New Nuclear Dawn Media

I get confused between the two so easily that I wouldn't even know if you were lying to me, Undertone. It's like a philip k dick short story. I don't know which is real and which is fake.

true that. just uh... check my signature? ennui is pretty good source on that sort of thing, no?
I don't have any children... does this mean the bear will attack... you know where?

Nuclear Dawn looks impressive. But does it play as well as it shines?
I don't have any children... does this mean the bear will attack... you know where?

Nuclear Dawn looks impressive. But does it play as well as it shines?

Nuclear Dawn isn't a game silly, it's a collection of screenshots.
true that. just uh... check my signature? ennui is pretty good source on that sort of thing, no?
What if Ennui is lying, a computer simulation, a drug hallucination, or all of the above?
What if Ennui is lying, a computer simulation, a drug hallucination, or all of the above?

a lying computer simulation that was all apart of your drug hallucination? then that would mean that i am apart of it to, or that you are as well. thats all way too heavy for me man. too much.... thought.

just uh, trust me on this one?
soooo couldn't find a more recent thread and didn't want to make one since I found this one sooo.... *MEGABUMP* but wtf is up with this mod? dead...not dead? vaporware? wut
it's looking pretty vaporous to me these days. i'm glad i jumped ship from their community back in 2006 when they were still insisting that a beta was "right around the corner".
I know how hanging out with them could tarnish your street cred, Ennui. Anyway, there hasn't been a news update on their site for a good year now.
Their content is starting to move over (among other things) to other mods (such as Off-Limits), so it would seem that they are pretty dead.
I know how hanging out with them could tarnish your street cred, Ennui. Anyway, there hasn't been a news update on their site for a good year now.

"Could"? Less modal, more past tense. I'm still recovering from all the shit I took for being affiliated with them. Some of us will never truly recover.

However, I know that they did have a working alpha build. A few months before I quit working as a moderator on the ND forums, I almost got fired for leaking two screenshots of the RTS commander mode that Spk (then lead-coder) gave me. I don't think he's still involved with ND, I know he took over after DaveL left, but I think he's in the industry now. If I still had those screenshots I'd show you but this was years ago. Regardless, surely there's a half-finished prototype kickin' around.

If they ARE vaporware after all, it would be decent for them to do what Forsaken did and release all of their source code and the current playable version of the mod.