New mod Project




Well I've been thinking about making a half-life 2 Single-player Mod, I have come up with the premise and a basic outline for the first chunk of the module.

The problem is I have absolutely no FPS mod making experience,save for attempting to monkey with the Valve Editor, I don't think I'm going to get anywhere fast by myself.

As such I'm hoping to find others that can teach me via a messenger so I can get started and hopefully find some skilled people that would be willing to hop on this project I'm starting. Currently we have no base of operations on-line, but if I get some response and some people that seem like their interested for more then a day, then I would be willing to start one up.

As far as the module idea, I'll post my idea here.(Please don't steal it XD)

This is a working idea obviously a rough outline of the game and a basic beginning and goal for the outcome, basically a few hours of ideas combined. But I think it would be rather interesting and I'd love to see it happen.

Module: Half-life 2: Sigma

Corporal Adrian Shephard
CAAI Sigma[Combine Advance Artificial Intelligence: Sigma]

Background Story Concept
After HL: Opposing Force, Corporal Shephard was put into "Stasis" in the same way as Gordon freeman. Here he has been for the past (Unknown) years as events in the real world continued to unfold. The Combine Empire took control of the world and they began to strengthen their grasp on earth. One unknown day when the combine was teleporting over soldiers and supplies through their one way transporter, something odd happened. A being ended up in the receiving transporter in the Combine Citadel in City 17, dressed in an old marine uniform and a PCV [Powered Combat Vest].

Bewildered at this person in their transporter they took him to Combine labs for study to figure out where he came from. Upon searching his body, they found his dog tags naming him as one Corporal Adrian Shephard, though more than that they did not know. Searching the transporter logs they determined that the Corporal was some how caught in the matter stream as it crossed over from Xen to Earth. As to why this happened, or how he could be in a place between the worlds is still up to speculation.

One thing that confused them the most was why he seemed to be between existences, in a place where time doesn't truly exist in same sort of way it does in Xen or Earth. For this reason they decided that they were going to run him through test to see if he had any special abilities perhaps the ability to enter that void at will.

When he was scanned there where no traces of any physical abnormalities, and the technology he had only the ability to protect him in combat and it was a technology from before the 7-hour war, since they determined that he was a marine and a combatant they decided to wake him, put him through trials to see if combat will spark any unforeseen results.

BSC: Logic
In the ending of HL: OP G-man, takes shephard out of reality and puts him in the same sort of place as Gordon freeman. The way he stated it, he didn't seem to have any particular plains for him and was either forgotten or ignored.

Quote Wikipedia
"Conclusion - Shephard regains consciousness inside a V-22 Osprey, confronted by the mysterious G-Man. As the G-Man talks to Shephard a white flash occurs in the distance, indicating that Black Mesa has been destroyed by the nuclear warhead. The G-Man then informs Shephard that he will be detained "in a place where you can do no possible harm, and where no harm can come to you." He explains this is done since Shepard reminds him of himself, but is still a dangerous witness. The G-Man walks into a portal, and the game then ends."

With this we can conclude that the G-man probably wasn't paying too much attention to him specially since he had other matters to attend to.

We can also conclude that the these "Voids" the g-man places his slave mercenaries is not inaccessible to outsiders, as the vortigaunts intruded freeman's void at the beginning of HL2: Episode 1. We also know from Judith's talking in Black Mesa East, that the Combine has the ability to transport from Xen to earth but not the other way around. Supposing that these voids exist outside of earth and xen it would be fictionally theoretically possible for Adrian to be intercepted in a transport transmission., perhaps it wasn't just chance, but rather fate! :D

Basic Plot concept: (For the chunk I have thought of so far.)
Adrian awakes, this is when they put him through some combat to get an idea of his fighting attributes, basically just a way to introduce Adrian to the combine. After words perhaps because he tried to escape or because he wasn't willing to proceed with a test, just had an idea, perhaps they gave him civilians to kill to see if he was blood thirsty, cold killer. Perhaps a player choice, Kill, or don't kill. they put him in stasis for later use or study him later as they had other fish to fry at that time (Freeman).

Adrian then awakes a second time, but now he is in a lab with a camera bot (or a new version of one) hovering over him with a computer voice saying something along the lines of "Wake up, if you want to live, grab your armor and follow me. I'll explain on the way." The Robot is the Physical form of a Experimental Research and Study AI, The AI is Named CAAI Sigma, Combine Advance Artificial Intelligence: Sigma.

Though Sigma's goals are not set in stone the basic idea is that he wants to continue his existence, but with the rebels attacking the combine and freeman working his way up the top, it doesn't take a CAAI to tell that freeman is going to win, he's gotten to the citadel after all. So when they start to leave is when the Transporter atop the citadel overloads and the citadel starts falling apart. Their goal is to escape in what ever means possible.

I have a few more ideas but I think I've giving enough of a teaser of my idea to intrigue some moders to help this project, Project Sigma. :O

As far as what is needed for this project? Well, right now I'm really looking for a mapper to get some work done on maps as a base point. but If there are any Artist that would be inspired by my idea as to be willing to make some concept art, or perhaps some coders/moders that would be interested in Sigma than please contact me through the forums PM or E-mail me at [email protected]. ;)

Please only contact me if you are willing to commit at least a few hours a day to the project.

Also, comments on the basic idea would be constructive, even if your not interested in making it.