new model done for Off Limits Mod (lr-300ml)


Jun 8, 2003
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finished another model, the Z-M lr-300ml, as you all can see we still need a texturer, please, if anyone wants to skin our weapons/other models still to be made, do mail me at [email protected]

Here are the model:

1 = with grenade launcher:

2= without grenade launcher:
yea, we do need a texturer :p
and the polycount is still ok :)
without grenade = 3242
with grenade = 4872
but they both are not optimized, we will do that when we get that bloody SDK :p
ok to critthe gun ive never seen a lr300 with a m203 but it looks pretty fine .
LR300s can have a grenade launcher attachment in real life. Click here for an example. The polycount is way too high for the amount of detail that I can't see. The GL shouldn't be 1600 polygons.

Originally posted by nw909
I'd probably like it more if it had no texture.
True dat, homie g dawg.
>ok to critthe gun ive never seen a lr300 with a m203 but it looks pretty fine .

i did everything like the picture, everything should be near perfection,
and yes i know the polycount is still to high, alot can be removed, that's
why i said, it still needs to be optimized ;p
you put too many polys into the barrel.
u shouldnt have put those polys into the butt to make the holes.
ur m203 isnt as smooth.
they look prity good. I don't like the weapon my self. But it looks good.
way too many polys, for the detail and for HL2. the count for now it 2000 - 2500 max. 4872, ok its going to b optimized, but cmon. that will only bring it down to wat, 4000, still double the recommended count.
This model has the same problems that I'm always going on about in all of my crits. You're putting your polygons in the wrong places, and leaving the important areas bland and poorly done. Unless the stock is going to be folded in, there is absolutely no reason for those holes or all of those details since it'll never be seen. Unless the player is going to look down the barrel of the gun, it doesn't need that much detail. Put your polygons into areas that will be seen the most from the player's POV, and not the parts that will make it look better in a render.

As for the polycount, it is way too high for the amount of detail, but I can't help much with that without a shaded wire to see the polygon distribution.

Reguardless, it looks pretty good. I think part of the problem with how it looks is in the poor texturing job; it really kills the look.
i guess you've wasted alot of polies
make a wireframe render, so we can at least see where they went

also the RIS parts and holes take up lots of polies most of the time, so try removing those =|
it looks like the barrel has too much detail while the grip looks like a block
pc on this one is around 3000 but it has somewhat more detail =|
it seems to me also that the polycount is way to high for the amount of detail that i see.
i'v only started working with 3Dsmax about 1,5 months ago, and i already did 4 weapons in that time, longbow, red devil, TOZ-194 and lr-300ml.
i still need to learn i know, and that weapon that you showed was skinned and was alot less detailed i know... we first make a high-detailed weapon, and later create the low-detailed model out of it WITH textures, but we can not skin them because we don't have a skinner :/
when we have that, we can START finishing the models, these shots we show you now are more sort of a presentation of what weapons we will be having (they are near complete, but still need to be less poly's i know) WE JUST NEED A SKINNER #@| :)
so if you are a skinner/texturer and you want to help us out PLEASE do mail me @ [email protected] :)

Originally posted by random.hero
way too many polys, for the detail and for HL2. the count for now it 2000 - 2500 max. 4872, ok its going to b optimized, but cmon. that will only bring it down to wat, 4000, still double the recommended count.

For a start, I'm pretty sure default HL2 weapons are crap compared to what can be done.

Secondly, 4000 polys is for the complete gun, remember you can cut a good 1000 off by removing 1 side (as only one side is visible remember)
sure only 1 side is visible in the 1st person model but you still have to worry about 3rd person. and 3rd person models for playability reasons (depending on how many people you will have on a server) will need ot be under 1500 polys if we are lucky. personally ive been doing them at 1000-1200 as we did in BF. Should it prove that 3rd person can use higher poly counts it's easy enough to add detail in.
3rd person models will ofcourse have less detail; but hey; removing holes from the stock etc. is an easy job, removing the detail that makes this model high poly isn't exactly a lot of work. We just want to make our presentations a bit nicer, and since we don't have a skinner yet we just add a little more detail to the guns; nothing that won't easily be removed though.

But by making a high poly model first, we can choose more easily which parts we'll remove for the view model and which for the world model; or at least; that's our plan :)