash" is entirely unjustified.

I think people (especially at this forum!) need to start criticizing games based on their own preferences rather than try to fit the game into some sort of universal "good" or "bad" ("innovative" or "rehash") binary system.

"I love the general art direction, movement looks great, and the gameplay looks like it will really satisfy the plumber in me!" - Your subjective oppinion, RIGHT!
"Wow this game has graphics better than the ps3 (a friend of mine without a clue says so) and is so extremely innovative, therefore superior!" - Still your subjective oppinion, but objectively WRONG!

"Ultra Mario Rehash 54" - Wrong
"Platformers do not appeal to me, I may have clocked about 10 hours total mario-time in my lifetime but have never progressed really far into any of the games, because I lose interest." - Right

Rehash suggests we're getting the same old game with new graphics, Fifa stylee, and that there's nothing particularly enticing or special about it. This has got nothing to do with people trying to label games, they just thought what you said was bollox ;)
Rehash suggests we're getting the same old game with new graphics, Fifa stylee, and that there's nothing particularly enticing or special about it. This has got nothing to do with people trying to label games, they just thought what you said was bollox ;)

I started this discussion to discuss meaningless labeling. Provoking Mariofans is a mean towards that end.
That prey is innovative just like SMG is, and that SMG is a rehash just like prey is cannot be denied. Wether or not you like the games should have nothing to do with it. The point is that "innovative" and "rehash" are not meaningful words to label games with, and there is a lot of labeling going on. Too much.

That prey is innovative just like SMG is, and that SMG is a rehash just like prey is cannot be denied.

Well, in that case I guess everything is a rehash. tbh I care little either way. If it's fun, i'll play it.

I doubt think many people really think SMG is going to redefine the genre in the way Mario 64 did, but you can see some serious stretching of the mind has been going on with Nintendo's creative team. This is what I love about Mario games, not only are they so well made, but they're also so absract. Even Sunshine (poorest Mario game in the series imo) had the void levels, and they were mind bendingly good.

Yes, SMG is latest in a long line of Mario platformers, yet i'd be extremely suprised if it didn't turn out more minty fresh than the vast majority of stand alone games out there.

For those of us that do like platformers it's time to do the happy dance :)


some newish footage I hadn't seen before

Still looking good, but i'm in no hurry to play co-op. Looks annoying with someone else waving ther Wiimote all over the place.
The thing is, im willing to be that the only reason that nintendo continues to use mario is because they know that he sells well, especially since none of the games even take place in the same world.

Mario sunshine could easily have had a different main character, possibly a water creature who could fire jets from his back.

The same for paper mario (although i haven't played it), mario could easily be replaced by some sort of paper doll, I'm willing to bet.

And now in mario galaxy, this could easily have been a vehicle for a new character, maybe some sort of alien creature, but they chose to stick to their guns.

To say that all these games are rehashes is rediculous, the only similarity that they share is that they are all platformers, and all star the little red plumber.

Nintendo aren't stupid, there's a reason that they have made so many mario games, including spinoffs (tennis, party, etc), and continue to use him, and it isn't so that they can make the same game over and over again... It's because he makes them money.
I agree with much of that post, Crushenator, especially the Sunshine part. Other than the void levels it was'nt much of a Mario game and could easily have had a different main character. The same is true for many of the spinoffs - Mario is there for familiarities sake, as a seal of quality (at least to some extent), and to rake in the cash. However, there's still plenty of room for the great the Mario games, and SMG looks like one of these.

What would be the point in introducing a new protagonist if we're still running about searching for stars, using ? blocks and jumping on bad guys to splat them? This is the most 'Mario' looking game Nintendo have produced since Mario 64 and, imo, only benefits from having the fat little guy around.
I agree with much of that post, Crushenator, especially the Sunshine part. Other than the void levels it was'nt much of a Mario game and could easily have had a different main character. The same is true for many of the spinoffs - Mario is there for familiarities sake, as a seal of quality (at least to some extent), and to rake in the cash. However, there's still plenty of room for the great the Mario games, and SMG looks like one of these.

What would be the point in introducing a new protagonist if we're still running about searching for stars, using ? blocks and jumping on bad guys to splat them? This is the most 'Mario' looking game Nintendo have produced since Mario 64 and, imo, only benefits from having the fat little guy around.

I wasn't saying that mario is a bad thing, I love the guy, and this new game looks amazing :D
In response to "what makes Galaxy any different?"...

Judging from what I've read, the biggest innovation in Galaxy is NOT the Prey-style gravity tricks.
The real innovation is the control scheme, which is a more subtle thing that most players will only notice when they get their hands on the game.

Simply, Galaxy is the only game which puts full 3D-platforming control into your left hand, while allowing you to 'reach into' the world and interact directly with your right hand.
That control scheme isn't just a gimmick - it gives a level of interaction which simply hasn't been done in this genre before.

For example: in Galaxy you can pull off smooth and accurate acrobatics, while *simultaneously* picking up platforms and repositioning them, halting rolling boulders, and collecting distant objects.
It opens up some crazy multitasking possibilities which were totally impossible before. I can't wait so see how far they push it.
But I know it's going to be brilliant :D :bounce:


So cool :)
One question: How does he breathe in space? D:
Looks decent enough...i don't think they'll ever top mario 64 though:(
Looks decent enough...i don't think they'll ever top mario 64 though:(

True, but I think we can all at least expect it to be better than Sunshine. Not to say that Sunshine wasn't sweet, but you know.