new moniter


Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
im looking for an lcd, and i need to be educated in all things techno-ish about them, repsonse time, yadda yadda.
suppose 16ms or 12ms response time, anything below 25ms.
but im still using CRTs, they are cheaper ;)
The size advertised is actually the viewable size for lcds, you want at least a 20ms response time. At least a 400:1 contrast ratio, mine has a 1000:1 contrast ratio, i got mine 85 dollars off.
17" LCD the SAMSUNG SYNCMASTER 710T. Thats the LCD Im looking at getting after doing a bunch of research. Go buy that one and tell me what you think.
How much is that The Terminator cause my CRT just died and I'm looking into a LCD?
The Terminator said:
17" LCD the SAMSUNG SYNCMASTER 710T. Thats the LCD Im looking at getting after doing a bunch of research. Go buy that one and tell me what you think.
That monitor is good too, 4 ms lower b-b response time. The contrast is less though, and it doesnt list the monitors pixel pitch. Also, the samsung has probably the best pixel interpolation on the market right now. Which means that even when you run the monitor on a res that isnt its native one (1280 x 1024(same for both)) itll still look half decent where with most(probably the viewsonic too) it looks quite bad, usually near unplayable. Both are good.

Samsung Pros:
Better contrast
Better warranty
Great pixel interpolation

Viewsonic Pros:
Great response time
Cheaper then the Samsung by $75

Its up to you to weigh the info, but Id go with the samsung because ur not going to notice ghosting on either. Plus I like playing in different res' for different games, just my preference. Also I like the look of the Samsung more.
but im saying like, can i get reason why contrast is better, i want to be ble to go "hmmmmm" at a bestbuy and know what im doing

this just like my friend who never saw a analog clock, he was used to digitals
contrast on the sammy is 600:1 (600 to 1) where the VS is 500:1, the higher the number the better.

Here are the main things you need to know about monitors.

Response time: lower = better. Usually a gamer will want 16 ms or lower, though 12ms or lower is best. Its basically how fast the pixels can change from black to white to black again. This is what affects "ghosting" or "blurring" on LCDs.

Brightness: higher = better. Most LCDs have a brightness of around 200-300 cd/m2.

Contrast: higher = better. A contrast level of 500:1-600:1 is very good.

Pixel pitch: lower = better. This number comes in the format "" 0.26 and lower is good.

Resolution: This is the LCDs native resolution, not necessarily higher = better. Most 17" LCDs come in 1280x1024 native res, though some are 1024x768.

Veiwing Angle: higher = better. A viewing angle of 160 x 160 is as good as it gets pretty much.

Just look for these qualities when shopping for a LCD monitor and you should be able to pick out a pretty good one.