New Motherboard Fan


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
What fan would be a good new fan for my motherboard?
My mb is a A8N-SLI.
What the hell is a motherboard fan O_o?

Bridge fan? Chipset fan? HSF?
On the ASUS SLi Deluxe board, there is a little fan that blows heat off the board. I read around before buying my Premium, and found out that the fan had problems, hence why I bought my Premium.

Call the company, they'll replace it.
Just replace it with a simple heatsink. That's what my friend did, cuz the fan wouldn't run anymore after only 5 months.
*huggles his jet engine of a PC* :D

If it died, just phone up Asus (the company not the member ;)) and they should send you a new one :)
I have a a8n-sli deluxe and that little fan is like a fking plane. Going to replace it with a heatsink someday.
abit and asus have both very crapy chipset fans.

but you dont realy need a fan down there, a passive 2-bucks cooler should do ist, and its 100% noiseless.