New NSPO Renders




I am Scott, Public Relations Manager for NSPO, a Far Cry Mod. Here is what we have been working on:

Beretta 92f:

Colt M4A1:

Colt M16A3:




MP5 SD5:


Tactical Beretta:

You can come visit us at


Ohhhh looking good, but whats that farcry I hear?, dont waste you talents m8 you know HL 2 will blow it out the water and then shoot it 8 times while its in the air and leave it in a horrible mess. :sniper:
Jammydodger said:
Ohhhh looking good, but whats that farcry I hear?, dont waste you talents m8 you know HL 2 will blow it out the water and then shoot it 8 times while its in the air and leave it in a horrible mess. :sniper:

Farcry is gonna be great too dood.
Pendragon said:
It'd have been nice if you said what NSPO stands for (Navy Seals: Pre-emptive Operations), and I'd have just image-linked, plus I wouldn't have posted about a FarCry mod on an HL2 forum . . . oh fine, I'm in an argumentative mood. By the way, where's the originality? Still more Navy Seals/CS/Modern war mods?

Awesome work though, who did it?
Since HL2 shows no sign of ever appearing, might aswell allow it even if it is far cry, even though thats another which will probably never turn up in the end :(
Most of those models done by Pzyco. NSPO is Navy Seals Preemptive Operations, a HL2 Converted Far Cry mod. Thanks for your comments.
hehe those guns look way to high poly for ne game.
Well, great models. Really top notch.

Other comments about the mod...
Site: where's the about page? is there any information available about the mod? anyhting, no media gallery, no about, no staff page....
Also, there seems to be a few missing files (images)....

Mod: If l33t_Haxs is still leading the mod, there is no way i'm touching the mod with a 10foot pole. The rest of your team might be great, as your models show, but if l33t_haxs is involved with the mod, I'm sorry, but I can't in good concience reccomend anyone to your mod.
I followed a thread in the Chaos Ops forums where some guy said that they really didn't see what was special about CO, they said they thought it was like CS, which was, in their opion, bad. Most of the community responded well, informing the forum person about fatures of the mod and whatnot. However, leet_haxs, a co-leader of the mod at that point, told the guy to shut up and go back to CS, which was completely, 100% uncalled for. Later he acted the same way, saying that his excuse was that he gets that question alot (maybe there's soemthing to that.....). Anyway, he hacked, like his name implies, completely immature and unhelpful to the community. In my opinion, he has NO right to be anywhere near a leadership position of a mod.

I strongly reccomend you get rid of him if he is still on your team.

Edit: also, i really recommend making things viewable by non members... 99% of people, including myself, are too lazy to register for your site/forums, and it seems all your material is unavailable to non-registered members. Seems like you guysw ant to have a lot of members (stupid e-penis...don't understand it), but you'll turn more and more people away by haveing everyhting closed to non-members.
Excuse me SidewinderX,

I know you have your modification, but we would appreciate it if you do not single one of our members out like that. It would just be one little thing, I have no idea. Can you see how someone would take offense to this? I mean, what if I went off on your mod like you just did to us? You would want to kill me, wouldn't you? Just please do me a favor and think before you type. If you have any more problems, you can e-mail me directly. Thanks.

Sidewinder does have a point, though. I recall that exact thread where l33t_Haxs went off at some member of the public asking polite, interesting questions. Great PR.
Can you guys post the link to this thread? I know 1337_haxs from moddb so i want to know for sure about this.
operative x said:
Can you guys post the link to this thread? I know 1337_haxs from moddb so i want to know for sure about this.
I saw the thread too operative x. He was way out of order and gave the impression all involved were as immature as he. Which I imagine their not, but it still alienated the mod from a number of people and has given them a bad name now. The questions being asked were very polite and helpful too, so it was totally uncalled for. :(
I believe i deleted the thread you are implying for obvious reasons.

Although i do believe Far Cry mods should stay to far cry sites. You deserted HL2 but you want crits from the Hl2 community :( we arnt good enough though :(
I agree the weapons look nice but the Far Cry stuff should stay with the far cry comunity.

the models belong here they are cool but the acctual pimping of the site should probs go off topic of other gameing.
Far Cry will have a much easier editor. And we do know it is coming on March 23rd.
Great models!
Too bad you're not modding for HL2 anymore.

And why shouldn't the far cry modpeople post their stuff here? This is just the "Models & Skins" Forum, not the "Models & Skins ONLY for HL2" forum.
This has been stated before, I believe.

Anyways, who says Far cry will have an easier editor ? We don't know much about either to be honest, and both the Crytek Engine (that's what it's called right?) and Source has the opportunity to create terrain in a "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" fashion, which is the only feature that the far cry people has been pimping, to my knowledge.

If I'm wrong, tell me. Knowledge is power, after all...
its Models and Skins Under HL2 Development category :)

But Fary cry might be good for a mod like that, where you want islands :)

are they going to release an Actual SDK? or just do a BF1942 like modelling tools?
I don't see a problem with other people posting non-Half-life2 mods in this forum as some people even post models that are completely unrelated to gaming.

The models look very good, the modeller really does have an eye for detail which is something i really love to see. I will definately try out your mod when Far Cry comes out.
So long as, like someone else said, they dont pimp their non HL2 mod. Then they can post their images here if they want. But like their sites, I doubt they'd approve of HL2 mods pimping their mods on none HL2 forums

So long as its just images, music, animations and no recruiting or banging on about their mod, then there shouldn't be a problem.
I'm e-mailing you scott, as per your request.

Anyway, I have no problem with non-hl2 people showing thier models....
SidewinderX143: in response to wanting to remove the founder and owner of ns: po

Number 1 i was not the first to throw the stone first it was icecube then afterburner and several other dev members. now if you do not like me that is ok but please do not go throwing a stone at me without first reviewing the facts thanks

also look here

and here

now i had to do alot of searching to dig up the past but here it is :rolling:

these may not be the ones but they are the only ones i can find that involve cs unless i missed em


also just to tell you (and i know i am not using the edit button) i did not edit any of those posts because i got no admin powers and i did not have anyone change them around for me.
l337_Haxs: As scott requested, may we continue this via e-mail?
[email protected]
[email protected]

Those posts you dug up were extreamley helpfull.

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The error returned was:

You do not have permission to view this topic

I'll assume they were the threads in question...

First of all, it's not a matter of "oh oh oh, he did it first." As a member of the dev team, you don't have the right to be a complete [censored] to the community.

And, oddly enough, I saved the files form the thread in question. I have uploaded them now, and anyone who wishes to review the thread in question may. I will swear on whatever you wish That I have not altered these files. All I did was rename them.

For those who don't feel like reading it all, i'll quote some of l337_Hax's remarks.

L337_Haxs said:
5 words
shut-up and go play counter-strike

L337_Haxs said:
look buddy i take anyone calling me and cubes mod a freaking cs clone, i got that alot and so did he so if anyone calls it that then they suck up to cs and should just go play also where do you get young 12 year old out of that im not the one calling it a cs clone even im not that dumb

[edit]changed the /"me" part... it had my name... error, sry [/edit] /.me laughs at you

I belive the thread was locked at this point....

(side note: I Have to say that I'm particularly impressed with that last post....)
Yes you are correct in all of that but i will let the people speak for themselves as for what i see i am afraid almost everyone i know think i answered apropietly. ill let the facts speak for themselves believe what you like but when he dont get the point of the start then he just never would as i can see this thread is as good as closed

/me brings out caution tape

also feel free to contact anyone on my team to find out about me know one i going to lie because all are free to speak there minds.
Okay... after reviewing that thread, I've got the impression as well that you are extremely immature.

You didn't debunk their claims that it is a CS-clone (you told them to "shut up and go play Counter-Strike,"), nor were you in a position to tell them to shut up. You are the co-leader of the mod (or were, not sure though), and although you have that "power", you effectively lost it by being an asshole to a community member.

Great job.
Wait wait wait. I feel really bad now, this is/will turn into a series of personal attacks, so if you have soemthing to say on the issue publicly, please limit it to just something like "l33t_haxs acted very immaturley" or "SidewinderX143 is wrong about this". If you have soemthing more to say to hime OR me, you cna e-mail us at our respective e-mails.
yes i agree i am human i make mistakes sidewinder i got no hard feelings i said let people think as they may
Maybe you all should exchange e-mail address's instead of flaming each other in a public area. ;)
