New Mod, All Fields Wanted, Comments Appreciated

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Hi there, I'm a bit new in the modding/proggraming world, but I have an urge to make a mod (despite my lack in skills). I like to think of myself as a quick learner, and usually the best way to learn this kind of stuff is to work with others. Anyway, here's the idea:

1. The mod will support a Third person strategy mode/First person shooting mode (If it helps, think NS)

2. The mod will be multi-Genre (Actually quite a bit of an idea I had, in each map/server config there will be a setting that will allow/disallow specific classes and buildings. Turn on all of the ones for one genre, turn off the ones oif another, and you have a new genre.)
2.b. Ideas I had were: Modern (CnC Generals-ish), Middle Ages (duh, or Lord of the Realms if you need an example), Lord of the Rings (Previous one +orcs, elves, etc) Anyway, you get the idea. Also, seperate buildings will have to be made (eek, more work!) to support the genres.

3. There will be multiple classes for each genre (MORE Models! That Bastard!)

4. Another Jolly Good Idea (yes, that's british) I had was the "possesion" system, where instead of players spawning in at specific spawn points, players can "possess" a bot that is already in the field, so he can start out in battle.
4.b Something I thought would be good, but not nessary, is that if a player does not posses a bot, he cannot be a higher class then the basic soldier.

Anyway, there's more, but I don't want to keep going on and on.

So, any volenteers? I am willing to accept anyone with enough commitment to stay on board, but at least 1 expierenced person in each field would be nice :).

Also, I would like Comments, or questions, of any kind, that possess punction, and are not done in capslock. All not fuffiling those requirements are ignored. Specifically, I want to here whether or not: It is a good idea, It can be done, and of course, any suggestions within reason will be gladly appreciated (No MMORPGs Please :D)

Anyway, I hope to see a few volenteers, and thank you for you time
Hmm, I think I'm sounding a bit far fetched, sigh, oh well, I have high expectations.

Oh, By the way, looking at the level of mod deaths, I just wanted it say that I may not have expierence, but I do indeed have both a LARGE ammount of free time (No social life or school interference with this one :thumbs: ) and an extremist work ethic, (bordering on scary), and if no one will help me, I'll just have to finish this project by myself, Dangit!!! (PLEASE HELP ME!!! I didn't mean it... don't leave me... I love you... come back... :D)

Just wanted to say, that I do NOT plan on abbandoning this project, for anyone who was spited before.
I recommend getting a skill first, preferably coding to be a mod leader, or maybe mapping or modeling (mapping is the easiest)

I'm a good mapper, but I'm busy on another mod team. Anyway, good luck!
Well, I've done quite a bit of work with Half-life 1 mapping (nothing official), and I did some work on Tribes 2, so I have some expirence with C++, so it's not like I'm hopeless, just not used to Half-Life 2's layout.