New Mod - Valandil Looking For Concet Artists & Modelers


Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Basically I'm currently designing and slowly (it's summer) working on a mod for HL2, the basic idea is a medieval team warfare multiplayer mod, with an open ended class based system, and lots of different types of gameplay, including your normal modes or takes on those modes (CTF, KOT etc) and some gamemodes that I'm designing myself, one of which will be a co-op mode which gives players the oppurtunity to work together in single player like senarios e.g. defending a position (tower, castle, town, bridge) or attacking one, against large numbers of AI monsters/opponents.

But anyway, the website is pretty basic right now but there's a few little things on there to have a look at. The website can be found here.

As you can see it's just me working on the mod right now, I have a coder, but he won't be contributing until HL2 and it's SDK are actually released and he can do something productive.

If there are any talented concept artists, modelers, or infact anyone who's interested in the idea behind the mod, please don't hesitate to PM, e-mail or contact me on MSN.

I'd just like to add that if you want to discuss the mod, he has a thread in general gaminghere
Uh-oh...wait until dassbaba hears about this..
Bill said:
Would you care to elaborate?

He thinks that he owns everything to do with the medieval style..
I've had it pointed out to me that there are other Medieval HL2 mods in development, but since I've never heard of any of them and I spend a lot of time on HL2 websites, I'm not bothered.

Forums are working properly now, some new concept art should be posted on the site in the next few minutes.
Bill said:
I've had it pointed out to me that there are other Medieval HL2 mods in development, but since I've never heard of any of them and I spend a lot of time on HL2 websites, I'm not bothered.

Forums are working properly now, some new concept art should be posted on the site in the next few minutes.

Bill - you and I have unfinished business..
Well we've actually got a team together now (I'm Lead Coder BTW) but we're still recruiting. If you go take a look at our site at you can see some of the work we've done.

Currently we're looking for texture artists, skinners and mappers. If you're interested please send examples of work to me, my EMail address is [email protected]. If you have any questions or just want to chat about something, feel free to contact me using either ICQ, MSN or AIM (address are in my profile). There's also our IRC channel #valandilmod on and the forums on our site.
I'd just like to make a note, our has been done for a few hours, this happened yesterday as well and we believe it is because of DDOS attacks on our hosting company.

Hopefully the site will be back up tommorow.
If you mess with Bill you mess with ME

Foolhardy gents will find ye without a head!