New moderator nominations

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Originally posted by :>~

?! I nominate him to be banned!!!!

oh... your mking a joke right? :/

see i cna be slow sometimes :)

/me says good things about Draklyne
$pazmatazz for his post on all of the OT in that one thread of No Info only, or Apos.
I think this is a bit chaotic ppl are voting 4 more that one person may i suggest u do a poll? (vote for me) But if not id vote for Farrowsparrow dont care bout spelling
Actually changed my mind i think mrbadger would be better
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
I think this is a bit chaotic ppl are voting 4 more that one person may i suggest u do a poll? (vote for me) But if not id vote for Farrowsparrow dont care bout spelling

Nah, you can cheat with that. I think that Munro only want to have a clue on what the other members thinks before he take the final step.

But yeah, its kinda chaotic with 3 nominations :)
Dear god, I'd hate to be a moderator here. Too many people. Moderators just want power, anyway. :flame:

I'd rather be the cocky wisecracker who logs on every couple of days and makes fun of people. That's where the real respect is at.
from wut iv seen nietzsche is a nice guy and i could live with him being a mod. :dozey:
Message boards should not be democratic. Just because someone is active or involved with the group does not automatically make them the best candidate for a moderator. The administration should pick someone willing to do their job consistently, correctly, and loyally. The moderator should act like a role model on the forums... This nomination system doesn't really work because maybe the nominated person doesn't want to be a mod, or maybe they're just not the right person to help mod. Friends vote for friends regardless of wether they'd be a good mod. The staff should take time to review and interview a couple of people and make a decision themselves - after all, it is their forum, and they shouldn't need a bad mod to help represent their website...
I would say synth is a responsible, upstanding member of the community and i feel he should become a moderator of these excellent and informative forums

I didnt use control and c synth, i made a bit up but i kept the main body that you sent me. Oh and i do accept PayPal.
Originally posted by Eternity
Moderators just want power, anyway. :flame:
Moderators do have power, but you gotta think of it as if they're super heroes... they can either use that power for good or for evil.

"With great power comes great responsibility." - Spiderman :dork:
Yep. Power over someone's posts is pretty insignificant, but it's power nonetheless.

Simply because you either have a choice to either use it wisely or not doesn't mean you should just pick anyone, though. And, of course, it's a nasty job to pick someone because, as the old saying goes, the worst politicians are the ones who want to be politicians. :hmph: Which means a voting system is probably the best choice, actually.

[Politicians being moderators in this case, of course.]
I voted for Apos because he seems to be a very responsible person. Thats my first impression of him after being on these forums for only a couple of days.
Originally posted by Murray_H
I would say synth is a responsible, upstanding member of the community and i feel he should become a moderator of these excellent and informative forums

I didnt use control and c synth, i made a bit up but i kept the main body that you sent me. Oh and i do accept PayPal.

LOL! you wish i'd send money. ;)

as i said before, i don't think it's right to nominate people, but Murray and Majestic XII are two people that have stood out in my mind as responsible people.
I think Munro shall decide.. What if a total ------ will be an moderator and do what ever he feels for.. No no, Munro you make the ppl you want to an moderator ;)
Originally posted by synth
Message boards should not be democratic. Just because someone is active or involved with the group does not automatically make them the best candidate for a moderator. The administration should pick someone willing to do their job consistently, correctly, and loyally. The moderator should act like a role model on the forums...

I concur with Synth. Given my experience with the Gameplanet NZ forums I can say there's nothing remotely democratic about choosing moderators for public forums -- purely a fascist job alone... ;)

Pick the individuals whom you see as being responsible enough Supreme Dictat-Elect Munro. Even better if they're not actually individuals and are affiliated to a site or online community or similar other -- something which already demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a steady sense of community. There's too much risk of picking someone who's going to go on a power trip otherwise.
I nominate myself to be banned. Because I'm the exact opposite of all those things you'd want in a moderator, plus I post off-topic non-scensical posts and annoy people. Plus I write a whole lot of tripe and when you read it, your hair will fall out and you'll find yourself fantasizing about musclebound male bodybuilders (don't try to deny it). And I start sentances with Plus and Because even though my English teacher told me not too. But I hated English so I don't care.

-Phision is phishin phor trouble. :eek:

P.S. i'm just kidding don't ban me. :E
Nominations are not the same thing as voting. You only need to be nominated once to be nominated, and THEN there's either an election or dictatorial choosing.

Speaking of moderators, someone needs to clean out the sticky thread again: "Gabe gabe! If I fill a pot with water and then put it on a stove in HL2, can I make different sorts of soup? (uh, Gabe's not heeeeeere maaaaan....)"
Why don't Munro just set 2 peeps that is online on the forums 24/7 ( liek me yes ;) ) ? It would be much better than having 10 moderators who isn't online as much as someone else. :/
Originally posted by geeK
Why don't Munro just set 2 peeps that is online on the forums 24/7 ( liek me yes ;) ) ? It would be much better than having 10 moderators who isn't online as much as someone else. :/

I dont think all the peeps in here will be mods. :)
Originally posted by geeK
I think Munro shall decide.. What if a total ------ will be an moderator and do what ever he feels for.. No no, Munro you make the ppl you want to an moderator ;)

Munro already said he has a few people in mind, he just wants to see our opinions too.
Majestic XII and Apos

edit: eeh.. munro? when I said I want to be a forum mod on and you said everyone that asks will not be a MOD.. did you meant that?

/me slowly and silently walks away with the fear still in his eyes
Originally posted by synth
Message boards should not be democratic. Just because someone is active or involved with the group does not automatically make them the best candidate for a moderator. The administration should pick someone willing to do their job consistently, correctly, and loyally. The moderator should act like a role model on the forums... This nomination system doesn't really work because maybe the nominated person doesn't want to be a mod, or maybe they're just not the right person to help mod. Friends vote for friends regardless of wether they'd be a good mod. The staff should take time to review and interview a couple of people and make a decision themselves - after all, it is their forum, and they shouldn't need a bad mod to help represent their website...
/me wipes tears from eyes
I agree wholeheartly.

as for the nominations, I vote for Jager.. just for his nickname Jagermeister.. which should actually be Jaggermeister :E

Originally posted by SidewinderX143
I sill haven't been nominated :(

i'm going to cry now.

I'm member 181 and still haven't been nominated :(
Originally posted by righte0us
/me wipes tears from eyes
I agree wholeheartly.

as for the nominations, I vote for Jager.. just for his nickname Jagermeister.. which should actually be Jaggermeister :E

I'm member 181 and still haven't been nominated :(
I vote for Apos, because he knows what he's talking about!

Are we voting or nominating, it seems to be a mix of both...
Originally posted by righte0us

I'm member 181 and still haven't been nominated :(

I know how you feel. :( I have the 8th highest posts too. i guess people don't love me. :/
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