New Nintendo Console @ E3

Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score

A PS3 and Xbox 360 competitor

The console in question supports HD resolutions, but is unknown at present if the graphics will be comparable to PS3 and Xbox 360. However, it is considered to be competitive to the two.

According to the various sources, Nintendo is already showing the new console to third-party developers in order to get them excited, and provide the firms with plenty of time to create titles before it hits the market in 2012, supposedly.

“Nintendo is doing this one right,” said one anonymous source. “[It's] not a gimmick like the Wii.”

It is unknown at present whether the system will feature a regular controller as the main configuration, but it is assumed motion controllers will be part of the package. It is being reported, though, that the system is more than just an “HD Wii.”
Well this is unexpected. I really think they'll have to trump the other consoles' graphics or have some kind of innovation. Can't really see them trying to compete on graphics. Not that they can't, it's just not nintendo's style. I hope the gimmick is something other than new and improved motion controls, but that seems most likely.
Looking forward to seeing what they have up their sleeves :)
I don't want this console to have motion controls as the selling point. hopefully they make a solid system with hardcore games pumping out left and right
If it's like a 360/PS3 but with 2 or 4GB of RAM, that would be alright.
As long as it's not a console that is mainly geared as motion sensor BS, then I'm fine with it. But I heavily doubt it.
So, they want to rescue the hardcore gamers.

Can't wait for the new Zelda a la God of War, with Link raping the shit out of the princess. He might be black too.
Awesome, another console to play a slightly better looking Mario game on.
They should usher in the next console generation instead of merely competing with the last gen.
THAT, would be awesome.
No way thats going to happen for 4 years, but they definitely want a hard drive and better online to get into dlc and better downloadable games, so this might come out
But the Wii already has the best downloadable games: the games from yesteryear that are still better than shit that comes out today.
It says the console will include a custom IBM PowerPC CPU with three cores, a GPU from the ATI R700 family with a shader unit at version 4.1, and at least 512Mb of RAM.

Apparently the specs are "on par" with the Xbox 360 and it will be running a triple core processor. In my opinion they are making a huge mistake if they don't make it significantly more powerful than the 360 and PS3. These consoles are what, 5-6 years old? They are already showing their age. I won't be dropping $300-$400 for last gen hardware just to play a few mario and zelda games here and there.
I won't be dropping $300-$400 for last gen hardware just to play a few mario and zelda games here and there.

Everyone did it for the Wii. I'm sure they'll sell like hot cakes.
Seriously, we're looking at another Dreamcast scenario. No matter how good this console is it's entering the market to compete with current gen instead of next gen, and it's doing it far, far too late. When the next consoles arrive this thing is going to be pushed out.

Also, screen on the controller? It's official, the Wii 2 is the Dreamcast 2. Somebody alert Keith Apicary.
Nintendo is not the type of company that would produce a high tech system and sell it for less then manufacturing price. They don't have the kind of backing that Sony and Microsoft have to afford that kinda thing. This is probably why that system will only be slightly more powerful then the current gen systems, because it will be profitable and affordable.
Hopefully it's ****ing awesome and worth buying and developing for.

LCDs on every standard controller? Expensive and retarded. They can go right ahead and stuff that 360/PS3 competitor shit back up their ass if they stand by that. $300 controllers is not an innovative idea in this market.

edit: what if the 3DS WAS the controller? If you keep it in your peripheral vision while you watch your TV primarily you get... 4D gaming.



But the Wii already has the best downloadable games: the games from yesteryear that are still better than shit that comes out today.

Shit it couldnt even run Super Meat Boy due to size limitations by Nintendo, even if you have memory cards out the ass
Nintendo is not the type of company that would produce a high tech system and sell it for less then manufacturing price. They don't have the kind of backing that Sony and Microsoft have to afford that kinda thing. This is probably why that system will only be slightly more powerful then the current gen systems, because it will be profitable and affordable.

Nintendo is not the company to make high tech systems period, they coast by solely on children and "charm". Why else limit the size of 3ds carts to 2 GB, regardless of whether or not publishers will buy the larger versions for what are bulkier, 3d games.

Making something only slightly more powerful than your competitors is a risk, people want something new and the motion control craze wont save this, Kinect is the new thing.
Kinect is as much of a gimmick as the Wii's motion controls, if not more so.
Making something only slightly more powerful than your competitors is a risk, people want something new and the motion control craze wont save this, Kinect is the new thing.
I'm pretty sure Kinect has lost its hype.
Casuals bitching about control schemes. I'll buy it if the games are good.
Kinect is as much of a gimmick as the Wii's motion controls, if not more so.

Never said it wasnt, in fact it definitely is more gimmicky and pretty damn worthless for gaming except for a very narrow variety of games.

It is the new party game system and has a lot of hype to casuals, though
If it is motion-control centric then I can't really be all that arsed to care, I've tried Wii before and never really gotten into the motion control system.

Of course though, it was three years since I last tried playing the Wii, maybe I should give it another go sometime.
This new console will probably still cost less than the new Xbox or PS3 come 2012-2013
Casuals bitching about control schemes. I'll buy it if the games are good.
^ Truth. I can understand why people might not enjoy motion controls, but motion controls are not inherently casual.
Maybe not Wii-style motion controls, but something like the Kinect definitely lends itself a lot better to casual games.
If it lets us upscale Wii and GC games similar to the Dolphin emulator i'll be there day one. Actually, i'll be there day one regardless, but it would be lovely to play non glitchy Galaxy in HD.
Hopefully this system doesn't have what I call the Nintendo "curse" which came from their newest consoles. I mean "curse" by releasing all of their good titles in the beginning and never putting out anything good until the console is on it's death bed. The Wii was definitely a perpetrator of this, the ratio of quality to crap on the wii is horrible. Nintendo needs to straighten up and become king of the consoles again. I just played super nes this week and I remembered how damn good Nintendo used to be, now it just caters to all the people who have never cared about games in the first place. I do hope this console shapes up and becomes something spectacular, no more gimmicks. In regard to the controller with the screen in them I think they should offer two different controllers, one with and one without. Who the hell wants to play a game on a regular T.V. with a huge paper-weight of a controller in their hand?
edit: what if the 3DS WAS the controller? If you keep it in your peripheral vision while you watch your TV primarily you get... 4D gaming.




And the single greatest headache mankind has ever faced.

Honestly though, I can see where Nintendo wants to go with this. When tossing up between equal systems people look to the exclusives, and there is no better first-party developer than Nintendo. If they could also crack into the third party market where the X-Box and PS have been duking it out for the past decade, they could do very well for themselves indeed.

If this was the case, it would be a better attempt at what I think the GameCube tried and failed to accomplish. Of course, if they make the console this-gen rather than next-gen, they are setting themselves up to fail utterly and miserably, a bit like the GameCube did.
I remenber before the wii came out a idea I saw on the internet that the next console will have a built in projector,I think something like that would be too cool

This time, the information comes from a trusted source of IGN’s.

The insider claims it will retail between $350 and $400 based on manufacturing costs, which is a bit more than analyst Jesse Divnich predicted, and it will ship from Taiwanese manufacturer, Foxconn. It is due to start leaving the factory as early as October, meaning it could release as late or as early as November. But the source also claims Nintendo could hold off until early 2012 in order to stockpile the system and give developers a chance to create more titles for it.

This might also give the firm the opportunity to “lower the retail price of the system with lower profit margins to make the price more alluring,” something Microsoft and Sony have both done in the past.

IGN also said its source told it the following:

“The system is based on “AMD’s R700 GPU architecture, not AMD’s Fusion technology as previously believed, which will, as previously reported, out perform the PlayStation 3?s NVIDIA 7800GTX-based processor. Like the Xbox 360, the system’s CPU will be a custom-built triple-core IBM PowerPC chipset, but the clocking speeds will be faster. The system will support 1080p output with the potential for stereoscopic 3D as well, though it has not been determined whether that will be a staple feature.”

IGN’s source also claims it will comparable to the original Xbox 360 in size, and may resemble a modernized version of the SNES. The insider went on to confirm the controllers with integrated touchscreens with the capability of streaming games to each controller while also “feasibly provide a virtualized console for each individual unit.”

One of the potential names being tossed around for the system, again, according to the source, is Stream; however, this is just one of many being considered.

It is rumored that Nintendo plans to announce the console at E3, but today, Shigeru Miyamoto said he was aware of the “coffee” rumors and for folks not to believe everything they read.

Hopefully, we’ll know the truth of the matter soon.
I think the R700 would be a smart, cost-effective way for Nintendo to outperform both the 360 and PS3. If I'm not mistaken R700 is 2-3 generation old tech, but 2-3 generations newer than the 8800 and 7800 in the 360 and PS3, respectively.

If they lean towards a 4700 or 4800 level PC card, and there's no reason not to as the tech is cheap, graphically speaking, it should run circles around the 360 and PS3. Better memory achitecure, higher clock speeds, and a TON more stream processors. It should be a significant jump.

It should also have 2-3 years on both the next XBox and PS iterations as both MS and Sony have said the console lifecycle will stretch as far as 2015-2016. So, it's not really a Dreamcast situation since Sega only had about a year on its own. If they're smart, Nintendo could undercut the 360 and PS3 in price and have at least a 2 year headstart.
The only saving grace of this is if the current console generation goes on as long as people say it will(Sony might push out a new console in a couple years due to haxing which would dwarf the wii 2 again). Them getting a new generation of Xbox PS3 while this is still new will push them right back to their current audience with no gains
I'll be surprised if Sony can even afford to produce another console, let alone regain enough consumer trust for it to be fiscally viable. And Microsoft will probably be happy to coast on their nickel-and-dime extortion scheme without a real competitor, until the new Nintendo system starts intruding on their sales.