new movie stealing Combine idea?

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yeah, they do. I think the overall look is more combine-ish, but the gas mask definetly looks more like Killzone-style.
looks/sounds more like a FEAR ripoff to me. a guy getting control over super soldiers.
Sabot said:
Well to be honest they look like a mix of combine and them killzone men.



Taken from clantemplates renders..
I see a big resemblance between the Combine and the Helghast, but not much between them and the dudes in UltraViolet...
Laivasse said:
That film looks like Blade crossed with Equilibrium crossed with a steaming pile of dung. DUNGORAMA.

It should look like it's a cross with Equilibrium, considering that it's directed by Kurt Wimmer ;) . :eek: I just broke almost two years of lurking on this site just to defend Kurt Wimmer. He's brainwashed me into being the ultimate Equilibrium fan!
IsolatioN said:
I mean alot. they even have what appears to be stun batons/sticks.

alot of films have those in them. i really dont think they're ripping off half life.
they don't look anything like the combine guys. Their only similarity is being military and wearing gasmasks

For the record halflife 2 did not create the faceless henchman in a gasmask genre of badguy, nor the concept of soldiers wearing gasmasks. Almost ever futuristic type FPS ever made has featured some type of faceless gasmasked guy to shoot. Especially FEAR and HL2, but there are countless others.

This movie seems like just another popcorn flick thats very pretentious and packed with enough special effects to dazzle the stupid.
Well I really think it is unfair to say that they "don't look anything like combine". That is everyone's individual opinion, and I myself think they look considerably similar to combine. They make similar noises, atleast.

No one is saying HL2/Valve "created" the faceless henchmen. I simply started this topic to discuss how a movie is using a standard for an enemy which (in my opinion) looks very similar to the combine from the HL universe. Perhaps my title to the topic is too controversial, for I didn't mean to imply that I felt Valve created this genre of villain, or imply that it is an exact rip-off of the combine. Just felt like discussing the similarities.

Ahh well.
i think the "aaahhhhhhh" noises are fairly universal when it comes to being shot in the head / Meleed to death :p
take a good look at them

Combine uniforms are based around padding which I'm guessing is supposed to be composed of high tech bullet resistant stuff.

The UV movie henchmen have their uniforms based around rigid plates

The combine uniforms have almost no webbing to attach ammo and supplies aside from a little pouch.

The UV henchmen are covered like crazy in military webbing

The combine gasmasks are self contained to the face area and don't actually have filters. (some research into gasmasks would show that the top cylinder is for projecting your voice through the mask and the lower one is the air exhaust, combien masks don't have the intake or filter modeled in for some reason)

The UV gasmasks have a huge WW1 type hose leading from their face to a filter

Combine gasmasks have glowy eyes, UV has dark black lenses

The only similarity is that they are both paramilitary, wear unecessary gasmasks, and have nasty batons for administering beatings.

I consider this along the same lines of "OMG antlions ripoff starship troopers WTF!"
why is it that video games and movies used the formula "gasmask = evil guy"? why do we never see good guys with them?

is it simply that the dehumanizing effect makes us not care if they get killed in droves, or does it make them more capable of evil acts?
falconwind said:
why is it that video games and movies used the formula "gasmask = evil guy"? why do we never see good guys with them?

is it simply that the dehumanizing effect makes us not care if they get killed in droves, or does it make them more capable of evil acts?
It's pretty much to dehumanize them. We do it all the time in the real world, makes sense to do likewise in games. Hell, wars probably wouldn't happen if those who fought them turned their enemies into hellishly evil people with no semblance of humanity.
falconwind said:
why is it that video games and movies used the formula "gasmask = evil guy"? why do we never see good guys with them?

is it simply that the dehumanizing effect makes us not care if they get killed in droves, or does it make them more capable of evil acts?

Both actually. Well, there is one other reason.


1.) It saves alot of time for the developers if you only need one look for your enemy. As opposed to different uniforms on the citizens and different faces.

2.) It does infact dehumanize them.

3.) In real-life, people are prone to do evil things that they are told to do if they are anonymous: IE: if no one can see who they are. Thus, the gas masks.
UV's gasmasks aren't unnecessary
they prevent the humans from turning into not-vampires-I-swear, or that's what I gathered from the trailer

Equilibrium was very derivative and could have sucked too, but I was fond of it, I'm sure he'll make UV watchable
I saw the trailer for that movie. It looks kinda rubbish. I won't be seeing it.
I would be here telling you that the masked soldier is a common theme and Ultraviolet stole it from a lot of sources. But then I saw another trailer, and in it she's sword fighting with an elite soldier IN WHITE ARMOR. So yeah, thats just going too far.
falconwind said:
why is it that video games and movies used the formula "gasmask = evil guy"? why do we never see good guys with them?

is it simply that the dehumanizing effect makes us not care if they get killed in droves, or does it make them more capable of evil acts?

Obviosly a man who has never seen "who dares wins", but that is the exeption to the rule (ever since the Iranian embassy seige we in Britan seem to have associated men in gas masks, black overalls, body armour and webbing carrying SMGs to be the good guys. SAS FTW!)

I would say its so the developers can be lazy, because its easier to make one guy in a gas mask than 5 different guys with faces. Also, it does have a dehumanising aspect to it as well.
In the trailer, the research building was shaped like a biohazard symbol, what's the point of that? And why do the soldiers have some weird glass armor? Many things in that movie seem very pointless.
not only was that movie terribly unoriginal/generic shit storyline or whatever, they couldnt even be bothered making their own soundtrack, and decided to use a song from the matrix for the trailer.
Yes they do.

1) They seek to destroy anything that is different to them.
2) The plunder anything of use from the people they exterminate and adapt it to suit their needs.
2) They have developed to the stage where they require technology to move around.
3) They assimilate the local populace through technology to do their bidding.
4) Their behavior, look and mannerisms all have strong facist themes inherent in their design.
The Daleks want to kill everything, the Combine want to control everything.
No they don't. They want to conquer, destroy, and steal anything that's useful to them.
There is a very important difference between the Borg and the Combine.

From what I know about Star Trek the most important thing about the Borg is that they share a collective conscience. So if one Borg sees something then they all know about it. I don’t think this is true of the Combine, they operate under a caste system, with what appears to be a master race ordering its subjugated hordes about.
The Borg and Combine are similar in that they unite races from different planets under an evil cyborg banner but to say that the Combine are a rip-off of the Borg is unfair on Valve.
The Borg don’t have anything as interesting like massive monster/machines as flying troop carriers and assault craft or giant slugs pushing everyone around. As you can see I’m not a fan of Star Trek.
way to go off topic here people well done;) .
As for that movie, from what I've seen it's a big piece'o'crap with chunky bits on top that apparently are called "effects":P .
Redneck said:
way to go off topic here people well done;) .
As for that movie, from what I've seen it's a big piece'o'crap with chunky bits on top that apparently are called "effects":P .

When a topic dies, why not bury it and move on?

And yes, the movie is teh sux0r :p
Milla Jovovich is teh sux0r..
That is milla Jovovich right? She looks bad with black hair
that screenie made me look at the pre-rendered KILLZONE 2 video again... blah.
IsolatioN said:
the commercial stated that the government was creating super soldiers. When it shows the female lead fighting some of the soldiers, they look ALOT like combine.. I mean alot. they even have what appears to be stun batons/sticks.

That is copying the look of Overwatch forces, 'stealing Combine idea' would be something else entirely.
Haven't taken Combine idear they just look like them...I don't see them puting zombies in towns.
The gasmask look has been there since WW I and II days. No copying here.
Becouse it's fun!

No. There have been no stealing. It's all part of the faceless enemy thing.